January 9, 2021

Senator Tim Scott’s Good Idea

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , — Bill @ 7:29 am

scotttimOn Wednesday, January 6, 2021, U.S. Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina introduced Senate Bill S.13 in the 117th Congress.  The bill has been captioned “A bill to establish an advisory committee to make recommendations on improvements to the security, integrity, and administration of Federal elections.”

On January 5, 2021, Senator Scott’s office posted this press release entitled “Scott to Introduce Bill Establishing Election Integrity Commission.”

According to the U.S. Senate webpage on, Senator Scott’s bill has been read the first time but, “As of 01/09/2021 text has not been received for S.13 – A bill to establish an advisory committee to make recommendations on improvements to the security, integrity, and administration of Federal elections.”

When the text of the bill appears as SB 13, OpenCdA hopes there will be a few changes or elaborations.  For example:

The press release stated the Advisory Committee would be made up of 9 Republican and 9 Democrat members appointed by House and Senate leadership.  From that we infer the 18 members will come exclusively from elected members of the House and Senate and will not include anyone without partisan affiliation from outside the Capital Beltway.

We remind Senator Scott that according to the website, “The most recent polling data from December 2020 puts the approval rating of the United States Congress at 15 percent, the lowest approval rating since December 2019.”

OpenCdA is certain that Senator Scott is intent and sincere when he says in his press release statement, “We cannot move forward without looking back and scrutinizing the issues that led to millions of Americans losing trust in our election system.”  We agree completely, just as we agree with the general framework of inquiry suggested in his press release.

May we thus humbly suggest that instead of being composed entirely of members of Congress, his proposed Election Integrity Commission ought to include as full-fledged members several of the millions of Americans who have lost trust in their election system?  Senator Scott might be very surprised to find that some of his and other members’ constituents are able offer ideas worthy of being allowed past the “Not Invented Here” berm of rejection that has been erected around Fantasyland-on-the-Potomac.

We sincerely hope Senator Tim Scott’s proposed legislation results in our fellow citizens’ trust in their election system being not only restored but dramatically improved beyond anyone’s wildest expectations.  Good for Senator Scott for taking this first step toward achieving that.

December 22, 2020

Update and Addition to ‘The Immaculate Deception’

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , , — Bill @ 12:40 pm

12-17-2020 -- The Immaculate Deception Cover


Please refer to my OpenCdA post dated December 17, 2020, entitled The Navarro Report — Rigging the 2020 Presidential Election.

Dr. Peter Navarro, President Trump’s Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, has just issued a 3-page memorandum updating and adding information to that 36-page report.  Here is a link to this most recent memorandum.

December 17, 2020

The Navarro Report – Rigging the 2020 Presidential Election

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , , — Bill @ 7:08 pm

12-17-2020 -- The Immaculate Deception Cover

Dr. Peter Navarro is the author of this 36-page report entitled The Immaculate Deception :  Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities.  He is President Trump’s Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy.

Dr. Navarro is the author of at least 13 books.  That may help explain why The Immaculate Deception is written so directly, so succinctly, and so eminently readable.  For example:

Indeed, the observed patterns of election irregularities are so consistent across the six battleground states that they suggest a coordinated strategy to, if not steal the election outright, strategically game the election process in such a way as to “stuff the ballot box” and unfairly tilt the playing field in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket.

“… a coordinated strategy …” is a polite society way of saying “criminal conspiracy” without coming right out with those words.  Dr. Navarro stops just tantalizingly short of outright alleging a six-state criminal conspiracy to rig the 2020 presidential election to the benefit of Joseph Robinette “ChiCom Joe” Biden.

This report is very likely to become the Cliff’s Notes version of the rigging of the 2020 presidential election.  Navarro does not write his reports to be replacements for the longer and more detailed government corruption and bribery books by authors such as Peter Schweizer.  But after reading The Immaculate Deception, it seems likely we will be eager to read the longer story after the dust has settled and the federal judges and national news media have exhausted every way imaginable to cover up for Biden and Harris.

December 6, 2020

Is History Repeating Today?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , , — Bill @ 5:11 pm

battle-of-athens-tn-signA friend of mine and I have been exchanging observations and opinions about the apparently well-coordinated election manipulation involving several states in the 2020 presidential election.

