August 3, 2008

Open Session, Sunday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 7:54 am

Spokane has a promotional slogan that says:” Near nature, Near perfect”.  But I’ve heard people over here change that up a bit to read: “Near nature, Near perfect, Near Coeur d’Alene”!  Today is certainly is looking like one of those near perfect Coeur d’Alene days.

Any comments, questions, ideas?


  1. Interesting contrast in today’s CdA Press regarding NIC’s fumbling of the Education Corridor. Dr. Bell presents a scatter-brained, illogical, rambling discourse that not only doesn’t prove her point, it effectively disproves it. Then you have Mary’s logical, step-by-step questions on the same topic — legitimate questions asked patiently, but not one elected official will openly address them. So much for openness. So much for accountability to the public, taxpayer, and especially the student. You’d have to be blood-heavy with Kool-Aid to swallow what the Education Corridor proponents are promoting.

    Comment by Dan — August 3, 2008 @ 12:31 pm

  2. I mentioned awhile ago,that I went down to the new Library and shook Scott Reeds hand,as he was there signing copies of his new book about the history of Tubbs Hill and how he and others were able to save the hill.

    Well,there’s one other guy whose hand I’d like to shake right now. It’s a man who has been in the community for well-over 60 years now and even though he lost his hospitality co.,Western Frontiers in CDA.He started another hospitality Post Falls,near the Spokane River on land that was once owned by Fredrick Post.(The founder of PostFalls).I’d like to shake Bob Templins hand.

    He built his new resort which opened around 1986 and helped to revitalize a town that was economically on the downslide.He was instrumental in the Falls Park being built and he tried to save the old PF city hall from being torn down.

    My wife used to work for the old Best Western Templins Resort years ago.Even though she was a lower level employee of Templins,Mrs. Templin invited my wife to her house for lunch one day.At the time,they seem to have treated all of their employees well and with respect.I’ve lived in this CDA community a long time and as a native, I have never heard a bad word being said about the Templins.That says something.

    Comment by kageman — August 3, 2008 @ 1:47 pm

  3. Dan, I thought it most outrageous that Dr. Priscilla Bell, PhD, would cite a totally non-scientific blog poll as evidence the public supports the Ed. Corridor! If she wants to know what the public really thinks, NIC can put the measure on this Fall’s election ballot. I’ve asked, they won’t.

    Also note her continued insistence that the corridor will bring more value to the economy. My column in today’s Press, (thanks Dan for linking to it) explains that the “value” she refers to is from the increased earning power of the students after they complete their education. That value would be the same if the college expansion was anywhere…Fort Grounds, PF, Prairie, Hayden, Sandpoint, it doesn’t matter.

    One last observation: The final sentence of her column was one of the most convoluted I have ever tried to decipher. Did anyone get that?

    Comment by mary — August 3, 2008 @ 2:03 pm

  4. Hey, Kageman, I’ll agree. I have never heard anything but positive things from people who have worked for Bob Templin.

    Comment by mary — August 3, 2008 @ 2:09 pm

  5. Your problem with that sentence, Mary, is that the subject and the verb are the same word. In effect, her sentence reads, “decision is to decide.” That’s poor writing, though it’s also a sign of poor editing, poor thought process, and so on. That’s why I referred to the column as rambling.

    Comment by Dan — August 3, 2008 @ 2:27 pm

  6. sounds like the fix is in. so much for an open public transparent form of government.

    Comment by TheWiz — August 3, 2008 @ 4:44 pm

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