July 16, 2008

Open Session, Wednesday

Filed under: General — mary @ 1:54 pm

It’s another beautiful day in paradise, people.  Let’s appreciate this fabulous weather while it’s here.  I’ve been out on the new Prairie Trail several times already and it’s terrific.  It’s a great way to exercise away from traffic.

Any comments, questions or ideas?


  1. “If it isn’t illegal, then why the questioning?” because it is unethical?

    Comment by reagan — July 18, 2008 @ 6:08 pm


    And skimming money from the public IS ethical?

    Insider trading IS ethical?

    Direct competition IS ethical?

    Ms. Bells raise in pay IS ethical?

    Now there are cuts and THAT’S ethical?

    Students being penalized for mismanaged funds IS ethical?

    We, the tax payers, having to pay for the speculators that made recent purchase of property on River Road IS ethical?

    Taxpayers having to pay for the speculators investments via the LCDC IS ethical?

    Taxpayers Having to pay for poor investment management or the over extention of ones assets just to manipulate government agencies for ones own profit IS ethical?

    Did these speculators know and why they bought where and when they did and could THAT be insider information? IS that ethical?

    Is it ethical for our tax dollars to go to rich developers instead of good sustainable jobs?

    Could you answer this, are you the same reagan that is partners in some of these very properties on River Road?

    Comment by concerned citizen — July 18, 2008 @ 6:36 pm

  2. concerned citizen if some of the things that you allege are true then no, they are not ethical, or perhaps, legal. do you have proof of insider trading or skimming money? those are serious charges and if anyone has any evidence they should take it to the authorities immediately. i have only perused the budget sheets that people are talking about but they appear to indicate, as sam taylor has said a difference of semantics, not slashing of programs and funds. when congress does not increase funds to a social program the democrats claim the program was cut, the republicans claim otherwise. when the legislature in idaho took some school operations money off of homeowners the republicans claimed that taxes were cut but democrtas charged that taxes were just shifted. political semantics. how have taxpayers been paying for speculators purchasing property on river road, i do not follow that one. and i can only dream of owning a river road property.

    Comment by reagan — July 18, 2008 @ 6:55 pm

  3. On the HBO blog,DFO claimed to have asked Christie Wood,are you certain that Mary recorded your conversations with her?

    Christie,supposedly replied that it was a 100% certainty,that their conversation was taped.

    I don’t normally,read the baloney spewed by DFO on HBO.I just thought I’d post what was said or written.

    Comment by kageman — July 18, 2008 @ 6:56 pm

  4. Wood and her handlers are playing the crowd. Instead of dealing with the real questions that attach to their conduct they erect a strawman, a claimed legal taping that somehow shields them from the reality of their own actions. Sorry Christie, no sale.

    Why hike taxes if you are cutting PTE?

    Why hike tuition and fees if PTE gets cut?

    Why spend TEN MILLION DOLLARS for Marshal Chesrown’s project when taxes, fees and tuition have to go way up?

    And then there are the hikes in executive spending and salaries as well as trustee expense accounts. How about that Christie?

    Comment by Pariah — July 18, 2008 @ 7:26 pm

  5. Hey reagan, cc asks:

    “Could you answer this, are you the same reagan that is partners in some of these very properties on River Road?”

    What say you?

    Comment by Pariah — July 18, 2008 @ 7:27 pm

  6. asked and answered, but in case you couldn’t surmise the answer from my last comment, the answer is no. now, can mary answer in a similar direct manner? did mary souza record her conversation with christie wood?

    Comment by reagan — July 18, 2008 @ 7:34 pm

  7. Good, although why anyone ought to believe you reagan is open to question. Now, can you (or Christie) answer these questions:

    Why hike taxes if you are cutting PTE?

    Why hike tuition and fees if PTE gets cut?

    Why spend TEN MILLION DOLLARS for Marshal Chesrown’s project when taxes, fees and tuition have to go way up?

    And then there are the hikes in executive spending and salaries as well as trustee expense accounts. How about that Christie?

    Comment by Pariah — July 18, 2008 @ 8:00 pm

  8. pariah wrote: “although why anyone ought to believe you reagan is open to question”. how rude. but i answered a question, twice. it is mary’s turn.

    Comment by reagan — July 18, 2008 @ 8:39 pm

  9. I admired Dan, Bill, and Mary when they started OpenCDA. While I didn’t agree with everything they have said and done, I admired the fact that they stood up to a political machine in Coeur d’Alene that is classist, and close minded. I truely thought that they could at least bring some balance that people like DFO and the Mayor and council would be unable to ignore in elections and on a day to day basis. I have grown up here and I watched Coeur d’Alene turn from a working class town to a town where the working class is mocked and made to feel unwelcome. I had hopes that this site might be an agent to change that. Then this ugliness with the taping came. Pariah says that the taping is not the issue, and for the most part its not, but what seems to be lost is the fact that this incident has given Olivera, Woods, Bloom, the council and all the people that you are working so hard to defeat exactly what they wanted. You have given them the ammunition to trivialize this movement, and defeat those who associate with it in future elections. Make no mistake they are well funded and will use this to scare people in the middle from hearing your words, and pleas. They will use Mary’s silence to discredit Dan, and Bill, and anyone who they can link to OpenCDA and they will get what they want without the open conversation you set out to protect when this site, and movement where created. Hiding from the issues is what they want the ability to do and you have given it to them. As I write this I hope that I’m wrong, but the truth is politics is 3/4 perception, and right now the perception is on their side.

