March 6, 2008

Savoir faire! Corruption c’est Everwhere!

Filed under: General — Dan Gookin @ 9:20 am

Their mission was to revitalize downtown. Millions of dollars were at stake. Yet the agency was riddled with insider deals, profits made at the public expense, favors passed between board members and developers, corruption galore! Nope, it’s not that agency you’re thinking of, but it’s a sign that problems we have in Coeur d’Alene are not unique.

Boynton Beach is a seaside community of 67,000, located in Palm Beach County, Florida.

May I present some serious déja vù:

* The Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) was created in 1982 to help revitalize downtown.

* The CRA is run by a commission, appointed by the city council.

* The CRA will be raising millions of dollars to fun projects using the vehicle of tax increment financing (TIF).

* After facing charges from critics that the CRA was underwriting only high-end development, the CRA is addressing the issue of “affordable housing.” Actually, the CRA’s director uses the term “workforce” housing.

* The CRA overpaid for a piece of land purchased from an insider. The Mayor defends the purchase.

This is nothing new, folks. It’s an old problem. In fact, one of the references I read on the CRA (listed below), mentioned that in 1991 similar problems with the Boca Raton urban renewal agency lead to the City Council taking over the role of running the urban renewal agency.

Apparently one CRA commissioner has complained to the local paper about corruption and insider dealings and profiteering. The local paper has recommended that the city dissolve the CRA board. And another rumor is that the FBI is now involved, having set up a field office in Boynton Beach. Here are some Google hit results for FBI and Boynton Beach CRA:

Wake up Boynton Beach!!! The FBI is paying attention. There were reportedly several agents in the audience at last Tuesday’s CRA meeting…

The Boynton Beach case comes as the FBI announced the formation of its own public…

This is serious stuff and I get an odd sensation of déja vù when I read this. In fact, it was a concerned OpenCdA reader who pointed out the eerie similarities between our humble city and Boynton Beach. For me, it would be comforting to have a wee bit of openness and transparency coming from Coeur d’Alene City Hall and the LCDC. Alas, all we get are strategic plans and apparent cooperation in private between public entities. And zero public input.


How to Fix Boynton CRA, from the Palm Beach Post

Boynton’s Promenade fuels affordability debate

Best Politician in Palm Beach (2007)

1 Comment

  1. At this stage of the game with all of the “high-end” development going on here,I am glad we have not been suckered into buying an overpriced house that holds us hostage. Once they gotcha – that’s exactly what has happened, sidewalks and all.

    Comment by Stebbijo — March 6, 2008 @ 11:54 am

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