June 15, 2008

We Need Tim Russert!

Filed under: General — mary @ 9:53 am

We need the spirit of Tim Russert in CdA…now! The well-respected moderator of the Sunday morning political show, Meet the Press, was remembered in a touching program today. His colleagues spent the hour reviewing his life and accomplishments after he died suddenly this past Friday.

The major theme of their television memoir was that Tim believed in public accountability for elected officials. He was dedicated to asking tough but fair questions and he expected politicians to be ready to answer with direct, honest information.

That’s what we need here.

Just scan this morning’s copy of the CdA Press. On the front page is an article by staff writer Maureen Dolan, detailing the convoluted mechanisms in the proposed contract for the City to lease away the Harbor Center building and land to the University of Idaho for up to 198 years. The article notes specific public concerns and questions about the proposal.

Then go to page A6 and read the detailed proposal by State Legislators Bob Nonini and Frank Henderson for an alternative plan for higher education campuses in our region. Their ideas are clear, researched and call for serious public consideration of all options.

On the Editorial pages you will find my newsletter from this past week, asking specific questions about the proposed City-University of Idaho contract and expressing the need for public hearings before these decisions are made.

Finally, also on the Editorial pages, read the guest column written by the NIC Board of Trustees. Lots of language, not much substance. They used a truckload of words to say, basically, “We will do what we want, and we don’t care what any of you say.”

That’s why we need the spirit of Tim Russert, someone who can cut through the pretty words and get to the heart of the matter. We deserve a public hearing!


  1. How dare the late Tim Russert (God bless his family) question elected officials who have the authority to do as they please! Look, folks, you lost the election. Give it up now. The NIC Trustees have stellar reputations and you sully them, those people who care for nothing more than the lofty goal of giving our kids the education they couldn’t get from School District 271 and the desire to study wastewater up close. You people just hate kids.

    Sorry. I was channelling another blog for a second there. Wooo! I need to get outside.

    Comment by Dan — June 15, 2008 @ 1:55 pm

  2. Tim Russert what a highly respected journalist.

    I think if Tim came to town and started to interview and question – Sandi Bloem, the CdA city council, NIC Board, LCDC, SD271 Board and Hazel Bauman– they all would be crying and leaving town.

    Meet the Press won’t be the same without you Tim! Prayers to the Russert family and especially to Big Russ ! Go Bills!!

    Comment by ShyAnn — June 15, 2008 @ 4:05 pm

  3. Tim Russert: What a kind, considerate, unselfish, loving man. Truly a saint, only dressed in a suit each day.
    I believe Mr. Russert would have been absolutely appalled at the shenanigans going on in our wonderful city.
    He left us all with a wonderful example of how we should treat others, and embrace our friendships.

    May he rest in peace, and I pray that comfort embraces his family with love in his absence.

    Comment by longshot — June 15, 2008 @ 11:10 pm

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