March 1, 2008

Quick Clarification

Filed under: General — mary @ 12:51 pm

On the Ed. Corridor issue, there’s something that needs to be explained. NO ONE that I have ever talked with on this topic has EVER suggested that North Idaho College should close down its current location. That would be absurd. But Dr. Bell and Christie Wood have both spoken/written publicly that this is what the “anti” people are promoting. Nonsense. This is just their way to paint anyone with questions, or a desire to be included in the process, as quacks.



  1. When you lack material facts, you attack your opponent’s character.

    What are they afraid of? Why won’t they sit down and have an open, honest discussion with the public?

    Somehow it must benefit these so-called proponents of education to demonize taxpayers asking honest questions. They even say nasty things about Post Falls Mayor Clay Larkin. They’re afraid and desperate, which raises even more questions about what is really going on.

    Comment by Dan — March 1, 2008 @ 1:24 pm

  2. Mary,

    Dan’s right. They’re using an ad hominem logical fallacy.

    The Mayor and Coeur d’Alene Police Sergeant Wood also like to use the straw man logical fallacy. When they can’t successfully refute the facts, they will substitute often irrelevant and sometimes inaccurate information which they attribute to opponents so they can appear to successfully refute the opponents’ position. It unravels when the Mayor’s and Coeur d’Alene Police Sergeant Wood’s facts are disproven and discredited.

    Comment by Bill — March 1, 2008 @ 7:29 pm

  3. Dan, this kind of reminds me of the character attacks aimed at some of the challengers in the last Coeur d’Alene City Council election on another blog by the then seated councilman, Dixie Reid. She must still be the judge of all truth, because I can find no other logical reason for the Coeur d’Alene City Council to consider appointing her to the Personnel Appeals Board for the city. This board handles appeals of personnel decisions if a city employee is unsatisfied after going through regular protocols. This potential appointment comes after a local citizen in the public forum of a council meeting brought up potential conflicts regarding Mrs. Reid, Dixie’s Inside Connection and her position on the Lake City Development Corporation Board. There have been no public statements regarding these matters. Where does a citizen go when they are unsatisfied after going through regular protocols? Answer: they just go away. Dixie Reid should do the same.

    Comment by doubleseetripleeye — March 1, 2008 @ 10:43 pm

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