December 18, 2009

“We the People”are not going away

Filed under: General — mary @ 1:03 am

IMG_1982The North Idaho Tea Party Patriots sponsored a rally again Wednesday night at the State Line Events Center.  It drew a huge crowd of over 1400 people!  The music was great, the singing was wonderful and the speakers were interesting and informative;  it was good citizenship at its best.  (The photo is from the September event)

The people at these Tea Party rallies are demanding these basics from our government:

1.  Stop spending our money so fast! (Don’t say Bush did it too, we didn’t like it then either)

2. Reduce the size and scope of government.  Get it out of our way so we can create jobs.

3.  Stop making ridiculously huge bills that no one will read.  Take more time, break up the subject into manageable parts, and write bills for each section.

Do you have any more suggestions to add to the list?


  1. I’m pulling up this comment from Willpenny on another thread. Here’s what he said:

    Not sure if this is the right spot for this but it says Open Session, so here goes. Watching the news and looking at internet news sites, I find it interesting how Democrat representatives and senators are clamoring to pass a health care bill FOR THE PRESIDENT!! Weren’t they elected BY THE PEOPLE, shouldn’t they be working for US, the ones who brought them to the dance? The last Rasmussen poll I saw had 56% of THE PEOPLE opposed to health care and only 44% thinking the president was doing a good job. Just an observation.

    Comment by Will Penny — December 17, 2009 @ 10:50 pm

    Comment by mary — December 18, 2009 @ 1:05 am

  2. Do you have any more suggestions to add to the list?”

    uummm….just a couple…

    1. Balance the budget and the retain 3% from it to pay down the National debt.

    2. Freeze immigration until national goals, needs and costs of the influx of foreigners is understood.

    3. Eliminate the private cash management company known as Federal Reserve.

    4. Repeal the 16th and 17th amendments.

    5. Eliminate all pension and health care for elected officials at State and federal level.

    6. Congressionally fund only the presidential cabinet positions of Secretaries of State, Defense, Treasury, Interior, Transportation and Commerce.

    7. Charge foreign countries a fee to protect them (and do so only if it’s in our necessary national interest).

    8. Authorize the Secretary of Interior to use all national resources to become energy independent.

    9. Inform the UN that we will pay dues based on “citizen proportion.” (300 million Americans divided into 6.8 Billion humans on the planet) and that any federal money spent for ‘world calamities’ will be deducted from that amount. Or just get out of the UN.

    10. Allow Congress to vote yea or nay on decisions of the Supreme Court.

    11. Begin the process of drafting a new Constitution.

    12. Allow the individual States the right to secede without recourse.

    Comment by Zapatista — December 18, 2009 @ 10:17 am

  3. The original tea party in Boston was about money. The King authorized the stamp act/tax on the colonialists to pay for the French/Indian Wars without any consultation, aka Representation, with the Colonials. Hence, taxation without representation.
    Today, Sen. Ben Nelson(Democrat-Nebulous) became the 60th Democrat to sign on to the Obamascarey health debacle giving the Democrats a clear shot at ruining the finances of this country.

    The republicans have been completely excluded from debating or offering any provisions or restraints on this 2000 page monstrosity. Those States primarily represented by Republicans essentially have been told by their government that they will be taxed without their representatives even being allowed to be heard. Modern day Taxation without representation.

    Comment by Zapatista — December 19, 2009 @ 10:35 am

  4. In looking at line item #1 especially at the bracketed text (Bush did it to, we didn’t like it then either) I wonder why then the free pass for him? Why no parties with music and singing?
    I expect it’s because he was or is one of “your own” which I’m not really at odds with and I can understand. Where I see irony is now that the “other guy” is doing it it’s ok to have these events and heap on blame and ideas.
    That being said all the while pointing out what house and senate dems are doing to help the pres instead of who voted them in is again like the pot calling the kettle thing, in that admitting, when Bush did it we didn’t like it, but we didn’t say anything then, now that the other guy is in we’ll make a stink.
    I don’t know, just looks strange to me.

    Comment by Eric — December 21, 2009 @ 8:09 am

  5. I would offer there is plenty to clean up right here in Idaho with Urban Renewal abuses where these agencies exist. In an otherwise conservative state we have urban renewal laws that have effectively removed voters from how their property tax dollars get spent. And they are getting spent by a UR board with no oversight of any elected body local or state. Urban Renewal is your property tax dollars and even those outside of the urban renewal area get to pay for what they do via higher than normal property taxes. All taxing entites are “reveneu neutral” and they get their money via higher levy rates on what is not already taxed by UR.

    Second, the waste in State government via the Liquor Dispensary operation out to simply go away. You ought to be able to buy the stuff at the local grocery store, Costco, or other retail concern. The State does not need to be in the retail sales business.

    Third, why do we have a County Coroner in this day and age? It is a job that could be easily absorbed into the local Sheriff’s responsibilities. The Coroner exists because it is mandated by state law and very little else to support the need for this duplication and dubious function.

    There is plenty more to get concerned about right here in our own backyards.

    Comment by paul — December 21, 2009 @ 9:15 am

  6. It is sad but true that money has a role in people’s expectations of government. When the economy was doing fine and people were comfortable, the slow, steady increases in government spending, on a national and local level, caused some indigestion, but not enough to spur folks to public action.

    Then the economy tanked. The government’s answer to the crisis has been “spend as fast as you can”. More than at any other time in history. But it is not just the level of spending, it is that they have NOT helped small businesses survive and keep jobs. The money has gone to create an enormous number of government positions, which WE, the regular public, will have to pay for forever with increased taxes. They have also decided this crisis is a GREAT time to pile on big, huge political entitlements like Cap & Trade and Healthcare. ALL of these MONEY BURDENS make businesses skittish because they don’t know what the future will bring in terms of increased taxation. So businesses are holding back. They aren’t buying equipment or inventory. They aren’t adding back jobs. And the pain of this crisis continues.

    So, yes, WE THE PEOPLE are taking to the streets. It’s not just about money, of course, it’s about our Constitutional RIGHTS. But money, and the now lack of it and lack of jobs and lack of a voice that Congress will listen to and a massive move toward government intervention in our lives, is driving us to say: “This is OUR country, and we’re NOT going to take it anymore!”

    Comment by mary — December 21, 2009 @ 9:51 am

  7. Todays governments (both federal and local) rather make one wish for the days when the populace could take to the streets brandishing pitch forks and torches.

    Comment by rochereau — December 21, 2009 @ 1:19 pm

  8. Are you saying we can’t? I’ve been sharpening mine…

    Comment by mary — December 21, 2009 @ 2:30 pm

  9. I am with you Mary, but I prefer free tomatoes. Donations of course. 🙂

    Comment by Stebbijo — December 21, 2009 @ 3:05 pm

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