October 24, 2012

D-Minus for Idaho

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 4:19 pm

An October 22, 2012, Atlanta Journal Constitution article headlined Atlanta region sees spike in public corruption cases concluded that the Atlanta area has not seen an increase in public corruption.   Rather,  AJC writers Bill Rankin and David Wickert observed,  Atlanta has seen an increased focus by federal authorities on investigating and prosecuting public corruption cases.

The AJC article was predicated on a State Integrity Investigation report, the result of the State Accountability Project undertaken in 2011 as a joint project by the Center for Public Integrity, Global Integrity, and Public Radio International.   When the project ranked the states, Georgia ranked 50th, last among the states in public integrity.  Idaho was 41st out of 50.

Idaho received a D-minus in its commitment to public integrity by public officials.  (more…)


Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 10:16 am

Mary Souza’s Newsletter  

Why does this title make me think of that old movie, “When Harry Met Sally”, when she’s sitting in the café…?  Ok, stop laughing now and let’s focus.  This is serious.

Education has always been a top priority in our family.  My husband was a 4th grade teacher when I met him.  I’ve been a clinical nursing instructor. And between our two families, we have almost 10 current or retired teachers.  We love teachers and we believe in the power of education.

So we applauded the courageous effort of Superintendent Tom Luna’s Education Reforms for Idaho last year.  And we are now appalled at the inaccurate information being pushed in TV ads and mailings paid by the National Teachers’ Union. (more…)

October 22, 2012

Mr. Hibbs

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 11:25 am



“Always Out Front”


October 20, 2012

Save Person Field!

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 12:08 pm

I just got back from a trip to Person Field.  You know, that City park that didn’t and never will cost the public $39,000,000?   Here are a few photos from the two Coeur d’Alene Junior Tackle football games that were being played at the time.  Tell me again, Mayor Bloem, why the people who were there encouraging and uplifting the kids playing ball would be better off if this lot was covered with houses.  (more…)

Bloem: “… Bring the Facts”

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , , — Bill @ 9:58 am

Coeur d’Alene City Councilman Mike Kennedy

At the April 17, 2012, meeting of the Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, City Council, citizen Frank Orzell addressed the Council regarding Recall CDA’s effort to recall Mayor Sandi Bloem, Councilman Mike Kennedy, Councilman Deanna Goodlander, and Councilman Woody McEvers.   During his presentation, Orzell stated,  “Fear of intimidation and retribution is another indication of the [city’s] dysfunction.  Small business owners and city staff have expressed their desire to sign our petition, but very often also talk about fear of reprisal, even loss of employment, and that is difficult for us to ignore.”

Here is the YouTube excerpt of Mayor Sandi Bloem’s response to Orzell’s concern about intimidation and retribution.  Note that at the end, Bloem states, “I believe there’s not one person sitting at this dais that would do anything of the kind [resort to fear or intimidation against those involved in the recall effort].  So I would appreciate it if you’d bring the facts.”

Okay.  Here are facts.  (more…)

October 19, 2012

Save Person Field!

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 10:03 am

Mary Souza’s Newsletter 

Tuesday night’s CdA City Council meeting was high drama, complete with last minute add-ons, sudden teamwork and surprising unanimous agreement.

It also contained frustrations, accusations, dirty looks, calls for staff dismissal and much, much more. But let’s start with the positive stuff:  (more…)

More Corruption at the FBI

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 8:07 am

Far too many people believe that federal law enforcement agents and US Attorneys and their Assistants are above being corrupted.  They’re wrong.

The US Department of Justice has announced the criminal indictment of a now-former FBI Special Agent, Robert G. Lustyik Jr., age 50, of Sleepy Hollow, N.Y.

“According to the indictment, while active in the FBI, former Special Agent Lustyik used his position in an attempt to stave off the criminal investigation of a business partner with whom he was pursuing lucrative security and energy contracts,” said Assistant Attorney General Breuer.  “He allegedly acted through a childhood friend to secure promises of cash, purported medical expenses and business proceeds in exchange for abusing his position as an FBI agent.”

There have been others.  (more…)

October 18, 2012

Really? They Do That? (Part 2)

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:35 am

My OpenCdA post on February 19, 2012, expressed feigned shock and surprise to learn that the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office (the equivalent of the Kootenai County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office) has a Public Integrity Division to investigate allegations of criminal wrongdoing by Los Angeles County elected officials and employees.  That post reported Los Angeles County Assessor John Noguez was being investigated for having allegedly reduced property assessments in return for favors from influential people.

The headline and story in today’s Los Angeles Times says it all:  L.A. County assessor arrested in bribery case.

Imagine that.  The Los Angeles County District Attorney is not afraid to investigate county employees who are alleged to be engaging in public corruption with influential people in the community.    What a novel concept!

October 15, 2012

City to Approve Propagandist-in-Chief

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 9:57 am

At its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, October 16, the Coeur d’Alene City Council will vote to approve a contract with Kristina Lyman, its pre-selected Propagandist-in-Chief (Communications Coordinator Consultant.)

Here is a link to some of the documents Council members have been provided to help them consider this position.

There are a few interesting tidbits in the documents.  (more…)

October 13, 2012

Who Bears Concurrent Responsibility?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 4:58 pm

In an online article Saturday headlined “Embezzling suspect pleads guilty,” the Coeur d’Alene Press skewspaper reported that former City employee Sheryl Lynn Carroll has pleaded guilty to six counts of wire fraud involving her electronic diversion of funds from the City’s account to her own accounts rather than to the intended recipients.  (I believe the skewspaper’s report is technically incorrect.  The former employee has offered a guilty plea which has been tentatively accepted by the US Attorney’s Office,  but it is my understanding that the plea hearing in front of a Federal District Court judge has not yet occurred.)

Assume that the guilty pleas will be accepted by the Federal District Court as offered in documents filed Friday with the Federal District Court.  Clearly Carroll has primary responsibility for her actions, but there are other City officials who need to be held accountable for creating an environment in which she was able to allegedly divert about $365,000 to her own accounts without detection for about ten years.   Simply put, they failed to exercise proper supervision as the duties of their employment or office require. (more…)

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