November 10, 2008

Open Session, Monday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 10:50 am

Cliff Harris’ weather column in the Press this morning reports that the UK is not so sure about this global warming stuff.  Apparently the British Parliament is arguing over new regulations amidst the earliest snowfall since 1922!   (here’s the link:

What do you think about global warming?  Feel free to post and other questions or comments as well.


  1. Weather patterns are cyclical throughout all evolutions of our earth. Contrary to Al Gore, this is just another cycle.

    Perhaps this thought is totally rhetorical. But try as I might, I can never find where any of the LCDC or CDA council people have ever answered rebuttals to their claims. ie: Stone stating that some 3500 jobs were created at Riverstone. When it was factually pointed out that that figure was not only inflated, but ambiguous, the silence from Mr. Stone was positively deafening. My theory is that people read something once and then (often) take it as gospel. I believe the infrastructure depends on this fact.

    I noticed that on Wed., in Post Falls there is another “open meeting” on the so called Education Corridor. I find these meetings offensive in the extreme as they patronise the collective intelligence. “We’re going to smooze you into belief”. Why bother with the charade of these public meetings when it has been stated that the slae has been legally entered into with the seller. So what is this so called “input”? Insulting.

    Comment by Diogenes — November 10, 2008 @ 11:50 am

  2. They’re holding the Education Corridor forums because they were told to. They were told that it would be “good PR.” They accept no input. Indeed, the Education Corridor officials merely bicker with the public. Remember: City elections are only a year away. What say we clean house this time?

    Comment by Dan — November 10, 2008 @ 1:47 pm

  3. It is amazing, Diogenes, that John Stone can come out with that type of purposeful misstatement of fact and no officials speak out. Tony Berns, Exec. Director of LCDC, stated clearly, at a forum last spring, that LCDC has been involved in creating about 3300 jobs, but that less than 300 remain.

    I will be going to the PF meeting but only to listen to the PF citizens ask their questions. Few realize the Ed. Corridor is paid for by all citizens of the state, but more by those in Kootenai County, and is meant to serve all 5 northern counties of Idaho, not just the city of Coeur d’Alene.

    Comment by mary — November 10, 2008 @ 1:50 pm

  4. New (and very frightening) subject. The news is that Obama is going to close Gitmo. Apparently these terrorists are to be set free. I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt on Obamas motives…but frankly, I hope this act is not what it appears. So difficult to forget the Obama comment to George Stephanopolis.

    Comment by Diogenes — November 10, 2008 @ 2:38 pm

  5. I might have missed that comment, Diogenes. What did he say to Stephanopolis?

    Comment by mary — November 10, 2008 @ 2:43 pm

  6. He said, “people misunderstand my muslim religion”. This was later explained as “he mis-spoke”, or “he said, the”. Which never explained the incredulous look on Stephanopolous’ face. I just find that, first the appointment of the truly foul Emmanuel as chief of staff (and I would say that even if he were a Republican president) and then this plan, to be less than comforting. I believe that everyone, certainly I do, wants to give him a chance. But this much flouted “change”, even before the innauguration, is so far, less than reassuring.

    Comment by Diogenes — November 10, 2008 @ 3:57 pm

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