July 18, 2008

A Good Start

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 8:07 am

 Staff writer Maureen Dolan reports in today’s Coeur d’Alene Press that School District 271 Superintendent Hazel Bauman has fulfilled another of her promises to the public.  She has appointed a committee of five professionally qualified community members to review the school district’s budget and fiscal practices.

Normally I am very skeptical about any committee appointed by any public official in Coeur d’Alene.   Too often those appointments have been made based on the appointee’s willingness to be part of the City’s Synchronized Headnodding and Rubberstamping Team. 

This committee appears to be different.  By all accounts Superintendent Bauman has taken to heart the citizens’ concerns expressed at the three “why the levy failed” forums.  She seems to understand that many of the District’s critics in Coeur d’Alene desperately want School District 271 to excel at primary and secondary education.   That’s what most people have wanted all along.  Some of the committee appointees have attended one or more of the forums and have spoken eloquently and constructively.

During the first forum, a citizen recommended the District commission an outside independent audit of the District’s finances.  To that recommendation I would add that the audit should be completed by an auditing team from outside Idaho and which includes at least one auditor skilled in forensic accounting and litigation support.

The basis for this recommendation is solid.  Superintendent Bauman must regain the public’s trust and confidence in the School District’s business practices and fiscal integrity.  An outside independent audit by a reputable firm beyond the reach of Idaho political officials and influences will be able to give her and her newly appointed committee the credible information they need to move ahead.  She won’t have to look far.  One Spokane firm with forensic accounting capability has already been recommended to her. 

Superintendent Bauman deserves accolades for the steps she has taken to restore the public’s trust and confidence in the school district administration.  She has shown a remarkable willingness to listen (as she promised) and to gracefully take her lumps from critics at the three forums.  The results from the committee and the outside audit may inflict some more lumps.  She was the Assistant Superintendent during the decline. 

However, to her credit she did not hire an outside consultant at School District (taxpayer) expense to tell her how to improve the District’s image.  She stepped up and began taking constructive actions.   Given the actions she has taken to fix a school district that was clearly broken, I think she deserves a chance to show what she’s capable of doing now that she’s at the helm. 



  1. Here, here, Bill, I agree completely. I was so pleased to read the article in this morning’s Press. Hazel is doing a great job of asking for input, actually listening to all viewpoints and taking action. Her choices on this new finance committee are varied and stellar. Kudos to Hazel!

    Comment by mary — July 18, 2008 @ 10:02 am


    Comment by concerned citizen — July 18, 2008 @ 11:16 am

  3. Mary and CC,

    The last of the four scheduled forums will be Tuesday, July 22, at 7 a.m. at the midtown Community Center. It will probably not have too many new attendees, however Hazel Bauman will probably discuss the newly-named committee. The previous three were worth attending, because new comments came from each one.

    People also need to be reminded that the School District is seeking members for six openings on its Long Range Planning Review Committee. This is the committee that has a good deal of influence over bonds and levies for facilities. Here’s a link to the application forms and bylaws.

    Comment by Bill — July 18, 2008 @ 6:34 pm

  4. Hazel begins to impress me. Shades of Dick Harris.

    Comment by Pariah — July 18, 2008 @ 8:17 pm

  5. Pariah,

    I don’t know who Dick Harris is.

    Superintendent Bauman has a difficult job. She must make an honest and diligent effort to regain the public’s lost trust and confidence. Beyond that, she also must regain the district employees’ trust and confidence. We who don’t work inside the school district do not see and hear all that goes on behind the red brick walls.

    While the school district is part of the community, it should maintain a professional, arms-length relationship with the city government. Becoming overly cozy with elected and appointed officials in Coeur d’Alene is a precursor to re-adopting the very tactics and deceptions from which the school district must be insulated. The school district must be untainted in fact, not just in appearance. That is very difficult since the school district has already become financially entangled with local government.

    I sincerely hope that Superintendent Bauman has the personal strength to withstand the pressures she faces from those who see the school district as just another marketing tool for the city. If she continues to demonstrate the determination and strength she’s shown in her first few weeks, I think she will be pleasantly surprised to see the honest people in the community rally behind her.

    Comment by Bill — July 19, 2008 @ 7:13 am

  6. Having Tony Talbot on the budget committee convinces me that Hazel has made a great move in restoring public confidence! Way to go, Hazel!!!!! You continually impress me!

    Comment by Mama Bear — July 19, 2008 @ 11:11 am

  7. Dick Harris took over the Post Falls Schools at their nadir. He started with a full-blown management audit, he engaged everyone who would stand sit or listen, he crafted a forward looking strategic plan and then executed same. We disagreed on educational philosophy but there is no question he left the District financially sound and with a greatly enhanced morale both among employees and patrons.

    Hazel looks to be going in that same direction. I wish her well and congratulate her on her first steps. I am impressed!

    Comment by Pariah — July 19, 2008 @ 11:18 am

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