May 10, 2011

It’s Go-Time!

Filed under: General — mary @ 4:07 pm

Mary Souza’s Newsletter

The time has come, dear Readers. It’s “Go-Time”.  The first important election to take back our community is next week, on Tuesday, May 17th, when we get to vote on School Board Trustees and Highway Commissioners.

I’m not writing to remind you to vote, I want you to make sure you each get 10 other people out to vote with you.  And this is not just a suggestion.  If you want to change the problems we’ve been griping about, you must be part of the solution! 

We can’t sit around and say, “Government’s not using our money the right way”, if we’re not willing to take action and correct these things when we have a chance.

And that chance is now.  You can’t leave this to someone else.  Every single person who wants better taxpayer accountability has to get 10 people out to vote with them next Tuesday.

Here are some of the problems with the CdA School Board, and why we need two new, independent voices on that panel:

–Big Paycheck! This Board has approved Superintendent Hazel Bauman’s contract for $123,000 per year, base pay, plus benefits, plus an additional $12,000 per year to be used for meals and promotion, though Hazel does not have to account for how she uses this extra money.  And she gets a District Credit Card too!

–More Big Paychecks! This Board approved the creation of two new “Associate Superintendent” positions, filled by people they are now paying $100,000 each, plus benefits.  Do you remember a couple of years ago when Hazel became the new Superintendent and she vowed to  save money by not having an assistant superintendent?  Now she has two new, highly paid “Associates”.

–Still Top Heavy: In 2009 I wrote a column encouraging Hazel in her purported quest for fiscal savings, pointing out that the CdA School district was “top heavy” compared to Post Falls and Lakeland.  Now I can report that nothing has changed.  CdA’s district still spends almost twice as much on administration as Post Falls.  And this just cheats the students and the classroom teachers out of the real use of those tax dollars.

–Just a Note: Does our school district realize that Spokane is laying off 125 teachers, and other districts are combining or closing schools?  And we’re hiring more $100,000 administrators?!

–Is this a Scam?:Vern Newby was a School Board Trustee for many years.  He retired from the board last June, rather than wait for this upcoming election.  This is a typical strategy…retire early and “appoint” your hand-picked replacement so that person has a better chance of getting re-elected.  He picked Stephanie Powers as his replacement and the Board voted to confirm her.  A vote for Stephanie would be a vote for the current method of doing things.  City Councilman Mike Kennedy’s boss’s wife, Judy Meyer, is campaigning hard for Stephanie.  I will not vote for Stephanie.  We need independent thinkers.

–Tom Hamilton is getting my vote! He is a great businessman, with 20 years in the aviation industry.  Tom is the General Manager of Empire Airlines.  We are so fortunate, as a community, that Tom is willing to give his time and talents to serve on our School Board.  He is smart, responsive, respectful and knowledgeable about the impact of taxes on both citizens and job creation.  He loves education and has three children in our school system.  Current local power players like Judy Meyer and Mike Kennedy are spreading false rumors that Tom is a religious zealot, in favor of book burning and rigid policies.  Those things are absolutely not true.  Tom does not believe religion of any sort belongs in the classroom.  He thinks parents should have options in the literature choices for their kids, and he is dedicated to a full spectrum education choices at the local level.  Tom is beholden to no one and will serve the community with his clear, common sense approach.  Please tell your family & friends in Zone 2 to vote for Tom. For a Zone 2 map and more info go to:

–Terri Seymore gets my vote too! Terri ran last time and came within a cupful of votes (39, I think) of winning.  Now she’s more determined than ever. As the local Manager of Great Floors’ corporate office here in CdA, she also brings a strong background in business, budgets and personnel.  Terri has two children in the school system and is dedicated to supporting students and teachers.  Terri’s opponent is a City of CdA firefighter who was quickly endorsed by all the local public employee unions, even though he has no management experience and does not seem to be energetically campaigning.  If this man were to win, he would be the second city employee on the school board… I don’t think that’s a good idea. (CdA Wastewater Manager Sid Fredrickson is already a trustee)  Please get out and push for Terri’s independent voice and the great experience she will bring to the Board, Zone 3.
For a Zone 3 map and more info go to:

–Here’s the tricky part: There are five CdA school district voting Zones.  Two positions are up for election this time and ONLY people who live in Zone 2 or Zone 3 can vote for School Board. But don’t be sad, you might be able to vote for Highway Commissioners. Use the links I’ve provided above to find your Zone.  Even if you don’t live in the voting zones, please call your friends and get them out to make a difference with their vote.

