June 4, 2008

Open Session, Wednesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 2:09 pm

There’s a buzz in the air. The school district wants to hold a public meeting next Tuesday, which could be a good time for constructive conversation. Any other upcoming events?  Comments, questions, ideas?


  1. I sincerely hope that for the good of our city, incoming superintendent Hazel Bauman gets off to a good start as she begins to receive public input on how to set the future course for School District 271. Please let’s not rush to judgement. Although she has been involved in the district for some time and we have known about her ascension to the top spot since August 2007; she is still new to the position. I am encouraged that she is calling public meetings.
    On another thread there was a brief discussion about using one’s real name when posting. I am not self-employed and have a Board of Directors that I report to. When I post here infrequently, I hear about it. Critics of my civic involvement come out of the woodwork, including commenters on Open CdA. Judging by my experience, I would surmise the reason that most individuals don’t use their real names is a true concern for retribution.
    Elected officials shall make decisions, that is why they were voted in. These elected officials shall work to represent all of their constituents while recognizing that we respectfully have the right to disagree. As a concerned citizen, I want to learn as much possible about important issues facing our area. I personally like to evaluate facts not press releases. An informed electorate makes all public officials accountable as we can vote them out if we don’t like their actions or positions.

    Comment by Jim Brannon — June 4, 2008 @ 4:53 pm

  2. Because,of the internet there is absolutely,no reason for the citizenry not to be well-informed on the issues and candidates,when they go to vote.I did most of my research
    on the internet and almost every candidate has a website,which espouses their views on issues they care about.

    The internet is a good tool to hold our national,state and local gov’t officials accountable for their actions.

    Comment by kageman — June 4, 2008 @ 5:29 pm

  3. Use your real name to post? Not on your life. There are some seriously whacked out nut cases out their folks.

    Comment by Pariah — June 4, 2008 @ 5:54 pm

  4. Good for Hazel Bauman for getting off on a good foot. I believe that there are many of us who opposed this levy, but would not oppose well thought out levies that use our money well. Let us know what you hear about any meetings.

    Comment by Mama Bear — June 4, 2008 @ 8:34 pm

  5. Does anyone know if the special school board meeting for district 271 will be open to the public or is it a closed session? Where and at what time will it be held? Will it be held Monday, June 9??

    Hazel’s first public forum is to be held Tuesday, June 10 at noon to 1:00pm at the MidTown Meeting building?

    Am I correct on these two meetings?

    Thanks for your help.

    Comment by ShyAnn — June 5, 2008 @ 5:14 pm

  6. ShyAnn, if you go up to the calendar in the upper right corner of this web site, you’ll see cool thing Dan put together. Just point your mouse over the date in red, like June 9th or June 10th, and it will tell you what’s happening. You can click on that date for the details of what time and where. Dan did a great job!

    Comment by mary — June 5, 2008 @ 5:49 pm

  7. Thanks Mary-

    Dan – You did a great job!!! Yeah!!

    The SD271 website has the meeting posted for Monday, guess it was just posted. Also, a budget summary can be viewed on the website too.

    Comment by ShyAnn — June 5, 2008 @ 5:54 pm

  8. Re: Hazel Bauman and the School District Forum June 10
    I think she better be ready with a good reason for cutting out summer school; people who think the district is “getting revenge” for the failed levy by cancelling summer school will have many questions about it. It may come back to bite her

    Comment by reddy — June 6, 2008 @ 5:40 pm

  9. Quoteth our new #271 supt.: She said the district has not had any layoffs “in this round of budget cuts,” but will be reducing positions through normal attrition and retirements.

    WHY then have people at one of the high schools, Fernan and Canfield lost their jobs already..these are para professionals (aides who work with special needs students).

    Comment by cda_foodies — June 6, 2008 @ 7:49 pm

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