November 4, 2008

Your Exit Poll Questions

Filed under: General — Bill @ 4:12 pm
Suppose you could create an exit poll.  What would you ask voters (other than whom they voted for?)

I’d ask:

What is the biggest concern you have that you hope this election will resolve?

Do you think the candidates on the ballot were the best choices available to resolve the concern you have? Why or why not?

What questions would you ask? How would you answer my questions?


  1. 1. How much time did you spend reading about the candidates and issues?

    2. Did you read both sides?

    3. Does voter fraud concern you?

    4. Do you think there are any limits as to what a political party will do to make sure they win?

    5. Do you think we should start now to encourage people to become informed before they vote in the future?

    Comment by judy — November 4, 2008 @ 9:14 pm

  2. Excellent questions, Judy! Much more interesting than the usual, “who did you vote for?”

    Comment by mary — November 4, 2008 @ 11:18 pm

  3. Judy,

    Those are very good questions. If people would think carefully about the answers before the next elections roll around, we might see better candidates, better prepared advocates and opponents on issues, and overall better informed voters.

    Comment by Bill — November 5, 2008 @ 7:29 am

  4. I think good local candidates are hesitant to run because of the expense, negativity and personal intrusion of the campaigning process. “Why bother?”,or, “I’m too busy” are the excuses often given for not running for public office. It’s easier to let someone else do it.

    Comment by mary — November 5, 2008 @ 7:58 am

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