–Post Falls is in Trouble! Word is coming in fast and furious about crazy things going on in Post Falls.  The two incumbent school district trustees must be very worried because they are apparently spreading seriously false information.  I’m hearing that incumbents Dave Paul and Michelle Lippert (she teaches ethics at NIC) have their names on campaign flyers which brag that they are endorsed by ALL the Post Falls PTOs (Parent-Teacher Organizations). This is quite untrue, I’m told, and one of the PTO Presidents was shocked to see the claim.  PTOs are not allowed to endorse any candidates!  My suggestion for better ethics, honesty and transparency on the Post Falls School Board is to vote for the challengers:

Robin Moser, more info and a Zone map at:
Bonnie Beaulieu, more info and Zone map at:

–Highway Districts: There are some contentious battles going on in a couple of these district campaigns:

For Eastside Hwy District, I’d choose Chris Fillios because I know him to be smart and honest with good business background too.

For Lakes Hwy District, the team of Marv Lekstrum and Monty Montgomery has done a good job with budget cuts and fair contract systems.  Apparently some other folks are trying to go back to the “good ole boys” way of doing things there, so I’d recommend re-electing Marv and Monty, and staying on the right track.


I’ll leave you with this thought: “Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”  –Teddy Roosevelt

Get out next Tuesday and vote for people who can think for themselves with no strings attached!

**This post was updated 5/11/2011


  1. Someone told me there’s a complaint over on the Spokane blog about the campaign links for Terri Seymore and Tom Hamilton being on the Kootenai County Elections web site. That’s funny because there are links to a bunch of other candidates there too, along with email links, etc. What are they crying about? It’s an election web site.

    And, by the way, I’m told that Mike Kennedy’s campaign web site link was the only one carried on the KSAL library web site during the 2009 election…hmmm. What’s a library site doing with a campaign link? (especially one for a Coeur d’ Alene candidate?—CdA is not a part of the KSAL system. Oh, but wait…Judy Meyer, Mike’s boss’ wife, sits on the KSAL Board…that must be it!)

    Comment by mary — May 10, 2011 @ 4:17 pm

  2. There are five CDA Trustee zones. Zones 2 and 3 are up for election this year. You cannot vote for a Trustee unless you live in their district.

    My precinct (54) has no elections this time around. I think there are a few other precincts without elections. That’s because there are no contested seats, and the incumbents would be loathe to put a “None of the Above” choice on the ballot.

    Comment by Dan — May 10, 2011 @ 5:06 pm

  3. Thanks, Dan, for the 5 Zones info. It’s true that some folks won’t be able to vote for school trustees or highway commissioners, but you can still help by getting your friends and family to vote!

    Comment by mary — May 10, 2011 @ 6:28 pm

  4. The Stephanie Powers that was appointed to replace Vern Newby on the school board is not the same person I met with about LCDC. The rest of the information is still correct: The woman running for re-election is a supporter of the current methods of the district. In fact, I’m told by someone who attended the last levy planning meetings that she wanted a higher levy amount. And she is being strongly supported by Mike Kennedy’s boss’ wife, Judy Meyer. Enough said…please vote for Tom Hamilton who will bring a new, independent voice to the board.

    **This note was updated 5/11/2011

    Comment by mary — May 11, 2011 @ 8:57 am

  5. Not long aago I posted that Hazel Bauman was UNDERqualified for the position she holds, never mind the atrocious salary/benefits she receives.Who ever heard of a school supt. without a doctorate receiving this kind of remuneration? She was strictly an insiders appointee. She is the quintessional example of the term nepotism. Why two assistants? Why are teachers being laid off when there is money for this boondoggle. Oops…no mystery there, this is northern Idaho. Yes, a few years ago Hazel, with great fanfare, took a cut in salary. As I recall, it figured out to about $300.00/year. Way to go Hazel!!

