August 27, 2014

From Arfee to Brady

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , — Bill @ 11:31 am

Investigations-FactsOn July 9, 2014, a Coeur d’Alene police officer shot Arfee, a pet dog, inside its owner’s parked van .  Arfee’s owner had reportedly parked in the adjoining parking lot while he was patronizing Java on Sherman coffee shop.

In the late 1950’s the state of Maryland convicted John Brady of first degree murder .  His conviction was overturned by the US Supreme Court in 1963 because the prosecutor had withheld the existence of potentially exculpatory evidence from Brady. (see Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963))

Because of the Coeur d’Alene Police Department’s misleading press release announcing the officer-involved shooting of Arfee on July 9, it will be interesting to see if the 1963 Brady decision and later decisions expanding it may play a role in the Arfee shooting outcome in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in 2014. (more…)

April 16, 2014

Boss Hog to the Pen …

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 10:59 am

rizzoAccording to Angela Spaccia, Robert Rizzo’s cohort in the Bell corruption scandal, Rizzo had a saying:

“Pigs get Fat … Hogs get slaughtered!!! So long as we’re not Hogs … all is well!!”

Today, California Superior Court Judge Kathleen Kennedy told Hog Rizzo that all was not well.  She sentenced him to serve 12 years in state prison for his part in the Bell corruption scandal.  He will be allowed to serve the state’s sentence concurrently with his 33-month federal sentence on tax-related charges.

The details of today’s sentencing are in LA Times reporter Jeff Gottlieb’s online story headlined Rizzo gets 12 years in prison, marking end to scandal that rocked Bell.

While Rizzo’s sentencing on federal and state charges and Angela Spaccia’s sentencing on state charges do appear to end the state action, there remains the possibility of federal charges against Angela Spaccia.  As OpenCdA has noted in several earlier posts, Angela (Sheffield) Spaccia served as Kootenai County, Idaho’s Finance Director prior to going to Bell.

November 20, 2013

Pier’ Angela Spaccia (AKA: Angela Sheffield)

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 8:22 am

SpacciaBookingPhotoThis is the photo taken of Pier’ Angela Spaccia by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department when she was booked into the Los Angeles County jail in 2010.  Spaccia is currently on trial in California Superior Court, charged with a total of 13 counts including conflict of interest, misappropriation of public funds, secretation of public records, receiving unauthorized compensation and conspiracy.

As Los Angeles Times reporters Jeff Gottlieb and Ruben Vives have reported,  Spaccia has a fairly recent connection to both Coeur d’Alene and Post Falls.  She was known as Angela Sheffield when she was Kootenai County’s Finance Director.

In her second comment appended to yesterday’s OpenCdA post titled Bell Corruption:  Tightening the Coeur d’Alene Connection, Stebbijo remarked, “… however, there isn’t much, connecting her to this area other than a sealed case out of Post Falls, Idaho.”

Here is what we’ve been able to find from a cursory inspection of public records. (more…)

September 18, 2013

Subverting Port of Hope

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 4:15 pm


Is the City of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, misusing its Planning & Zoning Commission and its zoning ordinances to drive a successful long-time Idaho-based non-profit corporation, Port of Hope, Inc. (PoH) out of business at its northern Idaho address?  If so, why?

If you own or operate a business in Coeur d’Alene or if you’re thinking of starting a business or relocating your existing business here, please take the time to read this.    What the City of Coeur d’Alene is doing to Port of Hope should not happen to you or anyone else.

If you’re a taxpayer in Coeur d’Alene, you need to read this as well.  The City government’s official actions could end up costing City taxpayers many millions of dollars.

Please read this lengthy post carefully and watch the recordings of both the July 9 and August 13, 2013, meetings of the Coeur d’Alene Planning & Zoning Commission.  Then decide for yourself if the City government is acting out of good intentions,  mere incompetence, cronyism, or something else. (more…)

October 24, 2012


Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 10:16 am

Mary Souza’s Newsletter  

Why does this title make me think of that old movie, “When Harry Met Sally”, when she’s sitting in the café…?  Ok, stop laughing now and let’s focus.  This is serious.

Education has always been a top priority in our family.  My husband was a 4th grade teacher when I met him.  I’ve been a clinical nursing instructor. And between our two families, we have almost 10 current or retired teachers.  We love teachers and we believe in the power of education.

