November 15, 2017

Don’t Get Your Hopes Up …

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , — Bill @ 11:58 am

DANGER UNREASONABLEMany people are hoping that the US Department of Justice will appoint yet another special counsel, this time to look into the various crimes allegedly committed or criminally aided and abetted by former President Bill Clinton, former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, unnamed co-conspirators associated with the Clinton Foundation, former FBI Directors Robert Mueller and James Comey, former Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, and former Democratic National Committee Chairwarmer Debbie Schultz.

Their hopes for that special counsel are pinned on President Trump’s promise to drain the swamp which is Washington, DC.  The hopeful people are citing substantiated facts of far greater weight and veracity than the allegations Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein itemized in deciding to appoint Robert Mueller as special counsel to look into the skews media-ballyhooed ‘collusion’ between the Trump campaign and Russia.

If you’re among the people anticipating a special counsel with resulting indictments and convictions of one or more Clintonistas, don’t get your hopes up.  Here’s why:

(1) The Clintons have acquired substantial dirt on some of the Fools on the Hill.  The decades-old very thin allegations of sexual misconduct against senatorial candidate Roy Moore would pale in comparison to what some Fools on the Hill have reportedly engaged in much more recently.   The Clintons and their cronies know who’s vulnerable.  See M.I.C.E.  The Clintons know where the corpses are buried, and most of The Swamp would prefer to do whatever it takes to keep them buried.

(2) In anticipation of a Hillary Clinton presidency, many Fools on the Hill and their obsequious propaganda arm, the national skews media (formerly known as the ‘free press’), hitched their teams of donkeys and elephants to the manure-bearing Clinton wagon.  This particular gaggle of Fools would rather their constituents not connect them with the Clinton wagon smell, but another special counsel would certainly make just that connection.  Keeping the odor of that connection from reaching the public nostril would fall on CNN, NBC, ABC,  CBS, and the AP.

(3) Some of the Clinton’s traitorous crimes involve compromises of national security.  Anyone who thinks Slick Willy and Slimy Hillary would hesitate to use graymail to keep their own sorry asses out of court, not to mention federal prison, needs to be drug tested.

(4)  It appears that in anticipation of a Slimy Hillary presidency, some of the mahogany row tenants at Main Justice seem to have skewed the concept of prosecutorial discretion.  Prosecutorial discretion allows cowardly prosecutors to decline to prosecute or choose to undercharge criminals for almost any reason at all as long as the reason is plausible and defensible or as long as it’s a certainty the alleged offender is going to be inaugurated as the President of the United States.  Until the holdover loyalists to the Clintons and Obama are swept out of their mahogany row offices, there is little chance of prosecutions of anyone other than the lowest of the low-hanging fruit (think:  Paul Manafort, Imran Awan, etc.).

(5)  Closely related to the Main Justice Mahogany Row slimeballs are a few FBI Mahogany Row slimeballs.  In the world of Fantasyland-on-the-Potomac politics, their job is to ensure that the results of otherwise competent, complete, and thorough investigations done by subordinate employees (e.g., brick agents) do not interfere with the political aspirations of certain elected and appointed officials.

(6)   President Trump’s nominee for Attorney General, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, occupied a US Senate seat for the twenty years immediately prior to his being sworn in as the 84th Attorney General of the United States on February 9, 2017.   He is a distinguished alumnus of the Fools on the Hill Club.

OpenCdA is skeptical that a special counsel will be appointed, adequately funded, and given the necessary authority to investigate the offenses allegedly committed by the people identified in our opening paragraph.

We recall very vividly the pardon President Gerald Ford granted to former President Nixon on September 8, 1974, for Nixon’s complicity in Watergate.   Ford’s reasoning for circumventing the criminal justice system was that subjecting Nixon to the criminal justice process would be too long and involved and would be too painful for the people of the country.   In effect, Ford was telling us with condescension, You can’t handle seeing the former President of the United States subjected to the same standards of criminal justice to which you would be subjected.

Ford was wrong in 1974.

Maybe if Ford had done the right thing rather than the politically expedient thing in 1974, maybe if he had allowed Richard M. Nixon to be subjected to the prescribed processes and procedures of criminal justice that supposedly guarantees equal protection under the law for all citizens, then maybe in 2017 it wouldn’t have been necessary for AG Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III to concoct some plausible justifications for not indicting and prosecuting former officials for espionage, bribery, conspiracy, and money laundering.

We won’t get our hopes up.


  1. I believe that your comment that JB Sessions III “is a distinguished alumnus of the Fools on the Hill Club” is spot on. While his recent two attempts at tesimony before the Senate reflect a significant lack of memory, I would wager a pretty penny that his memory, when it comes to knowing who, what, when and where his and the other Fools on the Hill’s skeletons are languishing (like the Clintons’ knowledge thereof) is razor sharp. I suggest that an “independent” prosecutor to investigate the Clintons would have been appointed already if the dirt covering the skeletons wasn’t as fragile as Cda Lake’s toxic lakebed; even minimal disturbance will result in catastrophe.

    Comment by Tributary — November 16, 2017 @ 3:21 pm

  2. Tributary,

    Thank you for commenting.

    Your comparison of the dirt covering the skeletons to the fragility of the Lake’s toxic underlayer is very apt. As we’ve seen this week, Congresswoman Jackie Speier’s courage to speak out about the sexual harassment and sexual assaults being performed ad nauseum by Congresscreeps and some of their staff members has disturbed the dirt. So has candidate Roy Moore’s unwillingness to go quietly into the night after being steamrolled by a presumption of guilt propagated by a totally corrupt national skews media and several US Senators.

    Franken was one of those [bleeps] I referred to in my post when I said, “The decades-old very thin allegations of sexual misconduct against senatorial candidate Roy Moore would pale in comparison to what some Fools on the Hill have reportedly engaged in much more recently.” Now the Congressional Damage Control Machine will kick in and try to divert the public’s attention through boredom and obfuscation by engaging in protracted, tedious, and by-and-large meaningless Ethics Committee hearings.

    Blindly believing that elected officials will be honest and ethical is a little bit like blindly believing prostitutes are virgins.

    Comment by Bill — November 16, 2017 @ 3:53 pm

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