July 17, 2008

LCDC gets Schooled

Filed under: General,The City's Pulse — mary @ 9:17 am

The PR firm that LCDC paid $35,000 public dollars, gave its report at yesterday’s meeting.  The LCDC Board’s reaction to the long list of suggestions for change was summed up in this CdA Press quote: “Wow, said Dave Patzer, this will be a monumental undertaking.”

My favorite quote in the Press article was from Exec.Director Tony Berns, who was quoted as saying, “We’ve heard a lot of the same topics before. We’ve been dealing with that for years. That’s nothing new.”

Nothing new, Tony?  Then why haven’t you changed?  Why haven’t you responded to these issues?  It takes a paid consultant to get your attention?  I wonder if anything will change, even now.  Your thoughts…?

You can read the full article here,


  1. The LCDC will drop this PR firm ASAP. They want someone to help them color and hide information not be honest and forthcoming. This just emphasizes how blatant the situation is and has been. ALL of the LCDC criticisms leveled here and elsewhere have been well deserved. Any who defended the LCDC now will need to explain their rationale for defending the LCDC’s policy of gobbledygook disinformation.

    Anyone think that the Mayor and Council members will feel threatened by this initial report? It does reflect on their choices for LCDC roles and their persistent insistence that the LCDC does no wrong. It also mirrors their own communication inadequacies.

    Comment by Wallypog — July 17, 2008 @ 9:27 am

  2. Wallypog, some of the specific areas of complaint, according to the article, were: 1.) conflicts of interest and 2.) lack of turnover on the board.

    Both of those issues are the direct responsibility of the Mayor and City Council.

    Stefany Bales, the PR person, told the LCDC Board “she heard repeated concerns about conflicts of interest…”

    Comment by mary — July 17, 2008 @ 10:19 am

  3. Here’s a link to the LCDC Community Outreach and Communications Plan 2008.

    I’ve read through page 7 so far, and it seems to me that the first rule of a professional communications consultant soaking the taxpayers $35,000 would be to avoid seventh grade usage errors.

    Page 3, last sentence reads: “Media relations will also play a principle [sic] role in connecting with these constituents.”

    Page 7, first paragraph: “These interviewees sited [sic] the proposed Sorenson school project and Riverstone as examples.”

    I suppose I’m nitpicking again, but if someone represents herself as a professional communications consultant working for a professional communications company that hits up the taxpayers for $35,000, I think we’re entitled to the services of an editor. Sarcasm aside, avoidable errors like the two I cited are distractions when a reader is trying to focus on content.

    Comment by Bill — July 17, 2008 @ 1:44 pm

  4. I found this interesting. A name we/I have not heardbefore also speaks up.

    This was posted on the Coeur d’Alene Press website by:

    John Connor wrote on Jul 19, 2008 3:11 AM:

    ” We’re asking questions because some guys have figured out a way to legally funnel taxpayer dollars to rich developers. … It’s insulting when I see my money being spent to hire a PR firm to “educate” me on the benefits of urban renewal.

    The ball is in your court. ”

    (From Bill: At 8:33 a.m. on July 19, 2008, I shortened concerned citizen’s comment. It was a very lengthy cut-and-paste. Please don’t do that. I also identified the website from which it was taken. I’ve hyperlinked the John Connor attribution line. Clicking on the link will take readers to the Press article to which the comment was appended. Scroll down to read the comment. Unfortunately, the Press software does not permit linking just to unique comments.)

    Comment by concerned citizen — July 19, 2008 @ 7:36 am

  5. CC, John Connor obviously understands the situation very well. Way to go John!

    Comment by mary — July 19, 2008 @ 7:46 am

  6. Bill, you are nitpicking. Bales is a product of the publik skules, invetif speelin is the wa to go their.

    John Connor – well done.

    Comment by TheWiz — July 19, 2008 @ 7:58 am

  7. TheWiz,

    Sorry (not really).

    Comment by Bill — July 19, 2008 @ 8:03 am

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