March 12, 2008

Education Corridor Update IV

Filed under: General,Observations — Dan Gookin @ 4:53 pm

Yes, this thing is moving forward. Mayor Bloem and NIC President Bell thank you in advance for your tax dollars and silence on the issue. Yes, your taxes are going up. But you want the Education Corridor more than you want to keep your property tax bill low, right?

The Spitzer Investigation, Part 2

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:35 am

It is 8:30 AM in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.  Eliot Spitzer is expected to resign from his position as the Governor of New York within the half hour.  Unless Spitzer has cut a deal with prosecutors, his resignation  should not have any bearing on his prosecution for violation of federal currency transaction laws.   (more…)

March 11, 2008

Addendum to “Coeur d’Alene, Inc.”

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 12:01 pm

In his “Coeur d’Alene, Inc.” post, Dan Gookin correctly pointed out that, “The of City of Coeur d’Alene is a government agency; it should not be run like a business.” 

That is not just Dan’s observation.   That is the position of the Governmental  Accounting Standards Board (GASB).  

Coeur d’Alene, Inc.

Filed under: Observations — Dan Gookin @ 9:02 am

The of City of Coeur d’Alene is a government agency; it should not be run like a business. That’s because the “business” of government is to do those things that the people cannot do for themselves. Put another way, when the job can be done by business or a charity, then government should step out of the way. But in our humble home town, City Hall appears to be run like a business with a profit motive. Case in point: The City will soon be raising your water rates.


The Spitzer Investigation

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 8:29 am

By now most readers know that New York Governor Eliot Spitzer has been implicated as a client of a high-end prostitution ring.   Some of our local public officials in Kootenai County and Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, might want to look at how the allegations against Spitzer came together. 

March 10, 2008

Fix Your Sidewalks – OR ELSE!

Filed under: General — Dan Gookin @ 2:55 pm

The City of Coeur d’Alene believes that it owns the sidewalks when its convenient for the City and you own the sidewalks when it’s inconvenient for you. That may soon change.

March 9, 2008

Open Session: Questions, Comments, etc.

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 11:59 am

Do you have questions about things around town? Are there people or projects you think are outstanding and deserve a big thank you? Do you wonder why the county allows certain kinds of development and not others? Do you want to promote charity activities that are coming up in our community? Are the differences between Post Falls, Rathdrum, Hayden, Hauser and CdA just driving you crazy? Which teacher deserves an extra gold star? Does the School District make you frustrated and worry about your wallet? Are you pleased with health care in our region? Do you have a story about a fireman, policeman or good Samaritan? …I could go on, but you get the idea.

It’s easy. Just click on “Register” at the top right of the OpenCdA main page. Then click on the link to register. It will ask you for a name. You can use your real name or make up one, it doesn’t matter. But whatever you put in for a name will show up at the bottom of the comments you make. Most people use a “pen name” (just remember it because that’s how you will sign in each time). Then you just put in your email address, which does not show up anywhere public and is kept totally confidential. That’s it. You can join the conversation and be part of the solution. Come on in!

March 8, 2008

Filed under: Cartoons,Jimmy Barona Cartoons — Jimmy Barona @ 1:13 pm


March 7, 2008

Police to Protect Tourists from CdA Residents

Filed under: General — Dan Gookin @ 11:46 am

Today’s CDA Press featured an article on a proposed new police building squat in our beautiful City Park. Apparently crime is an issue for City Hall now that we have more than enough publicly-funded high-end condos in town. But why sully our beautiful City Park with yet another over-priced building?

When Good Ideas Go Bad

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 10:57 am

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The City’s Pulse Newsletter
By Mary Souza, March 6, 2008

Sometimes good ideas get twisted. They fall in with a bad crowd, take a wrong turn and end up in big trouble. Nice ideas gone wild. Sounds like a raucous Spring Break movie. But here in CdA, while reality is far less titillating than such a movie, it can seem every bit as disruptive. (more…)

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