February 27, 2011

“Union Busting”?

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 3:05 pm

Pres. Franklin Roosevelt

Mary Souza’s Newsletter

The Wisconsin and Idaho teachers grabbed my attention this past week.  Their signs, shouts and indignant anger drove me to research the distinction between public and private sector unions.  I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve never paid much attention to those differences until now.

Private sector unions deal with corporations.  These employee unions negotiate for better wages and benefits, and any increases come out of company profits.  But the company must be careful because if they give too much, they’ll go out of business and everyone will be without a job.

Public sector unions, however, are another issue. These are unions for government employees, teachers, police and fire fighters. Government workers don’t create any profits, so they are paid by taxpayer dollars, and therein lies the problem.  Did you know that even the very liberal President Franklin Roosevelt, who was a champion of private unions, said that government employees should not have union negotiations for their contracts?  Here’s what he said:  

“All government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public-personnel management. The very nature and purposes of government make it impossible for administrative officials to represent fully or to bind the employer in mutual discussions with government employee organizations. The employer is the whole people.”

So when did things change?  According to the Heritage Foundation (link below), this is what happened: “…starting with Wisconsin in 1959, states began to allow collective bargaining in government. The influx of dues and members quickly changed the union movement’s tune, and collective bargaining in government is now widespread. As a result unions can now insist on laws that serve their interests – at the expense of the common good.”

It jolted me even more when I read the excellent My Turn column in Friday’s Press by Jim Ballew (link below) discussing the upcoming Coeur d’ Alene school levy, where he points out that the taxpayers’ side of the teachers’ contract is negotiated by district employees who will personally benefit from increases in the contract!

I have discovered that the City of CdA does the same thing.  When their union employees negotiate contracts, those representing the taxpayers are city administrators who will stand to get personal increases from the agreement.  This doesn’t seem proper at all.

And why does CdA have a city employee union but Post Falls does not?

Additionally, I’m told that the average CdA fire fighter’s salary is officially listed at about $42,000 but they really take home close to $80,000 when all the union-negotiated merit pay is included. Many other city employees are paid even more, with a whole list at or above $100,000.

And don’t even get me started on their benefits package.  It’s golden and they pay very little for it.

Do you know how many CdA City employees had their hours cut back during the last two years of this economic downturn?…None.  How many were laid off?…Zero.

We need our legislature to take a serious look at public employee unions.  But until that is possible, here are some quick fixes to consider:

1. As Jim Ballew so wisely suggested in his column, we should require that all teacher contract negotiations be conducted by an independent, professional negotiator representing the taxpayers.  It would be well worth the fee!

2. The same, of course, with all City contract negotiations.

3. Just as Wisconsin is proposing, let’s stop having our city and school district automatically deduct union dues out of employee paychecks. Let each union member write a check every month to pay their union dues. That will certainly cause them to reflect on the cost and value of their investment.  (Yes, the City of CdA does deduct the dues right now and, though I haven’t heard back from the school district, I’d bet they do too.)

Could any of these efforts be considered “union busting”?  Absolutely not.  Wisconsin is trying to allow teachers the freedom to join the union or not.  Currently it is forced membership. Idaho already has a choice (that’s why we’re called a Right to Work state.  No one can be required to join a union).  Idaho is trying to reduce the power of the teachers’ union over the daily operations of the districts and give control back to the local, elected school boards.  Both states want to limit teacher negotiations to salary and benefits only.

Surprisingly, collective bargaining for even pay and benefits is not allowed for Federal employees.  And they cannot be forced to join a union. So why is President Obama criticizing Gov. Walker of Wisconsin?

These federal collective bargaining limitations came about because of President Jimmy Carter, according to the Wall Street Journal (link below), “In 1978, Democratic President Jimmy Carter, backed by a Democratic Congress, passed the Civil Service Reform Act… It severely proscribed the issues over which employees could bargain, as well as prohibited compulsory union support.”

Jimmy Carter & FDR…who would have thought it? Major icons of the Democrat party, both realizing that having “public service” workers go out on strike against the public is essentially wrong.  As FDR said, it’s “unthinkable and intolerable”.

