February 8, 2016

New Voting Machines in Ada County

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 7:13 am

0201 Local Election 02Ada County voters will see a new type of voting machine starting with the March 8 Republican primary election.

According to this morning’s Idaho Statesman newspaper article headlined Ada County voters may see faster results with new election system, voters will still complete a paper ballot just as in prior elections.   The tabulation process will be done at each precinct, and each voter will immediately receive confirmation that his ballot has been accepted or rejected.  A rejected ballot can be corrected in the voting booth and resubmitted.

The Statesman article asserts, “The machines do not go online, so there is no risk of hacking.”  Unfortunately, the article did not explain if the equipment has been designed, tested, and certified to be resistant to external manipulation or data contamination by electromagnetic interference or radio frequency interference.  Neither did the article state if the equipment has been similarly tested and certified to prevent premature revelation of data through electromagnetic or radio frequency emanations.

It will be interesting to see the Idaho Secretary of State’s technical evaluation of the new equipment’s real-world performance after its first election in Ada County.

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