July 7, 2008

The Vision Thing

Filed under: General — Dan Gookin @ 1:38 pm

Some apologists of the local spend-spend-spend, us-versus-them, and ignore-the-little-people crowd that populate various elected offices like to say that our leaders have “vision.” I’ll bet they don’t see this disaster coming.

Here’s a snippet from an article in today’s Wall Street Journal:

The luxury-resort boom brought windfalls to once-sleepy towns throughout the Rockies, as developers planned resorts with secluded homes and memberships to golf and ski clubs.

Sound familiar? But it’s not here, it’s in a place called Donnelly, Idaho.

Riding high on the good fortune of expanding economic times, Donnelly embarked upon tremendous growth and development. The idea was to sucker in the rich, whom our city councilwoman once referred to as “the good people.” They would solve all our problems.

Didn’t work.

Do our leaders still have vision to keep the town going when times get tough and the rich just stop coming? What about all that big development underwritten by our tax dollars? Anyone wonder what’s going to happen with that?


  1. Was this the development that trashed the environment?

    Comment by Susie Snedaker — July 7, 2008 @ 4:35 pm

  2. The alarmists never described any scientific impetus behind their concerns. Simply put they were the uninformed petrified about what they did not understand. It is an example of a modern day flat earth mentality. Quarks and muons to you all. 🙂

    Comment by Wallypog — July 8, 2008 @ 9:14 am

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