January 27, 2010

Reader’s Response:

Filed under: General — mary @ 8:07 am
One of our readers sent this thoughtful evaluation of the Massachusetts election and the impact it might have on our future:
“The election in Massachusetts is one of the most important elections in the history of the United States(America).  What just happened is a mid-course forced correction in the Obama plan for health care and  the handling of terrorism.  In addition the spector of socialism has been retarded somewhat by changing the face of America through the vote.  In fact the arrogrance of the elected democratic leaders in both houses and the executive branch is now forced to step back and re-think their course and how to best implement their plans to socialize America. 
I am not sure people are truly aware just how deep the GOP victory in Mass. penetrated the  government.  The vote in the senate changed from bullet proof majority to simple majority.  The house will find many of their members changing their positions and either finding a way to  move toward the center and away from the liberalism nee progressivism that they were being led into.
Today, just one day later, Obama and his staff have asked the senate to not ram through the health care bill until Senator elect Brown is seated and then to work toward positive passage without the rancor that has been present.  The Obama staff is blaming the loss on the inability of the democratic candidate to beat Brown.  They still do not realize that their policies are failing and have failed and will cause far more damage to America and this was the cause of the democratic loss.
Not all of Obama’s policies are wrong.  He must gain control over the corrupt banks and wall street, but he must do so without causing harm to our free enterprise system.  We can have both, but this takes talent and smarts which few possess in the current administration.
Populism in America is on the move and the beginning of the Tea Party across the land is a good example of a ground swell that is attempting to take back our country and make it possible for each and everyone of us to find success   by hard work, proper planning, and  the  ability to stay in the game.  Obama and staff do not understand this and work to support the weak and incompetent  at the expense of the daily worker and wage earner.  What needs to be done is teach each of our citizens how to work and how to communicate with each other and the world around them.  That is not the case now.  This is of course not Obama’s fault, it is the fault of the education system and or lack of family values being placed in the fore front of the  family. It is Obama’s job to change this and we wonder if he will.
We cannot have the deals in congress made behind closed doors and lack of a transparent review by the people.  We are a Republic that uses democracy to arrive at how we elect our representatives no matter whether in local, state, or national elections.
We must establish term limits at all levels of government and we must have the ability to remove those elected and appointed officials who breach the contract with the electors.  We must take back our streets and stop the in flow of immigrants without proper vetting of who is entering the country.
Great Britain today is losing their ability to govern because when they were the world leaders for hundreds of years, they allowed all their conquered countries to have free access to citizenship in GB.  Well that has turned on them and they are unable to cope with the massive amount of foreigners with citizenship.  Here is where we find many Muslims marching in the streets shouting for a change from what they wanted when the migrated to GB  to get away from such government and they now want what was where they migrated from.  In other words, they wanted a better place to live with the same old mores and laws.
When my wife and I were in London we saw a massive march of Pakistan turban bearded Muslims shouting for the government to change their policy on how immigration was handled.  They wanted more citizens from Pakistan to be able to come and apply for citizenship in Great Britain.
James B. Crowe


  1. The message the Brown election sent out is we are sick and tire of gridlock in DC. The Repubs/Dems were elected to conduct the “People’s Business” not Big Pharma’s, Big Med, or defend crooked bankers for stealing peoples retirements and rewarding themselves with big bonus dollars for all their dirty stinking shenangans.

    I think people are really tired of the SOS and are going to have some real changes in store come November. The word INCUMBENT may mean certain political death if a viable candidate decides to challenge the incumbents.

    Enough is enough out of these scoundrels and “POWER TO THE PEOPLE”. I don’t think waving tea bags is going to get the job done.

    Immigration is not a right and if the guys with the turbans don’t like it they can pack up and go back home. Employers who hire illegals are hurting every hardworking person who is here legally. Employers need some nasty sanctions for hiring illegals. I understand things may be bad where they come from but legal entry needs to be enforced in this country.

    Comment by paul — January 28, 2010 @ 9:05 pm

  2. Paul, do you think all the factions of the Conservative / Republican / Libertarian / Take-back-America movement will be able to work together toward a common goal? Or get mired in their differences?

    Comment by mary — January 28, 2010 @ 9:30 pm

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