A few days ago my friend reminded me that a similar though much smaller event occurred in the USA just after WW II had ended.  He sent a 13-1/2 minute video excerpt from a longer historical documentary reenactment movie.  The excerpt by Jeremy Hopper is entitled The Battle of Athens:  Fighting Voter & Election Fraud.  Note that the excerpt was first posted on YouTube on December 28, 2011.

For a much more complete, inspiring, and very readable account, please read The Battle of Athens, Tennessee a post by Alexis Anthony Koeppel on the website of The Valiant Defender’s Party.  After you’ve read that, you may want to also read the remarks of former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt about the Battle of Athens.

Here’s a mental challenge for you:  Identify as many broad similarities as you can between the 1946 election in the rural Tennessee county seat town of Athens and the national campaign and election for President and many members of Congress in 2020.  Consider and compare the broad motivations of those willing to rig the outcome of both elections.  Identify the external forces (“outsiders”) and the internal forces (government “insiders”) involved in rigging both elections.  Compare the reactions of the citizens of Athens to their election being rigged to the reactions of you and your fellow citizens in the USA to the 2020 elections being rigged.

December 3, 2020

But Not Enough to Matter …

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , — Bill @ 5:01 pm

Election Fraud or Counterfeit $$$?

Nationally syndicated editorial cartoonists such as Steve Kelley can often use their gifts to capture the essence of a major news story faster and more convincingly than any skewspaper writers or eye nitwit electronic skews reporter ever hoped to.

On Tuesday, December 1, 2020, United States Attorney General William Barr publicly stated, “To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the [November 3, 2020, presidential] election.”

Barr’s aversion to enforcing election laws to ensure election integrity is unfortunately far too typical among prosecuting attorneys at all levels of government, especially the lazy ones in counties where they are elected.  They’re not exactly slam-dunk cases to make, and the prosecutor (not to mention an elected trial court judge) knows that he’s going to upset some people enough to cost him votes.

Still, the national election-related crimes that are being revealed by this year’s presidential election are worth studying.  From what they learn, our elected national and state legislators should jump at the opportunity to evaluate applicable laws and procedures, repeal inapplicable ones, and update ones that have become outdated.  (I believe in Santa Claus, too.)

But we as citizens need to pay closer attention as well.  As we in Kootenai County and Coeur d’Alene have learned from an election contest lawsuit and from recall elections, we cannot count on our law enforcement officers, prosecutors, county clerks, and district court judges to be particularly well-informed or even mildly interested in having honest elections.

To help educate voters, the website has published two brief, easy-to-read online tutorials.

The first tutorial is entitled Fraud Primer.  It clearly and succinctly explains the various types of election and voter frauds we can expect to see in elections.

The second tutorial is entitled Fraud PhD.  As its title suggests, this tutorial goes into some depth to explain the warning signs of the various election frauds we might see.

The information from these two tutorials will not only make us better informed voters, but it will help prepare citizens to serve capably as election monitors and polling officials.

Because election fraud in any amount should be enough to matter.

November 20, 2020

Voting Systems & Software Standards … or Not

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , , — Bill @ 9:51 pm

Dominion Democracy Shredder

If you watched the Trump election challenge legal team press conference on Thursday, November 19, 2020, you heard attorney Sidney Powell talk at some length but in general terms about how Dominion Voting Systems voting system equipment and software had some design features which would allow votes cast to be weighted or switched between candidates either manually or according to an algorithm.  Sidney Powell went into much more detail in her interview on November 20, 2020, with Washington Examiner podcast host Larry O’Connor.

In this YouTube interview, television and radio talk show host Glenn Beck elicits a clear and simple description of how easily the Dominion Voting System equipment and software can be manipulated.  The interviewee is Jeff Brown, the founder and chief investment analyst of Brownstone Research.

At one point in the video, Beck asked Brown why some of the blatant security vulnerabilities were designed and built in.  Brown chuckled and said, “Why, to manipulate the voting results,” as if it should be obvious.  Brown went on to explain that Dominion machines are used in “some pretty nefarious countries” where the leaders want to ensure they win every election.

The Trump election challenge legal team asserts that the results of the 2020 presidential election were changed as a result of hundreds of thousands of votes being manipulated by illegally manipulating electronic voting systems and software.  The legal team represents that it has evidence that would be legally admissible in a court of law that would show that in about 10 large cities, there were votes cast for President Trump that were electronically counted as being for Joe Biden.

