May 22, 2008

An Even Dozen (Updated after the meeting)

Filed under: General — mary @ 4:17 pm

Questions for NIC’s Education Corridor Forum, May 22, 2008 (UPDATED)

Here are the 12 questions I emailed to NIC before the meeting, as instructed. Now you can see how many were not asked and some that were partially answered:

1. There has been information circulating about the possible use of either the Outlet Mall near the Riverbend Research Park or the land you have optioned out on the Prairie, as possible sites for the Ed. Corridor. Are you open to consideration of other locations for the Education Corridor? If not, why? NEVER ASKED

2. The cost of the Stimson/DeArmon Mill site land purchase at $588,200 per acre makes the property one of the most expensive in the whole State. More than half of the land is back away from the riverfront and right near the Sewage Treatment Plant. Do you think paying this price is responsible to the taxpayers and the students who will see their tuition go up? NEVER ASKED


NIC to Pachyderms: @#$%&-Off!

Filed under: Observations — Dan Gookin @ 3:58 pm

You would think that NIC would appreciate an open dialog with the public on the hot topic of the Education Corridor. But no.

May 16, 2008

Let’s Bring Down the Walls

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 8:47 am

The City’s Pulse Newsletter

By Mary Souza, May 15, 2008

The Educational Corridor forum last Tuesday night was surprising on many levels. The turnout was great and the walls had to be opened up for more room. Over 80 people reserved tickets for the dinner event but when additional folks called the day of, rules were broken to add chairs on the sides of the room so they could come after dinner and participate in the program. It was awkward, though, when the extra folks came too early and had to sit while others ate dinner…maybe not the best choice but it was done with good intentions. Then Wednesday’s Press quoted Rep. George Sayler, one of the extras, as he slammed organizers for charging an admission price. Sorry, George, someone has to pay for the meeting room, dinner, and mailing notices. Regular citizens can’t use taxpayer money like government officials can. (more…)

May 9, 2008

The Next Tubb’s Hill?: The Art of Spin

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 8:08 am

The City’s Pulse Newsletter

By Mary Souza, May 8, 2008

$10 million dollars is what NIC expects to pay for the Stimson/DeArmon mill site. This price equates to $588,200 per acre, making this old mill site next to the sewage treatment plant among the most expensive properties ever in the State of Idaho. Yet Kootenai County assessed the land in 2007 at only $2.4 million and NIC has not obtained a real estate appraisal on the property. And why does NIC Trustee Mic Armon call it “The Next Tubb’s Hill”? (more…)

April 11, 2008

Think Outside the Corridor

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 3:50 pm

The City’s Pulse Newsletter

By Mary Souza, April 10, 2008

It could cost $100 million or more for a decision made by a handful of people in a back room. And apparently they don’t have to make it public, even though the taxpayers will be footing the bill.

North Idaho College is negotiating right now to find the first $10 million dollars in order to buy the Stimson Mill (light teal on the map) from developer Marshall Chesrown. It’s a 17 acre property, so that equates to…get ready…$588,200 per acre. That’s about 4 times more costly than other land in the area. Plus, the mill site is right next to the city’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (in yellow on the map), with only partial river frontage.

On the other hand, the City of CdA has been allowing the University of Idaho to lease the Harbor Center (the old Osprey Restaurant building–in red on the map) for $10, yes ten dollars, per year since 2002. The city is offering to let U of I purchase the building and surrounding land for a total of $1.3 million. That’s quite a deal by comparison.


February 21, 2008

CBNI Forum Update

Filed under: Observations — Dan Gookin @ 1:43 pm

This morning was the CBNI Forum on Urban Renewal. The “clear the air” forum. I admit that I had reservations and concerns about this. But I was glad that I went and feel that the CBNI did the community a favor.

February 8, 2008

Taxes That Must Be Stopped

Filed under: Observations — Dan Gookin @ 10:35 am

Here is an interesting article from former California State Senator John Campbell. Regardless of whoever wins in November, we all face big tax issues over the next four years.

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