December 22, 2020

Update and Addition to ‘The Immaculate Deception’

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , , — Bill @ 12:40 pm

12-17-2020 -- The Immaculate Deception Cover


Please refer to my OpenCdA post dated December 17, 2020, entitled The Navarro Report — Rigging the 2020 Presidential Election.

Dr. Peter Navarro, President Trump’s Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, has just issued a 3-page memorandum updating and adding information to that 36-page report.  Here is a link to this most recent memorandum.

December 17, 2020

The Navarro Report – Rigging the 2020 Presidential Election

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , , — Bill @ 7:08 pm

12-17-2020 -- The Immaculate Deception Cover

Dr. Peter Navarro is the author of this 36-page report entitled The Immaculate Deception :  Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities.  He is President Trump’s Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy.

Dr. Navarro is the author of at least 13 books.  That may help explain why The Immaculate Deception is written so directly, so succinctly, and so eminently readable.  For example:

Indeed, the observed patterns of election irregularities are so consistent across the six battleground states that they suggest a coordinated strategy to, if not steal the election outright, strategically game the election process in such a way as to “stuff the ballot box” and unfairly tilt the playing field in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket.

“… a coordinated strategy …” is a polite society way of saying “criminal conspiracy” without coming right out with those words.  Dr. Navarro stops just tantalizingly short of outright alleging a six-state criminal conspiracy to rig the 2020 presidential election to the benefit of Joseph Robinette “ChiCom Joe” Biden.

This report is very likely to become the Cliff’s Notes version of the rigging of the 2020 presidential election.  Navarro does not write his reports to be replacements for the longer and more detailed government corruption and bribery books by authors such as Peter Schweizer.  But after reading The Immaculate Deception, it seems likely we will be eager to read the longer story after the dust has settled and the federal judges and national news media have exhausted every way imaginable to cover up for Biden and Harris.

December 6, 2020

Is History Repeating Today?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , , — Bill @ 5:11 pm

battle-of-athens-tn-signA friend of mine and I have been exchanging observations and opinions about the apparently well-coordinated election manipulation involving several states in the 2020 presidential election.

A few days ago my friend reminded me that a similar though much smaller event occurred in the USA just after WW II had ended.  He sent a 13-1/2 minute video excerpt from a longer historical documentary reenactment movie.  The excerpt by Jeremy Hopper is entitled The Battle of Athens:  Fighting Voter & Election Fraud.  Note that the excerpt was first posted on YouTube on December 28, 2011.

For a much more complete, inspiring, and very readable account, please read The Battle of Athens, Tennessee a post by Alexis Anthony Koeppel on the website of The Valiant Defender’s Party.  After you’ve read that, you may want to also read the remarks of former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt about the Battle of Athens.

Here’s a mental challenge for you:  Identify as many broad similarities as you can between the 1946 election in the rural Tennessee county seat town of Athens and the national campaign and election for President and many members of Congress in 2020.  Consider and compare the broad motivations of those willing to rig the outcome of both elections.  Identify the external forces (“outsiders”) and the internal forces (government “insiders”) involved in rigging both elections.  Compare the reactions of the citizens of Athens to their election being rigged to the reactions of you and your fellow citizens in the USA to the 2020 elections being rigged.

May 30, 2020

Will the Lynching Be Televised?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , , — Bill @ 3:05 pm

Floyd Newsphoto Composite


“What lynching?” you ask.

Why, the lynching of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, of course.

It seems as if every maggot-bait national and syndicated radio and television talk show host and pundit and every television and NPR network skews reader who has watched the eight-minute video of Chauvin with his knee on the side of the neck of George Floyd has already publicly convicted former Officer Chauvin of first or second degree murder.  No presumption of innocence, no indictment, no trial by jury of his peers based on admissible evidence.  Just lynch him in public for all to see.

Hiding under their desks,  Minnesota Governor Walz, his Antifa-friendly Attorney General Keith Ellison, and Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey seem to desperately hope that maybe rushing to lynch Chauvin will stop the anarchists populating those two highly respected civil rights organizations, Black Lives Matter and Antifa, from burning and looting Minneapolis in memory of George Floyd.   And if using Chauvin’s lynching to sate the blood lust of public officials, anarchists, and entertainers isn’t enough, Walz, Ellison, and Frey might be persuaded to use the same gallows and drop the door from beneath former officers Lane, Kueng, and Thoa for good measure.  Serial lynchings!

