October 13, 2012

The Economics of Methamphetamine

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:43 am

This morning’s Coeur d’Alene Press skewspaper had an article reporting that Kootenai County had donated $40,000 in seized drug money to the Idaho Meth Project.

Here’s an October 11, 2012, Associated Press article headlined Mexican cartels fill demand for meth in USA.  One of the urban and suburban areas mentioned in the article?  Salt Lake City.   Somehow I doubt that all that product is staying in Salt Lake City.

The AP article gives us a pretty clear picture of the economics of Mexican meth coming into the US.


October 10, 2012

Is Anyone Telling Us the Truth?

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 3:44 pm

Mary Souza’s Newsletter

Mayor Sandi Bloem made a big, bold announcement at last Monday night’s workshop. She declared that “There is absolutely no intention on the part of this council to build a boat launch at Silver Beach.”  And she also stated, “We are keeping the Third Street launch.”

An audible wave of incredulous, skeptical murmurs and chuckles came from the large crowd present to hear about the possible take over of CdA Lake Drive from the Idaho Transportation Dept (ITD)  Looking none too pleased about the negative feedback, the Mayor reiterated her statements.   (more…)

National Security Considerations – Presidential Transition

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 9:10 am

The upcoming election on November 6, 2012, may result in a new President being inaugurated in January 2013.   If a new President is elected, the period between election day and inauguration day is the election and transition period.

To help Congress better understand the national security considerations that naturally occur during the election and transition period,  the Congressional Research Service has published a report titled “2012-2013 Presidential Election Period:  National Security Considerations and Options“.

The 39-page report is interesting and focuses on national security decision-making and actions during the election and transition period.

October 9, 2012

A Propagandist-in-Chief?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 1:24 pm


The City of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, has decided it needs to create a super-duper whiz-bang high-cost ($65,000/year)  “communications position to help City Hall share up-to-date, accurate information with the public.”

Embedded in the Coeur d’Alene Press skewspaper article linked above, however, were several indicators that this is just another effort by the Mayor to put high-priced lipstick on the City’s propaganda pig.  (more…)

October 8, 2012

Terrible Politicians?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 8:07 am

The Los Angeles Times is running an op-ed photo essay entitled 7 terrible politicians who may be elected anyway.   The Times list includes many L.A. area politicians, though some national ones are listed as well.

If you were doing a photo essay of “terrible politicians who may be elected anyway” in our area, who would you include?

October 7, 2012

White Elephant Action Alert for Monday!

Filed under: General,The City's Pulse — mary @ 8:01 pm

All of you living in CdA and those out in the Silver Beach area of the County will want to pay attention to this meeting tomorrow., Monday, Oct. 8th.  Here’s what the city’s web site says:

“The Coeur d’Alene City Council will be holding a workshop with the Idaho Transportation Department on Monday, October 8th, at 5:00 p.m., in the Library Community Room, to discuss the proposed transfer of Coeur d’Alene Lake Drive from the ITD to the City of Coeur d’Alene.  The city will present facts about about the proposed transfer and hear comments, concerns, or questions from the public.”

The key points about the meeting are that they will listen to public comment, which they will not often allow at their “workshops”, and that they say they will present “facts”.  But will they present all the facts? (more…)

It’s the Idaho Way…

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 5:01 pm

I laughed out loud when I read this article in the Coeur d’Alene Press skewspaper today.  The laughter was provoked by these lines:  “Coeur d’Alene defense attorney Michael Palmer said the way the Constitution currently reads is problematic.  Palmer said, “Our clients are being supervised by people who don’t have the (constitutional) authority to do it.”

So apparently Idaho’s defense attorneys and judges have been ignoring the “problematic” wording of the Idaho Constitution and worked out a deal to let the attorneys’ clients be supervised by people who don’t have the (constitutional) authority to do it.

Don’t like the Idaho Constitution?  Doesn’t work for you?  No problem.  Just ignore it.  The lawyers don’t care, and apparently the judges don’t care.  It’s the Idaho way.

October 3, 2012

It’s Go Time!

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 12:44 pm

 Mary Souza’s Newsletter

I’m back after a busy summer, full of important family events. My husband and I then had a chance to get away for awhile, returning last week to the news of bubbling anger from some of the Anti-Recall group, only this time they’ve targeted the CdA school board with their name-calling and vitriol.   (more…)

October 1, 2012

Embedded in the City’s “Truth”

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:14 am

This morning’s local skewspaper, the Coeur d’Alene Press, carried an announcement that on October 8 the City Council will have an open meeting to discuss accepting a white elephant that the Idaho Transportation Department desperately wants to unload on some sucker dumb enough to take it.  (more…)

September 28, 2012

Open Session Weekend

Filed under: General,Open Session — mary @ 7:37 pm

What a beautiful late September weekend.  That is, of course, if you don’t look at the mess that is McEuen Field.  Have you seen the McEuen “destructo-cam” yet?  Yes, they have a live video feed, on the city’s web site, showing all the mayhem happening down at the park.  I heard today from an avid boater who reported he could not get close to the 3rd St. Launch.  Didn’t they promise it would remain open?

Want to see the video updates?…click HERE.

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