January 8, 2010

Close Enough for Government Work?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 12:21 pm


The investigation of the circumstances surrounding the election contest filed by Jim Brannon is revealing that Kootenai County’s Chief Elections Officer, Dan English, may also be entitled to claim the title “Psychic.”

It is important for readers to remember that in the November 3, 2009, election for Coeur d’Alene City Council seat #2,  five votes separated incumbent Mike Kennedy from challenger Jim Brannon.

It is natural and proper for all the candidates to want to be sure that only legally cast votes from qualified electors were counted.  When Brannon’s attorney Starr Kelso found a discrepancy between the number of absentee ballots received back by the County versus the number counted, Kelso properly asked English for an explanation.

This is Dan English’s response.  What are your impressions of his answers?


  1. As much as I like and admire Dan personally, I have to say with no rancor that the three situations he cites could be a combination of all of them resulting in a cumulative number of errors in counting votes. His corrective actions recited would look better on a campaign brochure.

    Comment by Gary Ingram — January 8, 2010 @ 2:04 pm

  2. Doesn’t sound like a very precise election, that is a fact. I “guess” it’s anyone’s “guess” how many ballots were not properly verified. I sure hope the Court does not take Dan English’s testimony as ‘expert’ testimony based on his experience dealing with his guesses and estimates with our votes. Based on English’s language using “guess” and “estimate”, I don’ know how he can possibly arrive at being “sure” about anything. Just awful.

    Comment by Stebbijo — January 8, 2010 @ 4:33 pm

  3. Stebbijo,

    Good observations.

    Comment by Bill — January 8, 2010 @ 7:29 pm

  4. “The best estimate is…”, “Our best guess would be just a few…”, “Again, this might account for a small number of the difference…”

    Oh My Goodness!! Dan English’s response does NOT inspire confidence in the system! Here’s a news flash to Mr. English: This election was decided by FIVE VOTES, so the variance of THREE VOTES, either way, puts someone in the city council seat or leaves them standing outside. THREE VOTES!

    How can you be so cavalier and casual about your duties? IT’S YOUR JOB to make sure the elections are as accurate and fair as humanly possible. You are elected by the people to do so and you’ve been at it a very long time.

    It concerns me greatly to read:

    However, this does happen and…I have directed
    my staff in the future to include language in the instructions that go out to all
    absentee voters that they need to use a separate envelope for each ballot. While this won,t
    absolutely prevent it from happening in the future it should help to minimize
    the possibility.

    You are fully aware that “this happens”? And yet only now, after many, many years, you will be including these instructions?

    Comment by mary — January 8, 2010 @ 8:31 pm

  5. More literate than say a press release from CPD but turgid and dense.

    Comment by Pariah — January 8, 2010 @ 8:55 pm

  6. It seems like they tried to field a system focused on counting the ballots just once which of course ultimately results in a fair election. But like in any formal endeavor you also need to be able rectify the books to make certain that the source of the ballots are as valid as the votes they contain. If the books don’t balance then the votes themselves may not balance and you essentially have zero quality control.

    Sloppy is too kind a term for this. When you consider other factors such as the residency rules and their similar poor oversight then our local elections are way too loosely conducted and subject to any number of potential abuses.

    Comment by Wallypog — January 9, 2010 @ 6:33 am

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