March 25, 2009

Open Session, Wednesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 1:30 pm

ODD Bodacious Ballpark Burger 4,800 Calories!   The West Michigan Whitecaps baseball team, will offer an enormous hamburger on their menu this year. “The 4-pound, $20 burger features five beef patties, five slices of cheese, nearly a cup of chili and liberal doses of salsa and corn chips, all on an 8-inch sesame-seed bun.”

You can read about it here:

Any comments, questions or ideas on this or other topics?

March 23, 2009

Open Session, Monday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 1:43 pm

120px-crocuseabowles Lots of national news today, with the stock market rally and a new public-private partnership plan from the Treasury Dept.  Do you like public-private projects?

Also interesting is this lame explanation of a secret meeting:

Reuters reports that Pres. Obama held talks with former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev,  in Washington last Friday, said Gorbachev’s spokesman. He gave no details of the discussion.  White House spokesman Robert Gibbs was pressed at a news conference about why the meeting between Obama and Gorbachev was not previously disclosed and did not appear on Obama’s official daily schedule.

“The president tends to roam around the larger (White) House and sometimes walks into meetings that weren’t previously on his schedule,” Gibbs said.

March 14, 2009

Open Session, Weekend

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 8:06 am

imagesMay the face of every good news and the back of every bad news be towards us.

I see in today’s Press that Charlie Nipp is still digging to find anyone and everyone that might have talked to Senator Mike Jorgenson about issues with LCDC.  Can you think of a good Irish saying for Charlie?

Any other thoughts, comments or ideas?

February 28, 2009

Open Session, Weekend

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 3:20 pm

imgp3881 I’m pining for Spring. (pun intended)

We haven’t had an open session for awhile.  There’s a lot going on, so any comments, ideas?

January 24, 2009

Open Session, Still Winter

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 7:25 am

images1 Who to believe on the whole subject of climate change and its causes?    Are we warming or cooling?  Is it man-made or nature’s cycle?   Yesterday  I learned that the Cap and Trade system proposed to regulate carbon emissions will create a 2 TRILLION dollar industry…just in trading the rights to put carbon dioxide into the air.

Doesn’t Al Gore own a company that will “facilitate” these carbon trades?   Any other comments, ideas?

January 19, 2009

Open Session, Inaguration!

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 10:54 am

images A hallmark of our freedom is the peaceful transition of governing power every 4 or 8 years.  So tomorrow we will wish our new President all the best.  We know there are serious challenges to face.

I was amused by a letter to the Press last week, the author observing that for the past 2 years we’ve been told everything is terrible and getting worse by the day.  His speculation is that, starting Wednesday morning, the message will change.  Things will seem better rapidly.  Instead of a glass half empty, it will instantly and  miraculously be half full. What do you think?  Any other comments or ideas?

January 11, 2009

Open Session, Sunday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 10:27 am

article-1110305-02fede32000005dc-368_233x232_popup Think we’ve got it tough? Here are England’s top credit card interest rates.  Remember that a British Pound, that funny “L”-shaped symbol, is equal to $1.51 in the US.

Any other thoughts on this or other subjects?

January 3, 2009

Open Session, First of 2009!

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 12:21 pm

imgp41521 Happy New Year!  As we dig out more of the white stuff, which has now turned icy, what’s on your minds? Have you shoveled your roof?  Are you worried about it?

This morning’s Press reported that school district 271 wants to increase the size of most of their classrooms from 600 to 900 sq. ft. as they remodel.  Ok by me as long as they stay within the $5.1 million they already have for the project.  Any thoughts on this or other topics?

December 27, 2008

Open Session, Final Weekend of 2008

Filed under: General,Open Session — mary @ 7:49 pm

imgp4091 Merry Christmas and happy last days of ’08.  Here’s the question at hand:  Are you sad to see this year end?  Or do you have higher hopes for ’09?

Other comments, questions, ideas?

December 20, 2008

Open Session, Weekend

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 8:31 am

This is Dan during last winter–doesn’t seem much different now, does it?

In sports, the Zags play in the “Battle in Seattle” today against U Conn, the #2 team in the nation and lots of local folks are braving the drive over for the 1:00 pm game. (we’ll watch on TV)

On the national & world front, yesterday saw interesting news about the donations to the Clinton library. Huge money from Arab countries and connections in Kazakhstan and Ukraine.  Also from US companies asking for taxpayer bail-outs: AIG, Lehman, Merrill,  Citi Group and General Motors.  Can Hillary be independent?  Any other thoughts or comments?

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