No need to bother with a complete and impartial investigation.  Don’t bother with an evidence-supportable charge.  Isn’t the video enough evidence?  And certainly don’t bother with a trial based on a presumption of innocence.  Just march Chauvin out to the gallows, fit the noose over his neck, pull the lever, listen for the neck snap, and wait for any neural post-mortem twitching to stop.  Justice will have been done, won’t it?

Before you start ordering pizza for snacking while watching the lynching, though, please humor me.  I have a few questions. (more…)

September 1, 2018

Ignore the Gorilla at Your Own Peril

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , — Bill @ 8:38 pm

800 pound gorillaSince immediately after the lawful election of Donald J. Trump to be President of the United States on November 8, 2016, there has been an organized effort by anti-American Democrats and Republicans and other dregs of society to prevent him from taking office.  That effort failed, so they turned their efforts to removing him from office.

Thanks to the diligent  and costly efforts of a handful of members of Congress and to a private organization known as Judicial Watch who have remained loyal to the Constitution and the principle of the rule of law, we are getting a clearer picture, albeit a frightening one, indicating that named persons in the very top echelons of the US Department of Justice (DoJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have committed federal felonies to conceal exonerating evidence and fabricate incriminating evidence that would support the impeachment and removal from office of President Donald J. Trump.  Some private authors, notably Peter Schweitzer and Gregg Jarrett, have written excellent books summarizing the evidence docuented in Congressional hearings and FOIA responses to Judicial Watch.

Some time ago the documented evidence showed beyond any reasonable doubt that secret interception warrants and renewals sought by the FBI and DoJ from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) pursuant to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) were approved and signed by FISC judges.  One particular FISA warrant and three 90-day renewals of it authorized the FBI and DoJ to intercept a US citizen, Carter Page.

The FISC hearings are held in secret and are ex parte proceedings.  The FBI and DoJ present evidence supporting their FISA application directly to the FISC judge in a closed proceeding.  Because of the secrecy and the ex parte nature of the proceedings, it is the judge’s duty to ensure that the stringent requirements of the FISA law are strictly obeyed.  It is well within the FISC judge’s discretion and authority to require the DoJ and FBI to present evidence supporting their sworn statements in the affidavit before issuing the order.

A few honest members of Congress and Judicial Watch who have been analyzing the evidence derived from hearings and investigations and FOIA responses long ago determined that the FBI and DoJ very likely knowingly and intentionally misled the FISC in the Page FISA warrant and renewal applications.   That is serious by itself, but it is not the 800-pound gorilla in the room.

The 800-pound gorilla showed up in the Judicial Watch offices in the form of an FOIA response last week to Judicial Watch.  This Washington Times article today was headlined FISA court didn’t hold hearings before granting warrants on Carter Page, Trump notes in tweet clearly and succintly states that the FISC judges issued FISA warrants to surveil a US citizen, Carter Page, without even holding a required proceeding and creating a transcript of it.  The DoJ has acknowledged that.

How does an honest and competent Federal District Court judge serving as a FISC judge issue a warrant without even conducting a proceeding to have the affiants present to answer the questions the FISC judge is supposed to be asking before issuing the secret search warrant?  How is the affiant’s oath sworn?

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton answered that question very succinctly.  The FISC “rubber-stamped the Carter Page spy warrants and held not one hearing on these extraordinary requests to spy on the Trump [campaign] team.”

Are the FISC judges lazy?  Cowards?  Corrupt?  All the preceding?

Where are the supposed freedom fighters for civil liberties, the defenders of the First Amendment?  Where are the skews media like the New York Times and the Washington Post, NBC, CBS, ABC,  CNN and NPR?  Where is the American Civil Liberties Union?

This is not “politics as usual”.   It is nothing short of an effort by agencies, officials,  and employees of the US government to unlawfully remove the President of the United States from office by fabricating or falsifying evidence which could never be admitted in a criminal trial but would happily be accepted in the political impeachment and removal proceedings of Congress.  By underreporting or completely ignoring these illegal actions, the “free press” skews media become witting accomplices.

If the FISC or any other federal district court judge is so corrupt as to issue invalid secret warrants against a private citizen like Carter Page, he or she may well be rubber-stamping federal law enforcement agency affidavits and approving other illegal search warrants without appropriate judicial oversight against other private citizens like you or me.

The further erosion of the rule of law, this time by the judicial branch of government, is the 800-pound gorilla in the room.