Most readers will ask this obvious question:  Doesn’t the United States have some technical standards, some rules and regulations, which would prevent equipment and software like this from being used in our national, state, county, and local elections?  The answer is a qualified “Yes.”

The United States Election Assistance Commission (EAC) produces a set of Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG).

Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG) are a set of specifications and requirements against which voting systems can be tested to determine if the systems meet required standards. Some factors examined under these tests include basic functionality, accessibility, and security capabilities. HAVA [Help America Vote Act] mandates that EAC develop and maintain these requirements.

HAVA requires that the EAC certify and decertify voting systems. Section 231(a)(1) of HAVA specifically requires the EAC to “… provide for the certification, de-certification and re-certification of voting system hardware and software by accredited laboratories.” The EAC has the sole authority to grant certification or withdraw certification at the Federal level, including the authority to grant, maintain, extend, suspend, and withdraw the right to retain or use any certificates, marks, or other indicators of certification.

To provide clear procedures to manufacturers for the testing and certification of voting systems to specified Federal standards, the EAC has produced the EAC Voting System Testing and Certification Program Manual.

The testing and certification program also was intended to serve four other purposes:

Support state certification programs.  (usually administered coordinated by the Secretary of State)

Support local election officials (county and city clerks) in the areas of acceptance testing and pre-election system verification.

Increase quality control in voting system manufacture.

Increase voter confidence in the use of voting systems.

Given what Mr. Brown said in the YouTube video about the intentional design features in the Dominion Voting Systems equipment and software, we and our public officials ought to be demanding an explanation about how Dominion’s equipment and software could possibly have met the VVSG and the requirements in the Manual.  How could Dominion’s equipment and software ever have received approval for use in a local mosquito abatement board election, let alone the 2020 general election to elect the President of the United States?

Until that question is answered to the satisfaction of over 72 million voters who thought they voted for President Trump’s re-election in November 2020, the EAC won’t be able to look voters in the eye and tell us we should have complete confidence in the accuracy of the voting systems and software used in our states regardless of our state’s selection from the FEC’s “approved” list of voting systems and software.

August 16, 2017

Understanding the Subversion of the Trump Presidency

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , , , — Bill @ 2:15 pm


















If you have been surprised, even shocked and dismayed, by the efforts to subvert the presidency of President Donald J. Trump, the two books shown above should be on your read-soon list.  Both are available from the Community Library Network.

But before you read the books, you will want to read this online publication entitled Democracy Matters — Strategic Plan for Action.  The person behind this plan is David Brock.  It was begun on November 9, 2016.

Brock’s groups (Media Matters, American Bridge, CREW, and Shareblue primarily seek to remove President Trump from office.  They also seek to encourage local groups to use the same tactics to discredit and attack state, county, and municipal officials.  For example, see The Indivisible Guide webpage.  Do a bit of searching on this webpage and you’ll find Indivisible North Idaho.  Go to Indivisible North Idaho’s Facebook page to meet and greet your friends and neighbors.

In none of these documents will you see words that could be properly characterized as unlawfully seditious or inciting to illegal acts of violence.  Violence, however, does further their purpose.  News coverage of acts of violence (e.g.,  Charlottesville, VA) does get the public’s attention.    Biased and intentionally deceptive by omission news coverage shapes public opinion.

Some of the disruptions at state legislators’ townhall meetings across the country (remember the red and green cards?) were scripted and choreographed.  Do some research into the Town Hall Project to help understand and recognize the techniques used.

Many citizens do not attend town hall meetings  or forums to disrupt; they attend hoping to ask questions and get complete and informative answers.    Possible disruption at an elected official’s meeting is the “draw” that now gets the news media to attend these meetings and allocate more column-inches and photo space in print and more airtime during  broadcasts.   If the meeting is disrupted, the disruption rather than the quality and completeness of the official’s answers and comments dominates the news story.

OpenCdA hopes the books and documents we’ve suggested will help you better understand “How shady political operatives and fake news control what you see, what you think, and how you vote.”   We also hope they will help you better understand and reject “the outrage industry.”

March 30, 2017

SSCI Hearings: Russian Influence on the 2016 US Presidential Election

On Thursday, March 30, 2017, the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) held an entire day of public hearings in Washington, DC.  The SSCI was looking into the allegations that the Russians had influenced the outcome of the 2016 presidential election which elected Donald F. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States.  The nature of its duty, Congressional oversight of US intelligence activities, results in very few open public hearings.

