June 16, 2008

Open Session, Monday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 10:07 am

Gorgeous weather today, a terrific Father’s Day weekend to savor and many upcoming activities for the week ahead.

The CdA City Council meets Tuesday at 6:00pm in the Community Room, downstairs in the new Library.  This will be their meeting to approve leasing the Harbor Center to U of I for 99 years.

Ironman is this weekend.  I hear rumor that if the lake water doesn’t heat up quite a bit this week, they may cancel the swim portion of the event.

Any comments, questions or ideas?


  1. I hear rumor that if the lake water doesn’t heat up quite a bit this week, they may cancel the swim portion of the event.

    Oh, pish! Are they iron men or not?

    Comment by Dan — June 16, 2008 @ 11:47 am

  2. From what I hear, it’s not the fast ones they’re worried about. I guess 45 minutes in water less than 60 degrees is not too bad, with a wet suit of course. But those that are near the end of the pack, that take about 90 minutes for the swim, well hypothermia could be an issue.

    Let’s hope this sunshine stays around, then it will likely not be a problem.

    Comment by mary — June 16, 2008 @ 12:42 pm

  3. ironman cn not cancel the swim portion, this is a triathalon, to cancel one of the events would void the results. wetsuits will be mandatory.

    Comment by reagan — June 16, 2008 @ 8:58 pm

  4. Anyone have any skinny beyond what has been published in the Press about the Post Falls troubled URA?

    Comment by Gary Ingram — June 16, 2008 @ 10:17 pm

  5. Gary I too wonder what’s up with the shake up in P.F. anybody got the dirt?

    Comment by casper — June 17, 2008 @ 7:13 am

  6. isn’t the post falls ura the one that has been praised by dan as a model to emulate? dan do you have more info on what is happening over there?

    Comment by reagan — June 17, 2008 @ 7:45 am

  7. reagan, Didn’t they shorten the swim time last year due to choppy water?

    Comment by Susie Snedaker — June 17, 2008 @ 8:20 am

  8. I’ve heard they can cancel the swim portion, if safety is at risk. But you’re correct, Regan, that it would void the results for any athletes trying to qualify for the finals in Hawaii. They would have to enter another Ironman somewhere else. But now that the weather is improving, let’s hope it’s not even an issue.

    Comment by mary — June 17, 2008 @ 8:44 am

  9. Post Falls Urban Renewal does job development. They also have detailed district plans. Those are two items I’d like to see the LCDC have. As far as what’s going on now, I don’t know. It’s Post Falls, after all, and this is OpenCdA.

    Comment by Dan — June 17, 2008 @ 9:26 am

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