May 30, 2011

Open Session, Memorial Day

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 1:20 pm

Here’s what the President is doing today.  After laying a wreath and talking with some military families, he hit the golf course for the 70th time of his two-and-a-half year stay in the White House.  According to news reports, he has golfed the last nine weekends in a row, while two wars and whatever we’re calling Libya, are raging.

What’s on your schedule or your mind?

May 27, 2011

Open Session, Why No Public Vote?

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 9:37 am

Go ahead and use this spot for any topic you want to bring up.  Here’s my current question:   In a letter to the editor today in the Press, Councilman Mike Kennedy said, in regard to a public vote on the McEuen plan,“…the easiest thing to have done, politically, would have been to simply oppose the project and call for a public vote.  But it was clear to me that would have been a fruitless approach…” Why would it have been fruitless, Mike?  He never says.  Also, two days ago, over on a Spokane blog, Olivera said this:  (more…)

May 18, 2011

Open Session, Election

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 8:43 am

Congrats to new CdA School Board members, Terri Seymore and Tom Hamilton!  They did a great job of getting their message out, and the many people who worked on their campaigns made the difference.

The sad part was the very low voter turnout of only 10%.  Tom Hamilton told me, before the election, that his biggest challenge was fighting against apathy.  I guess he was right, though enough of his supporters got up and out of their chairs to give him the job.

There were other races too.  Any thoughts, comments, congrats?

May 8, 2011

Open Session, Mother’s Day!

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 12:45 pm

Have you called your Mother yet?  I’ve been talking with mine via the heaven-network.

Any good Mom stories?  Any other issues on your mind?


March 19, 2011

Open Session, Weekend

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 1:03 pm

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Forum on urban renewal last night.  The attendance was excellent and the CdA Inn was gracious about adding more tables.  Big crowd and fun evening.

Today’s weather seems like Winter’s fighting to hold on, but moments of Spring are breaking through…I hope Spring wins!  Lots of important international news, a whole plate of local issues, and of course, basketball…go Zags…, what’s on your mind this weekend?

March 4, 2011

Open Session, Friday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 11:53 am

There were two Letters to the Editor this morning about problems at the Kroc Center.  Did you read them?  Two upset patrons of last weekend’s swim meet at the Kroc were venting their frustration at the severe restrictions and policies of the center, and what they claim was a dismal lack of customer service.  You can read their letters here and here.  Any thoughts or comments on this or any other topic?

February 18, 2011

Open Session, Friday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 11:16 am

With so many hot issues burning through town (puns intended),  here’s a place to vent your frustrations.  What local, or even national, things make you feel like your hair is on fire?

(cool photoshop effect I found on the internet)

February 14, 2011

Open Session, Valentine’s Day!

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 8:47 am

Happy Valentine’s Day!  This is the heart sculpture that’s in front of the CdA Chamber building.  It was sponsored by the downtown Rotary Club, and is a popular photo spot for visitors to our city.

I *heart* CdA because of the incredible, smart, hard working real people who live in our beautiful community.  Thank you to all who read this blog, to my cohorts Bill and Dan who work with me on this site, and to everyone who has the courage to stand for their convictions.  Cheers to you all on this day of appreciation!

Your thoughts, comments, ideas on this or any other topic?

February 2, 2011

Open Session, Wednesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 8:55 am

There’s a lot going on right now…what are your thoughts?  Do you think most people want to change Tubbs Hill?

January 23, 2011

Open Session, Sunday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 10:17 am

Sunshine, football, all the local goings on… do you have any issues on your mind?  Thoughts, questions, ideas?

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