November 8, 2012

Remember This Guy?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:09 am


Remember, remember, the fifth of November.  Gunpowder, treason, and plot.  I see no reason, why gunpowder, treason, should ever be forgot.

Happy Guy Fawkes Day!

November 5, 2012

An Awkward Moment

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 3:56 pm

Mary Souza’s Newsletter 

NIC Trustee Mic Armon, who is running for re-election, showed up last Thursday for his first time at the Republican Women’s lunch meeting. When he was given 2 minutes to speak, he tried to assure the audience that he really is a Republican, and then he added a very awkward statement:  Mic told the crowd, as he gestured to where I was sitting, “I was Mary Souza’s next door neighbor for many years.”

While it is true that we were neighbors and we can have a cordial conversation about our kids, I do not support Mic’s election.  Mic’s comment seemed opportunistic; a way for him to use me to influence people in the room.  He must be worried. (more…)

Paradox in Chicago?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 8:21 am


These two news stories, both centered around Chicago, seem somehow paradoxical.

Chicago’s Cook County OKs gun tax to defray costs of violence

U.S. cities become hubs for Mexican drug cartels’ distribution networks

November 4, 2012

Anyone Know…

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 3:44 pm

(Mouse click on the photo to enlarge and read it.)



… who distributed these?  Who is responsible for them?

When we returned home Sunday afternoon, I found it affixed with cellophane tape to the outside of a window by our front door.

November 2, 2012

Sound Familiar?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:18 am

Remember the (most) recent deception foisted on the City of Coeur d’Alene by our Mayor and Councilmembers Kennedy, Goodlander, and McEvers and City Administratrix Gabriel?  According to them, the City desperately needs a Propagandist-in-Chief.  One of  their justifications for the P-i-C position in Coeur d’Alene was that Spokane has one, Marlene Feist.

Apparently Spokane’s very own P-i-C isn’t quite as effective as Spokane Mayor Condon would like.  According to the occasionally accurate regional skewspaper, The Spokesman-ReviewSpokane will spend $50,000 to hire a communications firm “to see if the city can improve how it speaks to citizens.”

Yeah, Corrupt d’Alene isn’t the only place with deja poo all over.

October 31, 2012

Do You Trust the Commissioners?

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 4:27 pm

Mary Souza’s Newsletter 

That’s the bottom line on the changes proposed by Kootenai County Commissioners Dan Green and Todd Tondee.  They would like us to give away our right to vote for the Assessor, Treasurer, Coroner and Clerk, which will remove many of the checks and balances built into the current system.

Commissioner Green said, at the debate on this topic which was held at the library last evening, that our quality of government depends on who is in office; if we have good people, we’ll have good government.  The flip side of that, of course, is that if we have inadequate/bad/corrupt people, we’ll have terrible government.  (more…)

FBI Investigating State Attorney General?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 9:26 am

Arizona’s Republican state Attorney General Tom Horne appears to be under state and federal investigation for allegedly violating some of Arizona’s civil laws pertaining to campaign financing.  Both Maricopa County and the FBI have seemingly refused to confirm the existence of any investigation of Horne.

If the denials are valid, if the only credible allegation of wrongdoing is a state civil matter, then why is the FBI surveilling a state attorney general?

Here is the complaint which apparently caused the Maricopa County Prosecuting Attorney and the FBI to initiate whatever non-investigation they’re not conducting.  The underlying reason for the FBI involvement may be revealed in it as well as in this Arizona Republic newspaper article.


October 30, 2012


Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 9:37 am

This morning’s local skewspaper, the Coeur d’Alene Press, finally got it right with its headline Clerk seeks clarification. The key word is “clarification.”

As reported in the skewspaper,  Kootenai County Clerk Cliff Hayes has petitioned the District Court for a judgement of declaratory relief.   The last two paragraphs of my April 25, 2012, post titled Kootenai County Petition for Declaratory Judgment explains why the present action is appropriate.  In essence, the law governing the authority of two different elected officials is not clear.

The Idaho Supreme Court’s refusal to hear the same question earlier does not answer the question, so County Clerk Hayes is asking the District Court to issue a declaratory judgment to clarify the law.


October 27, 2012

Down in Flames

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 7:34 pm

Public corruption investigations and prosecutions are interesting.  They often reveal that the corrupt public officials were able to steal from their friends and neighbors so easily because those same friends and neighbors thought the crooks were pillars of the community and above reproach.

Here is the Internal Revenue Service’s summary of the case against Prince George’s County, Maryland, developer Karl Granzow, Jr.   Reading the summary is about as interesting as watching cement dry.  Just another crooked Maryland developer, right?

Not quite.  Here’s a little more about Karl Granzow, Jr(more…)

October 25, 2012

Voter Intimidation?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:22 am


The billboard to the left was put up by Clear Channel Communications to replace the billboard shown just below it.  The lower billboard was alleged to be intimidating to voters.

And in Florida, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and federal agencies are investigating the possibility that letters sent to registered voters there amounted to voter intimidation.


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