These reforms are not union busting, they’re just basic common sense.

Here are the links:

1.Jim Ballew’s My Turn column
2.Heritage Foundation article
3.Wall Street Journal article (you have to be a subscriber to read the whole thing)

Mary Souza is a 23 year resident of CdA, local small business owner and former P&Z Commissioner.   Her opinions are her own.  To sign up for the free weekly newsletter, or access a free archive of past columns, visit  Comments can be sent to


  1. City Govt. will learn someday that you cannot pay people with secretarial skills 100k+ in a town where everyone is struggling and median incomes are so much less.

    Comment by pfflyer — February 27, 2011 @ 5:02 pm

  2. This City Govt. won’t learn, but the one we replace it with will.

    Comment by Dan — February 27, 2011 @ 9:24 pm

  3. so you’ve been giving the dog a biscuit everytime he comes in the door and now you decide to say no? what did you think was going to happen? should have never started. @PF–you are way off base. and if my house is burning down i want someone making minimum wage to save me and my house? plese!!

    Comment by murphyk — February 28, 2011 @ 4:44 am

  4. So, Murphyk, if you were in charge of the city, would you keep increasing employee, fire fighter and police salaries every year, even when they are out of pace with the income levels of the taxpayers who have to pay for them?

    Comment by mary — February 28, 2011 @ 8:09 am

  5. murphyk,

    I agree with you on the first point. Politicians buy public employee votes, if not loyalty, by giving them compensation packages that are often beyond the employees’ value to the community.

    On the second point, I disagree. For one thing, you’ve just insulted all of the unpaid volunteer firefighters who train and work as diligently and often as competently as paid firefighters. Firefighters who are paid are rarely if ever hired at the same minimum wage pay as private sector workers, but even if they were, they have sought that employment and agreed to work diligently for whatever compensation they’ve agreed to accept.

    Comment by Bill — February 28, 2011 @ 8:24 am

  6. Imagine the outrage IF tea party members conducted their gatherings as tempestuously as are these educators and others?

    MurphyK…. When you are aged, infirm and vulnerable would you like minimum wage employees managing your medications, keeping you clean and looking out for your treasured possessions? Well that is pretty much the way it is right now. There are many, many very important jobs in our country served by employees who are not bolstered by any unions. It is fair or right? What do the unions members care? They got theirs and anyone who dares to try and take that away, be damned.

    Comment by Wallypog — February 28, 2011 @ 8:34 am

  7. The Coeur d’Alene voters approved the right of city employees to bargain collectively.

    Comment by Susie Snedaker — February 28, 2011 @ 8:59 am

  8. Susie,

    If it was an action requiring voter approval, then the voters could also vote to rescind or revoke that approval.

    Comment by Bill — February 28, 2011 @ 9:29 am

  9. Wally, when you accuse the union members of “they got thiers, who cares about anyone else”, it is the height of hypocricy. You are the pot calling the kettle black.

    Comment by rochereau — February 28, 2011 @ 9:33 am

  10. Who was the county clerk when this was “APPROVED” by voters?

    Comment by concerned citizen — February 28, 2011 @ 10:12 am

  11. Sorry rochereau, I do not understand the basis for your comment and consequently miss the intent of its message.

    Comment by Wallypog — February 28, 2011 @ 10:21 am

  12. Interesting question, CC. It’s one that will come back to haunt us for a long time to come.

    Comment by mary — February 28, 2011 @ 10:35 am

  13. The fact is, if a person is caught lying one time you will question everything they say after. SO, the question is, did the voters really approve this just like the kennedy votes.

    Comment by concerned citizen — February 28, 2011 @ 11:25 am

  14. What? WHAT? The voters were asked to have a say on an administrative matter of salary administration and union representation?

    Comment by Gary Ingram — February 28, 2011 @ 8:21 pm

  15. Correction: the election I mentioned involved binding arbitration not collective bargaining.

    Comment by Susie Snedaker — March 1, 2011 @ 9:28 pm

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