January 13, 2011

Why Now?

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 5:46 pm

Mike Kennedy

Mary Souza’s Newsletter

Why is the City pushing the remodel of McEuen Field right now?

The plan unveiled to the public last week is elaborate. It proposes a huge number of new features, many of them extremely expensive, though the City has openly stated they don’t know what anything will cost.  The price of the parking garage alone is estimated by some in the construction industry to be near $35 Million, never mind the gigantic half acre fountain (one of 5 or 6 proposed water features right next to the lake), two bridges, the ice skating pond with canopy, several buildings, many new sports courts, a new skate board park and more.

Yet the unemployment rate in our community remains at almost 11%. That is very high. People are hurting. One long time resident on a fixed income, told me his property taxes went up $300 this year and he doesn’t know how he will pay.  School District 271 just announced their large new levy which, if approved, will add $68 more dollars to my friend’s tax bill, and NIC, with their Ed. Corridor, will almost certainly pile on as well. 

Commercial property taxes have skyrocketed. One downtown business said that sales are off by 40% but their taxes have doubled in the last few years* (see note below), which means fewer jobs, more layoffs and more companies closing their doors.

So, why is the City focusing on McEuen right now? Why not cut back on spending and lower the commercial property rates to help attract new business, and jobs, so people can get back on their feet again?  Why propose an expensive project that will hurt the people and businesses who are already struggling?  The timing of this McEuen plan seems to defy common sense.

To delve into possible motivations, please consider the following:

1. LCDC has only 10 years left on the legal maximum time line for their downtown district.  And there’s a strong effort, statewide, to limit urban renewal with new legislation this year.  LCDC may be worried that spending caps will be installed. They are currently in line to receive nearly $7 Million**(see below) from their districts this year, and they may want to get their commitments finalized so new laws cannot affect them.
2. The CdA City Council came fearfully close to losing incumbents in the ’09 election.  Mike Kennedy won by only 2 votes and Deanna Goodlander by just 29 votes.  The other half of the city council is up for election this November.  Rumor is that Al Hassell might be retiring, and Ron Edinger as well, so there will likely be new faces on the council.  Perhaps there will be independent thinkers; no more rubber stamp.
3. Charlie Nipp and Steve Meyer***(see below) own the largely undeveloped half block across the street from the current parking lot.  Charlie was the chairman of LCDC for more than 10 years and remains on that board.  In fact, Charlie bought the land across from McEuen while he was chairman of LCDC and the park was one of their future goals.  There’s a good chance Charlie and Steve will build big buildings there and would love a better view than asphalt and cars.
4. Front street is notorious for its storm water problems.  The piping is old.  And small.  During heavy storms, water flows in from adjacent streets and literally blows the manhole covers off, causing flooding.
5. I bet Charlie and Steve would be thrilled to have the LCDC or city pay for new piping so they won’t have to, for their block, as part of a building permit.  It’s expensive!
6. The Resort would probably be happy too, if the boat launch was gone. They’ve been wanting that for years, though there’s no obvious reason they need it right now.
7. The owners of the two tall condo builidngs next to the park , McEuen Tower and ParkSide Tower, are Dick Stauffer and Monte Miller of Miller-Stauffer Architects.  They will benefit, financially, from any improvements to the park, and their team has been paid $125,000 to design the park renovations.

The answer to “Why Now?” could include any or all of the above. You may draw your own conclusions.

I do think it was disingenuous, though, of Parks Director Doug Eastwood to purport, at the unveiling, that the park has deteriorated and become unsafe so it needs this new plan. He said the tennis courts, a play field and a restroom were all removed for these reasons.  Come on, Doug. You and your staff do a wonderful job of keeping up all the parks in our city.  Did someone tell you to let McEuen slide into disrepair?  Why didn’t you fix and resurface the tennis courts that were donated and sponsored by Rotary? Or was the parking garage already on the drawing board for that location?

And why, Doug, have you and Mayor Bloem consistently promised that no major feature of McEuen will ever be removed until there’s already an equal or better replacement somewhere else in the city, yet this plan takes away both the boat launch and the baseball field without such replacements?  What’s the hurry?  Why not wait until you can fulfill your commitment?

The only way to get answers to these questions, dear readers, is to show up at the meetings. In huge numbers. The next one is Feb. 3rd, at a location still to be determined. You can make comments at

If you don’t take action and leave this to someone else, you may end up with a park you don’t want and a tax bill you can’t pay.

*this business owner was furious that 80% of his exorbitant taxes are going to LCDC, not the city or county.  Remember, please, that LCDC gets its money from the taxpayers in their district.  And everyone in CdA and Kootenai County pays more on their taxes to make up the difference.

