April 3, 2013

Bi-Partisan Corruption, Part 2

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 7:18 am

SmithWorried copyYesterday’s OpenCdA post provided initial information about the federal bribery investigation involving an alleged conspiracy between New York State Senator Malcolm Smith and several elected and political party officials in New York including New York City Councilman Dan Halloran.

Smith, a Democrat, and Halloran, a Republican, are accused of actions amounting to buying Smith onto the New York City mayoral ballot as a Republican candidate.

Today’s New York Times has an pretty good link analysis graphic entitled Untangling the Arrests in the New York Corruption Case.  The graphic identifies the roles and dollar amounts associated with the six who have been arrested to date.

The companion news article in the Times headlined Lawmakers in New York Tied to Bribery Plot in Mayor Race provides a little more detail about the scheme and the investigation.

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