June 3, 2013

Coeur d’Alene Propo$e$ LGBT Ordinance

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 8:05 am

Rainbow-CdA-$On Tuesday, June 4, 2013, the Coeur d’Alene City Council will consider a proposed city ordinance intended to  “…prohibit discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations based upon sexual orientation and gender identity/expression…”

OpenCdA hopes that all members of the City Council have diligently researched already-applicable federal and state laws and, more importantly, that those council members have compared the quality of remedies already available under existing law with the remedies proposed by the ordinance.

And then, there’s the money to be made… (more…)

June 1, 2013

About OpenCdA

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 2:09 pm

As OpenCdA reported yesterday, Mary Souza has declared her intention to file as a candidate for the office of Mayor in the 2013 Coeur d’Alene City Election.

Most people who have followed OpenCdA since its inception know that it was founded by Dan Gookin (now Councilman Dan Gookin), Mary Souza, and me.  To Dan and Mary’s credit and out of respect for the people in the community, both of them chose to withdraw from OpenCdA when they became candidates.   Mary has indicated that she will not be commenting on any of the various blogs, including OpenCdA.  In my opinion, that’s very wise.  Words written on a blog can be twisted and taken out of context.

Dan occasionally adds comments to posts here, and Mary has given me permission to reprint her email newsletters when they are distributed.

I encourage our readers to become more informed about and more involved in our local issues.  Our day-to-day lives are most affected by what goes on here rather than in Fantasyland-on-the-Potomac or even in Boise.    Given the poor quality of news coverage in Coeur d’Alene, Kootenai County, and north Idaho generally, I hope the candidates for Mayor and City Council in Coeur d’Alene will actually get out and talk with small groups in the communities.   If you’re invited to attend a group in your neighborhood, show up and don’t be afraid to make comments and ask candidates any questions about local issues that concern you.  You and I are part of this larger community, and we have something to offer.  In those personal, face-to-face settings, you’ll find that you have the ability to quickly and definitively separate the honest and competent candidates from those whose principal talent is shoveling equine feces.

May 31, 2013

Souza Announces Mayoral Candidacy

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 11:40 am

Mary Souza

With the soon-to-be-closed Third Street boat launch and the McEuen Park construction in the background, community leader Mary Souza announced her intention to file as a candidate for Mayor in the November 2013 Coeur d’Alene city election.

Souza was introduced to a crowd of approximately 60 people by Coeur d’Alene City Councilman Dan Gookin.

Speaking both extemporaneously and from prepared remarks, Souza pledged to conduct respectful and professional meetings and to listen to the citizens.  She also promised that citizens would have a vote on major issues that concern them.

Near the end of the event, Councilman Dan Gookin wryly observed that in the half-hour or so since people had started to arrive,  three boats had been launched at the  “underutilized” Third Street ramps.  (more…)

May 30, 2013

Mayor to Public: SIUYA!

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 4:53 pm



For those who are planning to attend the June 4, 2013, Coeur d’Alene City Council meeting and offer any public comments, well, be prepared to sit through the entire meeting first.

The Agenda for the June 4 meeting posted today on the City’s website shows that public comments have been moved to the end of the meeting.

ADDENDUM 05-31-2013 @12:20:  Apparently in response to OpenCdA’s post, the Agenda for the June 4 meeting has been modified to include public comments on the two most controversial items.


Filed under: General — mary @ 10:14 am

DSCN1096Dear OpenCdA Readers,

City Councilman Dan Gookin has called a Press Conference for tomorrow morning at 10:00am at the 3rd Street Boat Launch.  He will speak about the upcoming city elections, particularly the position of Mayor.  Please join us at the boat launch, which closes Saturday and will not open again until October.

Hope to see you tomorrow if you can get there,


May 29, 2013

Brannon Announces Mayoral Candidacy

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 11:20 am

Brannon copy

In a just-concluded telephone conversation, former Coeur d’Alene City Council candidate Jim Brannon confirmed to OpenCdA that he had filed the necessary campaign treasurer notification papers with the Coeur d’Alene City Clerk’s Office.

Brannon also confirmed what he had put in a comment on OpenCdA’s post titled “Daddy?”, that he is formally announcing his candidacy for Coeur d’Alene Mayor in the November 2013 City election.


May 25, 2013


Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 9:33 am

Priggee permission pub

Is it fair and accurate to characterize Coeur d’Alene’s McEuen Park parking garage as the Son of  River Park Square (RPS) in Spokane?

I believe so.

They were both funded by using as much public money as possible for projects which would primarily benefit a few developers and businesspeople.  They both depended heavily on key local government officials being fully controlled by the developers.  And they both have depended heavily on the developers’ abilities to carefully control and manipulate the information the public received about each project. (more…)

May 24, 2013

Good News, Better News & BREAKING News!

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 11:05 am

Mary Souza’s Newsletter    -1

Tuesday’s school board and hospital board elections are over now, and there is good news to report: The citizens of our community got to vote, and we had solid options from which to choose.  The candidates were all responsible, motivated people who got up off their couches, probably made themselves uncomfortable at times but got out there and offered to represent us as part of our local government. My sincere thanks go to each and every one of them.   (more…)

May 22, 2013

Silver Valley Gets It!

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:09 pm

snake oilAccording to the Shoshone News Press, the Silver Valley understands how urban renewal has been abused in the wake of bad legislation in Idaho and by a failure of the Legislature to correct the opportunities for abuse.  On Tuesday the Shoshone County voters voted down a proposal to create an Urban Renewal Agency.

Here’s an interesting excerpt from the online article:

—take out this paragraph if voted down—-> The creation of the URA means the County Commissioners will now set about appointing a board with one or two responsible, business-oriented citizens with financial knowledge before the newly-appointed board goes about outlining the district and attempting to secure funds for the planned projects — including improving the infrastructure in the Big Creek area by installing sewage and fiber optic lines under a new, stronger road capable of holding much heavier loads of metals.”

(Apparently the online editor of the Shoshone News Press missed that instruction.  Oops!)

The creation of this URA was heavily promoted by the salesmen who make piles of money as consultants touting tax increment financing but then leave the local citizens to deal with the abuses.   On the other hand, Coeur d’Alene Representative Kathy Sims, Coeur d’Alene City Councilman Dan Gookin, and local real estate representative Sharon Culbreth traveled to the Silver Valley at their own expense to help inform the voters of the realities of the urban renewal scam in Idaho.   Looks as if the Silver Valley voters are more astute than many in Coeur d’Alene.

May 19, 2013

Dirty Tricks vs Honest Integrity

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 5:35 pm

vt_butMary Souza’s Newsletter  

The Balance North Idaho group has sent out a letter filled with twisted, manipulative information that amounts to nothing but campaign trickery.  And they’ve done it at the very end of the school board campaign, when there’s no time left to respond by mass media before the election Tuesday.  (more…)

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