September 28, 2011

No Clapping at City Council Meetings!

Filed under: General — mary @ 12:07 pm

That’s been the rule here in CdA throughout Mayor Bloem’s reign, but the people of New York state’s town of Peekskill are “livid” that their mayor is now imposing the same restriction. They say it demeans them and treats them like kindergarteners. You can read the article on CBS news here.

What do you think?

September 27, 2011

On Appeal — The 2009 Coeur d’Alene City Election Contest

Coeur d’Alene attorney Starr Kelso has filed his opening brief appealing the First District Court’s (court) decision in the November 2009 Coeur d’Alene City election contest lawsuit.  The brief was filed with the Idaho Supreme Court (Court) on behalf of Appellant Jim Brannon.  A link to the entire brief is provided near the end of this post.

Before going to the brief, however, readers should first understand that an appeal brief is not written as entertainment reading for the general public.  It is a road map to guide the Idaho Supreme Court justices through the 2,676 pages of documents in the trial court record, 111 exhibits consisting of 563 pages, 876 pages of trial transcript, and transcripts of numerous other hearings held before and after the trial.  Much of that information is available to the justices during their preparation and deliberation.  Readers expecting the appeal brief to give them the complete picture of every detail will be disappointed.  (For more detailed information about the case as it developed, see my February 2011 report titled  The Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, Election Contest Lawsuit – 2009-2011.)

This current post with the link to the appeal brief will identify the ten issues raised on appeal and then briefly try to explain each issue. (more…)

September 26, 2011

Open Session, Monday!

Filed under: General — mary @ 6:06 pm

I was picking apples at Greenbluff with my mother-in-law yesterday. Fall is off and running! The local campaigns for this November and the national races for next year seem to be in high gear. Did you notice the OpenCdA poll on the right side of this page? It asks which current CdA city council member is your favorite. It also has a new category “none of the above”, which should probably read “none of the incumbents”. Are you following local and national politics? What do you think about these or other topics?

September 20, 2011

P.I.L.T. – Payment in Lieu of Taxation

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 12:16 pm

Thanks to Larry Spencer, OpenCdA has learned there is an ongoing discussion between the Kootenai County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) and the Coeur d’Alene Tribe (Tribe).  The two parties would like to reach an agreement regarding payment in lieu of taxation (PILT) on fee lands owned by the Tribe and its members, lands which are located in both Kootenai County and the Coeur d’Alene Reservation.  PILT is Federal payments to local governments that help offset losses in property taxes due to nontaxable Federal lands within their boundaries. The negotiation would also include solid waste disposal fees.  If you pay property taxes to Kootenai County, you should pay close attention to the progress of this proposal. (more…)

September 19, 2011

McEuen “Tussle” on Front Page

Filed under: General — mary @ 10:38 am

Doug Eastwood, CdA Parks Director

Today’s Press had a surprising front page top story about McEuen Plan complaints that were made more than 6 weeks ago at a city council meeting. Here’s the article. What do you think?

September 15, 2011

Be Careful What You Ask For…

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 10:47 am


There’s an old admonition that says, “Be careful what you ask for … you may get it.”  That needs to be very seriously considered by the people demanding a “public advisory vote” on the McEuen Field project proposed for Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.  (more…)

Open Session, Thursday

Filed under: General,Open Session — mary @ 8:24 am

Are the hot days of summer behind us? Well, as we spend more time inside, local issues are certainly starting to spark. What do you think of the highway district LID review by the County Commissioners? How about the Press editorial this week slamming the Reagan Republicans for getting involved in local “non-partisan” elections? And then there’s the national scene, with two special elections favoring Republicans…were they just a result of candidate  idiosyncrasies or were they a strong  message to the White House?

Your thoughts on these or other issues…


September 12, 2011

In the Interest of Accuracy…

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 8:00 am

I received an email this morning from Pat Raffee, Chief Deputy for Kootenai County Clerk Cliff Hayes.  In response to my question about erroneous information posted on the City of Coeur d’Alene’s webpage,  she reaffirmed that absentee in-person voting for the City of Coeur d’Alene’s 2011 General Election will be available only at the Kootenai County Elections Office.

The City of Coeur d’Alene’s website has a button titled “City Info.”  Under that button is a link to a webpage titled “Election Info.”  Readers following that link end up on a webpage titled “City Election Information,” and on that page is a link “General Election 2011.” That link contains incorrect information stating that absentee in-person voting will be available at both Coeur d’Alene City Hall and the Kootenai County Elections Office.   Presumably the City will correct the inaccuracy on its webpage.

For additional information, see Pulling the Plug on Satellites posted August 22, 2011.


September 9, 2011

Cheerful Pomp and Circumstance?

Filed under: General — mary @ 9:09 am

Did you watch the President’s speech last night? Whether you agree with his spend-more-money tactic or think we’ve  spent too much already, there was an unexpected insight on a very liberal blog. The Huffington Post is an extreme left blog, but I check it every week or so to see what angles they are using to promote the current administration. Today I found a very interesting column over there that reminds me of the CdA City Council.  (more…)

September 7, 2011

Open Session, Thursday

Filed under: General,Open Session — mary @ 8:42 pm

Summer is waning, the upcoming fall elections are waxing. Which issues and/or candidates are going to or should be in the spotlight?

Did you see the CdA City Council meeting last night?…the one where they approved the big raises for ALL city employees?

Have you heard about the new candidates for city council that the city seems to have put up?  In favor of McEuen and the status quo?

What are your concerns, ideas or comments on this first Thursday of the new Fall season?

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