July 9, 2008

Joy Update

Filed under: General — mary @ 9:44 am

Joy Seward, who suffered a heart attack after her testimony before the city council last month, has finally left the hospital.  Joy said her doctor indicated the attack was stress induced and not caused by her partially blocked coronary arteries.   She spent ten days recovering from the attack then was taken directly into heart bypass surgery.  After 21 days in the hospital, Joy was anxious to go home, but  has to spend a couple of weeks in a care facility, regaining her strength.  Joy’s husband, Rick, wrote this to family and friends:

“Not only do we  praise God from whom all blessing flow but you too are the strength that comes from the love and kindness that flows among friends and relatives.   Fifty-seven years and still side by side.  We are blessed.”

1 Comment

  1. That’s great news about Joy getting out of the hospital! Thanks for passing it along.

    Comment by Bill — July 9, 2008 @ 9:49 am

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