June 8, 2008

City Gives OUR Property Away

Filed under: General — mary @ 11:11 am

The Harbor Center building, also known as the old Osprey Restaurant, and the 7.5 acres of riverfront property it sits on will be leased to the University of Idaho for the next 198 years, if the City of CdA approves the measure this month. The price? A mere $1,000. a month. One thousand dollars and some change. Less than most of us pay for our house mortgage. 

This morning’s CdA Press has a great article by Marc Stewart about the details of the lease agreement and shows how quickly the public officials are pushing this through the system, but it’s not online.

The Press’ Sunday Editorial is also excellent on this same topic “Don’t Rush into a 198 Year Promise”

The Harbor Center was purchased with a Wastewater Public Bond that we all voted to approve back before Mayor Bloem’s tenure. The reason for the Bond was for future expansion of the Wastewater treatment plant and all of us on the sewer system paid for the Bond with increased sewage rates.

Now the City wants to lease the building and land to U of I for $1.3 million dollars over a 99 year period. Why not just wrap a bow around it and say, “Merry Christmas”, U of I? Then turn to us, the tax/rate payer citizens, and say, “Pay Up!, we need to buy the DeArmond Mill site, very near the Harbor Center, for $10 million.”

Here are some comments on this subject already from other threads here on OpenCda:

Comment by Wallypog — June 8, 2008 @ 9:56 am

Dan, with all due respect. I wrote that NIC did not have the money to buy the Mill site and Mark replied that they “did” have the money. If your child tells you they have the money to buy something then you find them selling their video game system for pennies on the dollar to fund the purchase after you agreed to their plan, you were lied to. I do not want parsed, well spun answers from my representatives particularly those claiming to be “honorable”. People are very weary of the double speak.

Here’s an even sillier question. If the city has 7 acres suitable for the U of I why not just turn that land over to NIC? What does the land have to be to be acceptable for NIC? Is 135 prairie acres too large and 7 acres good enough for U of I too little or does the land have to be next door and the most expensive option? The entire scenario reeks and people should be ashamed to be trying to ram it down the paying populations collective throat.

Comment by Dan — June 8, 2008 @ 10:36 am

The City is also failing to recognize what Sid Fredrickson showed them at the last City Council Meeting: That at its largest expansion, the Wastewater Treatment plant will consume 1/2 of the Osprey’s parking lot. This is okay because the land *is* owned by the Wastewater Dept; Wastewater rate payers bought and are paying for the land. Legally, it should be separate from the rest of the City’s budget. But, no.

Regardless, after the presentation, not a word was spoken by the Mayor or Council regarding the intrusion into the Education Corridor. Nothing was mentioned regarding the U of I lease. I was shocked. But then again, it seems to be part of a larger picture that we’re not being told everything or that our elected officials are not aware of everything that’s going on. Either way, a bad sign.


  1. Cleaned that up for you, Mary. 🙂

    Comment by Dan — June 8, 2008 @ 11:29 am

  2. If I May move away from the topic at hand, I’ve noticed a lack of discussion on the so called earmark request by NIC to Sen. Craig for one million ($1,000,000.00) for the Ed Corridor funding. Does anyone know the current status? Has the Senator prepared a formal request? Has NIC hired any lobbying firm? An in-depth article in today’s CDA Press on the corruption attendant to earmarks (read pork barrel), prompts my post.

    Comment by Gary Ingram — June 9, 2008 @ 2:00 pm

  3. Gary, Perhaps you should ask Sandy Patano, Sandi Bloem’s good friend, of the disposition of the request.

    Comment by Susie Snedaker — June 10, 2008 @ 8:41 am

  4. Giving away our property? Well,I have to say,Yes your right. That building was bought for around 1 million dollars. Our loved officials have been using property and tax money to scratch interested parties backs. Did you know that it was found that peoples money that was used for paying sewer rates was used for building other buildings/property? The city would never have you know that as the water/sewer Dept are seperate entities! Ohhh,I forgot ,The Utilities secretary who discovered it(and said something) lost her job after 16 years on the job a few years ago!

    Comment by cityspy — June 10, 2008 @ 9:01 am

    Are you telling me we paid 1 million dollars for the Osprey Restaurant, and the 7.5 acres of riverfront property, and then only charged the University of Idaho a mere $10.00 a year to lease it? And now they want to lease this property to U of I for 99 years at 1.3 million. This is outrages!!
    No wonder these people in charge think that 10 million dollars for the Old Mill Site is a great deal.
    I’m convinced, they absolutely don’t know dollars from donuts.

    Comment by longshot — June 11, 2008 @ 11:34 am

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