So we applauded the courageous effort of Superintendent Tom Luna’s Education Reforms for Idaho last year.  And we are now appalled at the inaccurate information being pushed in TV ads and mailings paid by the National Teachers’ Union. (more…)

September 22, 2012

“No Easy Day”

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 8:42 am



I’ve just finished reading “No Easy Day.”   The cover and flyleaf and the pre-pub hyperbole will sell a lot of books to those who are armchair aficionados of military special operations.  Those who believe the fictional images portrayed by Arnold and Sylvester will be both enlightened and disappointed by the book.

My impression of the book’s theme is that it is first and foremost about mental discipline and focus.   It was more an unintended self-help book about striving to achieve excellence in personal performance while at the same time recognizing that achieving personal excellence depends heavily on others having the same objective and translating it into team performance.  (more…)

February 7, 2012

Ed Corridor Pushes Again

Filed under: General — mary @ 1:31 pm

In a pleasant article today in the Press, reporter Tom Hasslinger writes of a zone change that will be requested at tonight’s CdA city council meeting.  He doesn’t refer to any of the controversy related to this land, the zone changes or the funding process.  What a shame.  The public should be aware of how this fiasco has been shoved down their throats, but the Press is keeping it nice and pretty.  Here’s the comment I put under their article online…what are your thoughts?

“Several years ago, I attended a meeting about the Ed Corridor. It was at SD271’s Midtown Center and the little meeting room was packed with people. A fancy, full color booklet, which was called the plan for the Ed Corridor had just been made public. So, during the meeting, I asked NIC Pres. Priscilla Bell, how much of the 17 acres (at $588,000 per acre) would be used for commercial purposes. She answered, “None”. Then I asked why the “plan” showed almost 7 acres (40%) as designated for commercial development? She balked, stuttered, started to deny it, but I held up the booklet and read directly from the page that detailed that use. NIC’s Treasurer was sitting next to Priscilla and told her I was correct.   (more…)

December 31, 2011

Too Many Distractions?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:50 am

Nevada City, MO, police officer playing with his toys. (Click on photo to enlarge)

The December 31, 2011, Coeur d’Alene Press has a guest opinion column titled Cell phone ban is needed.  It was authored by local attorney Steve Bell.  As his title notes, Bell advocates banning all cell phone use, not just text messaging, while driving.  His premise is that, “You remain a distracted and dangerous driver while engaging in that conversation and that includes hands-free use…”.

According to the column, Idaho State Senator Jim Hammond believes Idaho will enact [anti-] texting legislation during this years legislative session.

What do you think?  Is legislation needed?  If it is, what should it include?  More important, maybe — whom should it cover and who should be exempted?  (more…)

August 31, 2011

A Ray of Hope and a Storm of Nonsense

Filed under: General — mary @ 7:51 pm

Mary Souza’s Newsletter

I sat with Dan Green the other day and had a good conversation about the County, public employees and much more. Dan (pictured here) is one of the new Kootenai County Commissioners , along with Jai Nelson, whom, during our discussion, he complimented for her focus and work ethic. These two, as well as new County Clerk Cliff Hayes, offer us in the public a much needed sense of hope.

The County will not raise taxes this year. They eliminated at least 12 underutilized positions. They combed through the budget and sliced out $800,000, but were saddened to discovered the state-mandated indigent care had been estimated at only half its real cost by the previous administration, so the new budget savings were obliterated this legal obligation officially called County Assistance. But they’re trying.

The Commissioners rearranged the medical insurance, saving the county $420,000 in what would have been new premium increases. To do this they required employees to pay more for their spouses but less for their children, because that’s what the statistics revealed as most cost effective. And they’re offering a health savings plan with incentives for improving lifestyle choices, which could save the county even more. The bottom line is that, for the first time in many years, the County’s medical insurance costs will not increase.  (more…)

August 6, 2011

They’re At It Again

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 12:15 pm


“They” are both the Idaho Department of Correction and the City of Coeur d’Alene.  And what they’re “at” again is housing convicts still under state supervision in rental houses in Coeur d’Alene residential communities without informing the neighbors.   See the article headlined New Neighbors Not Welcome in the Saturday Coeur d’Alene Press.

And as “again” suggests, this is not the first time “they” have been “at” this in Coeur d’Alene.  (more…)

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