    Comment by patrickh — July 18, 2008 @ 9:43 pm

  10. samtaylor… You come on here guns a blazn’ touting your professionalism trying over blow a truly minor issue. But you are not without your baggage. The SR and DFO are well known for their unethical reputations. You worked for the SR ad somehow find DFO as a useful mentor. Your cape has its wrinkles. You can stow the self righteous attitude. You are a kid reporter who chose a career that is already as dinosaur. Stick with the National Enquirer SR. It is more in your ilk.

    To others of interest. Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. Too bad if anyone taped any conversation with any of these hooligans. They are rife with questionable activities and one way to help uncover them is some clandestine enterprise. Oh darn, too bad, cry me a river!

    Look at your beloved LCDC! It is now under the microscope put there by an outside consultant who found and reported all of the same BS we have been screaming about for years. Judgment day will soon be at hand.

    Comment by Wallypog — July 19, 2008 @ 5:43 am

  11. Wallypog, you are so right about LCDC. Things are changing, little by little. Perhaps, now that city revenues are drastically reduced, the mayor and council will look more longingly at the huge tax increment going to LCDC. Is now the time to redraw the urban renewal boundaries and keep only the active projects in their own tightly specified districts? Should the city take back the large tax increment LCDC has been skimming off of the whole downtown commercial sector? My answer is YES! What do you think? (I’ll put this up as it’s own discussion thread.)

    Comment by mary — July 19, 2008 @ 7:09 am

  12. I also was a supporter of Open CDA at its inception. I have been sadly disappointed by the progression of this site. I not on ly supported Mary but offered my friendship as well. To me, it is imperative that our public officials be honest, open and forthcoming. Boy, that doesn’t happen in CDA. I truly admired those who would put themselves “out there” and suffer the slings and arrows of their detractors. But now, that is sadly over. I said earlier on this subject, when credibility is destroyed, so is effectiveness. Yes, for those who continue to try and sidestep the point, Mary did tape the conversation and there is proof. Yet Mary continues to destroy her credibility and her future effectiveness by her silence. Who will talk to any of the principals on this site in the future? And I can’t help but wonder exactly how many times this may have happened in the past. Mary has given the very people she is demanding honest from, a huge weapon to use against her efforts. That is really too bad.

    I guess the demand for honesty and openess is totally dependant on whom the demand is aimed at. It certainly doesn’t seem to apply here.

    And save your time (specific commenter’s name redacted by Bill)…I’ve had quite enough of your gobblydegook.

    (Bill’s comment: Diogenes, unless a commenter is using his or her true name, please do not attempt to circumvent whatever level of anonymity the commenter has requested and the website has approved. I’ve redacted it from the last line of your comment. Thank you.)

    Comment by Diogenes — July 19, 2008 @ 8:49 am

  13. “I have been sadly disappointed by the progression of this site.”

    LOL, yeah, right. So maybe ought to just go away. That would be just what the corrupt and inept in government want.

    Comment by TheWiz — July 19, 2008 @ 9:05 am

  14. Sorry Dan…however nobody else knows to whom I was alluding, thus preserving anonymity (I thought). To the wiz, you do this site no favors by statements of that sort. No, I do not want them to go away. I have never said any such thing. If you read for comprehension, you will see that I am truly sorry that credibility and effectiveness, have been destroyed I would have liked to see the same level of openess as the site demands of the public officials. There are not two sets of rules of morality. You simply are or you are not. You cannot demand that which you do not practice. Preaching to the choir, as it were, accomplishes nothing. They are already in agreement. It is the (possibly) undecided or uninformed public that this site wished to reach.

    Comment by Diogenes — July 19, 2008 @ 9:43 am

  15. Oh my, I do this site no favors. You do though by obsessing over a non event? Gee wiz how can anyone do without your help?

    While you obsess, the CDA City Council is setting up a financial disaster. NIC is raising taxes and tuition in the midst of a recession. The City and NIC are trying to figure out how to raise $10,000,000 to bail out a failing developer. Gee wiz, what is really important here? The smoke screen or the reality?

    Pay no attention to the man behind the screen, here the All Powerful Wizard instead!


    Comment by TheWiz — July 19, 2008 @ 9:59 am

  16. Apparently Diogenes is not going to find that honest man at opencda. Posted by Diogenes | 17 Jul 8:49 AM

    I’ve read some of your posted comments on HBO Diogenes and do you really think your getting an honest and unbiased opinion from DFO?Or from his cohorts?

    I was on the HBO blog site yesterday and Apparently,Kageman is not going to find that honest man at HBO in DFO. is alot more credible and open, than the garbage your reading on the Spokesman Review blog site!

    Comment by kageman — July 19, 2008 @ 10:17 am

  17. kageman, samtaylor and the bulk of the HB’oh gang simply want to score points. This is a game for many of them.

    In the mean time taxes are gonna climb, new taxes will get pushed through and the average joe, the Forgotten Man, will simply suffer. It’s a shame that the venial, the simple minded and the crooked so often win elected office, but they do. And when they do they will spend and reward

    Comment by Pariah — July 19, 2008 @ 10:44 am

  18. …and reward their friends and attack their enemies. It is truly sad.

    Comment by Pariah — July 19, 2008 @ 10:45 am

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