** interestingly, the new Governor of California, Jerry Brown, just proposed closing  ALL that states’ 425 urban renewal agencies because they spend more than $5 Billion per year.

*** Steve Meyer employs Mike Kennedy in a full-time position in one of Steve’s many companies, InterMax Communications.  It’s Mike’s main job.  It’s how he feeds his family.  Will Mike remove himself from any discussions or votes about McEuen field because his full-time boss stands to benefit financially from Mike’s decisions?  Let’s hope so.

Mary Souza is a 23 year resident of CdA, local small business owner and former P&Z Commissioner.   Her opinions are her own.  To sign up for the free weekly newsletter, or access a free archive of past columns, visit  Comments can be sent to


  1. Mary,

    You left out Jim Elder and Sandi Bloem.

    Elder is the president of Cadillac Jakes, Inc., the owner of Crickets. Elder is on the Coeur d’Alene Parking Commission and the LCDC.

    Bloem and her brother own the building where her shop, Johannes Jewelers, is located.

    The lot at 401 Front Avenue on which the Bank of America sits is owned by Black Ridge Properties, LLC. And who is Black Ridge Properties, LLC? None other than Stephen F. Meyer and Charles R. Nipp.

    Comment by Bill — January 13, 2011 @ 7:14 pm

  2. Thanks for the added info, Bill, how could I leave out Jim and the Mayor? They would be sad if not included in the Stakeholders group.

    Do you think Kennedy will recuse himself?

    Comment by mary — January 13, 2011 @ 7:46 pm

  3. I’d like to remind the residents of Kootenai County that don’t live within the city limits of Coeur d’Alene that you also have a dog in this fight. If the LCDC funds this ill-conceived,undisciplined, pipe dream you are going to help pay for the travesty.You have no voice in the appointment of the decision makers. Its taxation without representation,”through the LCDC”.

    How can any individual charged with spending the peoples’ money make a decision to go forward with ANY type of development proposal without doing a basis cost analysis?

    It sounds just like San Fran Nan(Pelosi)saying “we have to pass this bill to find out what’s in it.” Does that mean Doug Eastwood, we have to approve this plan before you get off your duff and do your job and get a cost estimate and publish it?

    Comment by Ancientemplar — January 13, 2011 @ 8:04 pm

  4. A year ago, the CDA Press asked Mayor Bloem what her priority would be for the year. Her answer was, “Jobs, jobs, jobs.”

    Comment by Dan — January 13, 2011 @ 8:18 pm

  5. So, is the Mayor in charge or is someone else pulling the strings?

    Comment by mary — January 13, 2011 @ 8:31 pm

  6. I just don’t believe she was being honest about the jobs. Steve Adams, Jim Brannon, and myself made Jobs a big part of the 2009 City Council campaign. Yet the Mayor and the rest of the incumbents ran on Kroc Center, Library, and how good things were in the City. Despite their win (well, depending on whether you trust Dan English’s running of the election), I still believe people would like to see City Hall focus on jobs and promoting a positive place to do business.

    Comment by Dan — January 13, 2011 @ 9:56 pm

  7. Doesn’t the guy that owns the building on the corner across from B of A sit on the DTA board as well?

    Comment by concerned citizen — January 14, 2011 @ 6:43 am

  8. Just curious. Isn’t the “unemployment rate” a reflection of the percentage of people who file for unemployment benefits and not the true percentage of unemployed persons. In other words, isn’t there an additional percentage of people who are unemployed but which percentage is not reflected in the “unemployment rate” because these people have run out of benefits and/or were determined to not be entitled to benefits for one reason or another by the Department of Labor.

    Comment by Happy Trails — January 14, 2011 @ 11:44 am

  9. happy trails,

    The unemployment rate usually cited also does not reflect those who have been previously reported as unemployed but have now stopped looking for employment.

    Comment by Bill — January 14, 2011 @ 1:39 pm

  10. Read Kennedy’s latest newsletter, out today, about his impressions of the McEuen public meeting: He’s impressed with the plans.

    Comment by beazmmr860 — January 14, 2011 @ 4:38 pm

  11. So basically, the unemployment rate here is much worse than 11%. Are you listening City Hall?

    Please focus on JOBS, JOBS, JOBS. And to do that, please lower the tax rates so people and businesses can get on with their lives.

    In other words, government, you would help us most if you get your hand out of our pockets and get out of our way!

    Comment by mary — January 14, 2011 @ 11:15 pm

  12. Regarding costs for McEuen, the Parks Master Plan 2008 budgets $1,875,000 for McEuen.

    Comment by beazmmr860 — January 17, 2011 @ 4:39 pm

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