    Comment by rochereau — May 11, 2011 @ 11:15 am

  6. I can’t figure it out, Rochereau, why don’t the classroom teachers get up and shout about the obvious imbalance in the payscales? Why aren’t they complaining about the new positions in administration when the classrooms are cutting expenses to the nubbin? How can the Board approve this irresponsible spending?

    Comment by mary — May 11, 2011 @ 3:56 pm

  7. I can answer that one, Mary. Good teachers want to teach. They want a staff that supports them and makes their jobs easier, which is what I would argue is the definition of good management. Teachers work in constant fear of abuse from the administration and from the Legislature. That’s the primary reason they have a union. Honestly, the teachers I know and respect just want to teach.

    If local government worked as it was intended, then the Trustees would be asking the SD administration those questions you see here and elsewhere. They would demand answers. They would set policy. They would demonstrate leadership. Unless you see new blood on the board, those things aren’t happening.

    Comment by Dan — May 11, 2011 @ 5:42 pm

  8. Mary,

    I agree with Dan about good teachers just wanting to teach. They want to focus on that and leave the administration to those who have (supposedly) prepared themselves to be administrators. While it is important that the Trustees not micromanage, neither must they roll over and play dead just because the administrators want them to. They have complementary responsibilities. If that isn’t so, or if the Trustees are just going to rubber-stamp whatever the administration wants, then the backgrounds of the Trustees really don’t matter.

    Comment by Bill — May 11, 2011 @ 7:13 pm

  9. I agree with Dan and Bill but would like to add that there are also teachers that have become complacent as well. “I got mine and that is all that matters.” These are the ones that do not give a rats pattutie that we are in a “DEPRESSION” (sorry it is time to call it what it is) and STILL want their raise because their contract says they get one.

    Private sector has given till it hurts. Time for government to do the same STARTING with the President of these United States on down to local city, county and state worker.

    Comment by concerned citizen — May 12, 2011 @ 7:01 am

  10. concerned citizen,

    Yes, as in any occupation there are teachers who have become complacent. And as in any occupation, their supervisors (principals and superintendents in the case of teachers) had a duty to either counsel and correct their complacency or take steps to remove them from the occupation. When supervisors fail to perform their duties, incompetence and complacency among subordinates are rewarded through longevity. No occupational group (including teachers, fire, police, and military) should be placed on a pedestal and given a “pass” for incompetence, laziness, and complacency. Those traits are unacceptable in any occupation whether private or public.

    Comment by Bill — May 12, 2011 @ 7:23 am

  11. Sorry concerned, that blanket insult is just unfair. As Bill said, in all walks of life there exists complacency. And that is wrong. But the simple answer to Marys question is, Bauman is their boss and we all know how things work in this place. Payback!! concerned, do you have any idea what todays teachers face? Unruly students who face no consequence because parents think their darlings are perfect. These (and they are in the minority) take the entire classroom captive and monopolize the teaching time. An administration who won’t back the teacher in disciplining these students because of losing (attendance) money. To accuse teachers of not caring because “I’ve got mine” is unfair and untrue. The teachers are not the bad guys. You an ought to try and live on what they earn….I can assure you, I wouldn’t want to. The problem does not lie with the teachers. It belongs smack dab on the administration. But it is the teachers who take cuts in pay and are furloughed. All of this while Hazel rakes in a salary for which she is not qualified. Perhaps her lack of qualification is why she needs two assistants. Those who vent their spleen against teachers are not only destroying education, they are aiming at the wrong target.

    Comment by rochereau — May 12, 2011 @ 10:02 am

  12. Rochereau, I don’t think Concerned is out of line for addressing the reality of burned-out teachers who are just hanging on for retirement. But that’s not to take away from the many great teachers who, as you’ve all mentioned, just want to teach. They care about their students and they realize the life long impact their mentoring can have for these kids.

