August 6, 2008

On Air in 5…4…3…

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 4:29 pm

 At two of the four why-the-levy-failed forums, there were suggestions from audience members that SD 271 might have edited the recordings of the School Board meetings before they aired on Woody TV. 

I doubt it. 

After talking with Janet Feiler, Rosie Astorquia, and Pam Pratt about that at the fourth forum, it seems more likely the gaps were due to operator inexperience on the equipment.  It takes some skill and practice to watch the performers, run the audio board, and coordinate the remote-control cameras.  The District uses adult volunteers who have different levels of experience using audio visual equipment.  

So here’s a thought:  Why doesn’t SD 271 arrange for volunteer high school students to get some training on the audio and video equipment, then let student volunteers do the recording and run the live board under the immediate supervision of an adult volunteer? 

The students would acquire some useful skills while having interesting and varied experiences.  At the same time they would be learning to work under some pressure on a tight schedule.  Finally, they would be performing a genuinely useful service to the community. It might even get their parents to attend school board meetings when the students were working. 

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