OpenCdA watched these hearings lasting just over five hours.   Congressional hearings are nearly always predominantly boring speechifying by self-serving elected Congressional representatives.  These two hearings today were not boring, and there was nearly no partisan speechifying.

The Senators on the SSCI were exceptionally well-prepared and asked on-point, insightful questions.  The content of their questions and the perspectives and expertise offered by the witnesses suggested that Congress has finally recognized the ongoing threat that information warfare or information operations presents to the United States.  Senators took these hearings and the information from them very seriously.  We should, too.

OpenCdA urges citizens who are serious about understanding how effectively the Russians use information warfare strategies and tactics to offset a superior kinetic warfare force will find these five hours of hearings remarkably understandable and educational.  The same readers will also better understand just how effectively Russia has manipulated our free press (AKA:  the skews media) to influence public opinion.  Unfortunately, the hearings also revealed in living color just how derelict our elected officials have been since about 1990 in recognizing the existence, let alone the gravity of info war and info ops.

Here are links to video of Thursday’s hearings.

Morning Hearing:  Disinformation:  A Primer in Russian Active Measures and Influence Campaigns

Afternoon Hearing:  Disinformation:  A Primer in Russian Active Measures and Influence Campaigns

OpenCdA hopes that especially younger readers will take time to watch these hearings.   You need to understand just how your choice of news delivery platform, often social media like Twitter and Facebook and not just the traditional print and broadcast media, is being manipulated to shape the disinformation you read every day.  You will also hear just how easily the Russians turned President Trump’s frequent Tweets against him.

February 8, 2016

New Voting Machines in Ada County

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 7:13 am

0201 Local Election 02Ada County voters will see a new type of voting machine starting with the March 8 Republican primary election.

According to this morning’s Idaho Statesman newspaper article headlined Ada County voters may see faster results with new election system, voters will still complete a paper ballot just as in prior elections.   The tabulation process will be done at each precinct, and each voter will immediately receive confirmation that his ballot has been accepted or rejected.  A rejected ballot can be corrected in the voting booth and resubmitted.

The Statesman article asserts, “The machines do not go online, so there is no risk of hacking.”  Unfortunately, the article did not explain if the equipment has been designed, tested, and certified to be resistant to external manipulation or data contamination by electromagnetic interference or radio frequency interference.  Neither did the article state if the equipment has been similarly tested and certified to prevent premature revelation of data through electromagnetic or radio frequency emanations.

It will be interesting to see the Idaho Secretary of State’s technical evaluation of the new equipment’s real-world performance after its first election in Ada County.

July 25, 2014

What We Left Out …

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , — Bill @ 7:16 am

ALARCONOpenCdA left out something very relevant from yesterday’s post reporting the conviction of former Los Angeles City Councilman Richard Alarcon and his wife on charges of voter fraud and perjury.  Thanks to alert reader and commenter Susie Snedaker for bringing the omission to our attention in her comment yesterday.

We agree with Susie:  The Los Angeles Times editorial posted online on July 23, 2014, and titled Alarcon prosecution sends the right message to other politicians, DAs is well worth reading.  Carefully.

The Times editorial board clearly gets it.  As they said in their editorial, “…, residency is in most cases a pretty good proxy for engagement with and knowledge of a district, and there is value in having a member of a community represent that community in government.”

We also completely agree with the Times editorial observation that, “The L.A. County district attorney’s office seems to be the only prosecutor in the state willing to bring these types of public integrity cases, and that’s a shame.”  Yes, it is a shame that is not limited to prosecutors in California.

But the Times editorial board saved its strongest point for last.  “The residency requirement is not a technicality; it’s a core tenet of our democratic system enshrined in the law. No politician should gain an advantage by lying, and no prosecutor should ignore evidence of voter fraud.”  To that we would add that no prosecutor and no judge is worthy of their position or the public’s trust and confidence if they ignore evidence of voter fraud and perjury.

Thankfully the Los Angeles County District Attorney, his Deputy DAs, and his Public Integrity Division take their sworn duties seriously.  We wish they would come visit Idaho.  Maybe some of that would rub off on prosecutors and judges here.

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