    I have a very good friend who just retired from teaching in Spokane. She was a great teacher but was so ready to get out. She said things are really changing, and not for the better; how frustrating it is, as a classroom teacher, to see a never-ending parade of “specialists” in reading, math, etc. come in on their high horses, making big bucks, doing almost nothing, and heap more work on the backs of the classroom teachers. These specialists go to meeting after meeting with mid and high level administrators, who don’t do much except sit around and talk about what the classroom teachers should do!

    Comment by mary — May 12, 2011 @ 11:02 am

  13. Mary I don’t criticize opinions. Heaven knows I have plenty! I do criticize blanket insults. Paarticularly when these insults are not knowledgeable. And your friend is absolutely correct about so called specialists. And we get back to what I said about administrations with the meetings you describe. She is absolutely correct about many teachers being burned out. It is like holding back the tide with a broom whilst being beat over the head with a shovel! Can one really fault a teacher who has given many many productive years to want their hard earned retirement. Fair is fair. The most telling point your friend makes is “things are changing and not for the better”. I know teachers who are leaving education because they can’t take it any more. They are not only leaving Idaho education, they are leaving Idaho. Why doesn’t concerned rail against school boards and administration who have a strangle hold on teachers. Now there is a case of “I have mine”. That should be Baumans title. She is in for the duration and the devil take the hind most!

    I repeat, aim your criticism (and your vote) where it belongs. And I repeat for the record, I am not a teacher, never have been and my children are grown…thank goodness. Because it is the children of today that are the real victims of looney Luna and people like Bauman.

    Comment by rochereau — May 12, 2011 @ 11:18 am

  14. rochereau,

    I read that back to myself many times. That was NOT a blanket statement. I said that there are ALSO teachers that have become complacent. I am sory if the truth offends you. I my business I see many locals everyday and return locals everyday. I listen to their stories and YES there are a some that just care about their raise period. My kids tols me that there was a teacher that would come to class drunk, teachers cursing, talking on their OWN cell phones in class, walking out of class to go have a cigerette, etc. So, this is doing the job that they were hired to do? I do NOT think so my friend. But, WE CANNOT FIRE THESE LOSERS. Do I get mad? YES I get mad as hell because people like mayor bloem say that they have been “elected” to chose for us.

    Bill, I agree that complacency is unacceptable in private sector as well as government. The difference between private sector and government is I have a choice as to where to spend my money in private sector. I do not have that choice in government. Just look at McEuen and the way THAT whole fiasco is being rammed down our throats.

    Comment by concerned citizen — May 13, 2011 @ 7:02 am

  15. In every apple barrel you will find some that are rotten. Teachers who come to school drunk most certainly can be fired. As can teachers who leave class for a cigarette. There are morals clauses in the contracts. If your children know for an absolute fact that this occurs, you should make a complaint immediately. Before you make an absolute statement such as “you cannot fire these losers”, check your facts.

    Comment by rochereau — May 13, 2011 @ 8:11 am

  16. We are not talking apples now are we? YOU try saying something against the power brokers in this town. Ask Dan, Bill, Brannon, Mary etc. what happens to those that speak up. I am NOT independently wealthy and need to keep feeding my family. I HAVE spoken up before to have my business boycotted, my name run through the mud, etc. So dont tell me that I should make a complaint. And as far as firing those losers, I HAVE checked my facts my friend. So tell me, how long did it take to get the incompetent previous county clerk out? HMMMMMM That is what I thought.

    Comment by concerned citizen — May 14, 2011 @ 7:18 am

  17. I started, but there is no point in trying to answer this nonsensical post. CC I will repeat what Mary said. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Oh yes, the apple/barrel thing is an old saying. It’s an analogy. Good grief!

    Comment by rochereau — May 14, 2011 @ 9:18 am

  18. nonsensical post? The teachers must be part of the solution as well. No nonsense about it, just a fact.

    Comment by concerned citizen — May 14, 2011 @ 4:48 pm

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