June 3, 2008

Poelstra to Take on Marge

Filed under: General — Dan Gookin @ 9:30 am

This morning, Kootenai Co. Democrats announced that Tamara Poelstra will be replacing placeholder candidate Bev Moss to challenge Republican Marge Chadderdon for her 4th District Seat A race this fall.

From the press release:

“The education of our children is more than important. It’s a moral obligation, a civic responsibility,” Poelstra said. “As a mother of two children who attend public schools, I support public education. It is vital for their future and our economic future.

“I recognize the challenge I will face in Boise in the Legislature,” said Poelstra. “But it’s time for us to find real solutions to the challenges that face our state. We need to take on the issues of health care, of managing growth, and the way we spend taxpayer money.

“It’s time for change,” Poelstra said. “I am ready to work for you. I am ready to work for our children, ready to look out for the interests of working class families instead of special interests.

Anyone know anything that they can share with us regarding Ms. Poelstra?


  1. Tamara Poelstra’s Facebook page

    Comment by Dan — June 3, 2008 @ 9:33 am

  2. She is on the School District’s Long Range Planning Committee, so was part of the group that approved the levy amount and procedure.

    Comment by mary — June 3, 2008 @ 10:03 am

  3. Can we read from that how she feels about accountability to the public?

    Comment by Dan — June 3, 2008 @ 10:07 am

  4. Why did Moss run as a placeholder candidate? Was there a potential conflict with Tamara Poelstra?

    Comment by doubleseetripleeye — June 3, 2008 @ 11:41 am

  5. Ms. Poelstra was working for the Grant campaign. After Grant withdrew, she worked with School District 271 on promoting their failed levy.

    Comment by Dan — June 3, 2008 @ 11:53 am

  6. I am very happy to report to all of you that Tamara has been very honest, forthright and courteous with me in every dealing I have had with her in every setting. She is knowledgeable on public policy and works hard to build consensus with differing stakeholders. I believe her to be a person of high quality and certainly believe she would make a fine representative.

    Comment by Mark W Altman — June 3, 2008 @ 5:38 pm

  7. consensus stakeholders buzzwords. Buzzwords do nothing but buzz.

    She is a Gonzaga elitist liberal based on her resume. She failed in her last two paid political jobs (Grant dropped out the levy failed). What has she done in the real world that has any relevance to the voters?

    Comment by Pariah — June 3, 2008 @ 5:59 pm

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