August 24, 2018

Three Worth Reading

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , , , — Bill @ 11:51 am


When the 2016 Republican National Convention delegates nominated Donald J. Trump to be the party’s presidential nominee on July 19, 2016, it generated more of a shock inside the Republican Party than it did with the Democrats.   After all,  “everyone” including many Republicans knew and accepted that 2016 was going to be the year of the first woman President of the United States.  She was to be Hillary Clinton.  (more…)

August 17, 2018

Monetizing Hypocrisy

HypocrisyTwelve former senior intelligence officials have signed a statement criticizing President Trump’s decision to revoke the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan.  Their letter asserts the President’s decision was based entirely on Brennan’s criticism of the President.

It is very likely that several of these officials were in that “special” category of officials who were allowed to retain their security clearances when they left the government service.   In fact, some of them may still have clearances on file with their final employer.

But as has become typical of our national, regional, and local skews media, we’re not getting the complete picture about the signators to this letter.   Some of them appear to be capitalizing on their clearance retention to financially enhance their retirement incomes. (more…)

April 13, 2018

Just Released: USDoJIG Report – McCabe Firing

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , — Bill @ 1:58 pm

McCabe OIG Report Cover|



Here is a link to the cover letter and the 39-page report of the Office of Inspector General, US Department of Justice, released April13, 2018.

A Report of Investigation of Certain Allegations Relating to Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

April 12, 2018

How Will They Know?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , — Bill @ 12:21 pm

SherlockHemlock MuellerSenate Majority Leader Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. and Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Davis Ryan Jr. are among several Fools on the Hill urging President Trump to just let Special Counsel Robert Mueller finish his investigation.  Just let him finish the job he started, they’re saying.

That certainly sounds like a reasonable suggestion.  Except it’s not.

How will McConnell, Ryan, and the other Fools on the Hill know when the investigation is finished?

What are the clearly enumerated defined investigative criteria being used to judge the sufficiency of  the Mueller Hit Squad’s investigation?

Who has been designated and empowered to be the person to say that the investigation has reached its conclusion?

The answers to those questions should have been clearly enumerated and included in the authorization for the Special Counsel, but they weren’t.

Why not?

The answer to that last question may be in what was not included in Order 3915-2017  signed by Acting Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein on 5/17/17.  That was the order which appointed the Special Counsel to investigate Russian interference with the 2016 Presidential election and related matters.  Paragraph (b) of that Order gives Mueller almost unlimited authority to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump“. [emphasis mine]

Notice, however, the Order does not authorize as well the investigation of “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and inviduals associated with the campaign of nominee Hillary Clinton.”  Had the Clinton campaign been mentioned specifically with the Trump campaign in the Order, it would have forced Rosenstein to include the kind of specificity I suggested.  It would have made it difficult for Mueller to ignore the Clinton campaign’s and the DNC’s now-proven financial relationship with the Russian government to create the fictional Steele dossier.  It would have made it difficult for Mueller to focus his entire inquisition on Trump.

By specifically excluding the Clinton campaign from the Order, Rosenstein gave Mueller complete authority to ignore Clinton campaign complicity with the Russians and also to ignore other crimes committed by the Clinton campaign and others.

For an exceedingly clear explanation of just how corrupt the US Department of Justice has become, read ‘Talk to Mueller?  No, Trump Should Use His Bully Pulpit to Expose Mueller’s Corruption‘.  It was written by Kurt Schlichter and was posted April 12, 2017, on

February 24, 2018

Schiff (HPSCI) Memo Released Today

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , , — Bill @ 2:13 pm

United_States_House_Permanent_Select_Committee_on_IntelligenceToday the Democrat Minority on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) released its own version of events concerning the FBI’s alleged misuse of a FISA warrant to intercept Trump campaign conversations.  Here is a link to the 10-page memorandum released today.

The Republican Majority on the HPSCI released its version of events in a memorandum on February 2, 2018.  Our OpenCdA post on February 2, 2018, entitled Nunes (HPSCI) Memo Released includes a link to the Republicans’ memorandum.

As you would expect, the Democrats and Republicans have differing accounts of how the FBI obtained the FISA warrant and renewals to intercept Carter Page.

The best information about the representations made to the FISA Court by the FBI would be in the applications and supporting documentation and, if available, transcripts of those FISA Court hearings.  That information is being sought by Judicial Watch in the lawsuit cited and linked in my February 2, 2018, post Nunes (HPSCI) Memo Released.  It is likely that the House Committee on the Judiciary would also be interested in reviewing the FISA applications material.

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