February 13, 2014

Quit Your Whining, Mike

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 8:50 am

Masterson copy[

Boise Police Chief Mike Masterson had his sensitive feelings hurt after he signed up to testify at the Idaho Senate State Affairs Committee hearing on S1254 in Boise on Tuesday.  The time allotted for the hearing expired before Masterson could read his statement.  Here is what Masterson wrote in the Idaho Statesman.  It includes the prepared statement he wanted to read into the record.

Here’s a thought, Mike:  Follow your own advice.  “I urge citizens from all over Idaho who have an interest in this issue to contact their Idaho senators and representatives to share your opinion on this issue.”  Mail it in to your Senator and Representative just like the rest of us do.    Your whining indicating your expectation of “special” consideration qualifies you for full-fledged membership the 3-B Club:  Buffoons Behind the Badge. (more…)

February 12, 2014

Former New Orleans Mayor Nagin Convicted – Corruption (Updated)

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 11:22 am

NewsBulletin copyNBC News, the New York Times, and the Times-Picayune are reporting that former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin has been convicted on 20 of 21 counts in a federal corruption prosecution.

The charges included allegations that Nagin accepted bribes from contractors in return for making sure they got city work.  (Thankfully, bribes and kickbacks never happen in Idaho.)

This will be updated with more information as available.

ADDENDUM on 02-12-2014 at 2:50 P.M.:  Here is the press release issued by the US Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana, Kenneth Polite, Jr.  It’s title is C. Ray Nagin, Former New Orleans Mayor, Convicted on Federal Bribery, Honest Services Wire Fraud, Money Laundering, Conspiracy, and Tax Charges.

Did the Right Thing

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 9:34 am

DoTheRightThingBased on information in this article, now-former Idaho legislature candidate John Chambers did the right thing when he discontinued his preparations to run for the seat to be vacated by Representative Frank Henderson of Post Falls.  After substituting for Henderson early in this legislative session and then deciding to run when Henderson leaves, Chambers checked with the Kootenai County Clerk’s Elections Office where it was determined he lived just outside the boundary of the district in which he intended to run.  Chambers immediately ended his candidacy.

Recognizing that both Henderson and Chambers should have verified Chambers’ eligibility to serve as Henderson’s substitute, OpenCdA still commends Chambers for taking the right action — immediately — when he learned of his ineligibility.

At least Chambers didn’t say he rented a basement room inside Henderson’s district to establish his eligibility.

While former Kootenai County Clerk  Dan English and present Secretary of State Ben Ysursa didn’t appear to take the state election law’s requirement for residency seriously in the past, this Los Angeles Times editorial shows that at least the State of California and Los Angeles County do.

Thanks to John Chambers for doing the right thing.  That’s the strength of character that we would want to see in a public official, and we hope that he will consider running for public office again.  Thanks, too, to the Kootenai County Clerk’s Office for helping him do the right thing rather than trying to find ways to help him evade the law.


February 8, 2014

When Is A Criminal Investigation Not One?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 12:21 pm

criminal-investigation copyWhen is a criminal investigation not really a criminal investigation?

That’s pretty much the question prompted by Associated Press reporter Rebecca Boone’s article headlined Idaho attorney general seeks prison investigation.  The article was in the February 7, 2014, online version of the Idaho Statesman.  Boone’s article makes it very clear that the public, the press, the Ada County Prosecutor, and even the courts were misled by Idaho officials into believing that the Idaho State Police had opened a criminal investigation into wrongdoing allegedly committed by Governor Otter’s favorite private enterprise prison operator, Corrections Corporation of America, under contract to the Idaho Department of Correction.

But when the investigation (or non-investigation, take your choice) was reportedly closed and the Associated Press pursued the investigative records pursuant to the Idaho Public Records Law, the AP was told there were no records because there had been no investigation.  And therein may lie the answer to why the Idaho State Police may never have “numbered up” a formal investigation.  If the ISP had assigned a case number to its non-investigation investigation and thus formally opened an investigation, the records would have become public record after disposition of the matter.  By conducting a non-investigation investigation, the ISP can more-or-less truthfully say there are no investigative records subject to the Public Records Law.   (There is probably no truth to the rumor that promotion to the ranks of Captain and higher in the ISP requires significant tap-dancing skills.)

OpenCdA suspects that AP reporter Boone is onto something here and hopes that the Associated Press will have the fortitude to pursue not only the records it sought but also the story behind why the State of Idaho was trying so hard to make it appear there was nothing to see here, so move along.   That the Governor told the Attorney General to go pound sand when the AG recommended officially opening a criminal investigation now pretty strongly suggests that there is something to see here.

Got Jobs? — Mary Souza’s Newsletter, February 7, 2014

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 9:50 am

Souza newsletter graphic 02-07-2014

Got Jobs?

Dear Newsletter Readers,

LCDC’s latest newsletter is out, touting their incredible success in creating jobs.  The impact, they say, is “everlasting”.  Then the newsletter goes on to defend against comparisons of LCDC to the Twin Falls Idaho urban renewal agency.  Twin Falls brought in several large manufacturing plants, most noteably Chobani Yogurt and Clif Bars. (Did you see the funny Chobani Yogurt commercial during the Super Bowl?…the one with the bear?) These two companies, along with the smaller Glanbia Cheese and the Frulact Group, will add more than1000 new jobs in less than a two year time frame.  Good jobs. which are solid, year- round positions. (more…)

February 6, 2014

BHO – Coming Soon to a Fire Department and Burn Center Near You

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:47 am

DABsOpenCdA is reasonably sure the fire departments in our area are aware of the danger inherent in the process of manufacturing butane hash oil.

Many hospitals, particularly burn centers, are becoming more and more aware of it as the victims appear in the EDs.

A little dab will do ya (apologies to Brylcreem).

February 5, 2014

Idaho’s AG Wasden — A Corruption Fighter? Not Even Close.

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 8:12 am

Horse20Poop20sm copyWasden copyIn her blog post titled Wasden:  State needs to stop hiring expensive outside counsel, Betsy Russell included this paragraph:

Wasden noted that a new bill is being introduced to require his office to conduct public corruption investigations at the county level. That additional workload will require one additional deputy attorney general and two investigators, Wasden said. “Public corruption is not a subject that should be addressed with nickels and dimes, but instead be made a priority in our state,” Wasden said.

Obviously Wasden is campaigning for reelection, and he’s hoping that no one will call him on the horse poop that he has already begun to shovel.   I’ll call your one shovelful and raise you one, Larry. (more…)

February 2, 2014

Do the Right Thing Officially (Updated)

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 8:25 am

DoTheRightThingOn Saturday, January 18, 2014, the Coeur d’Alene Press skewspaper (a component of the Hagadone Corporation), ran an article headlined Tree plan draws appeal.  The reader comments, particularly those by “estatetracker“, appended to the online article are extremely informative and thought-provoking.

The article reported that a local citizen intended to appeal a recommendation made by the City’s Planning and Zoning Commission at its December 10, 2013, meeting.  That recommendation was to approve an amendment to its Coeur d’Alene Resort Planned Unit Development (PUD) proposed by Hagadone Hospitality (also part of the Hagadone Corporation).

The agenda for the February 4, 2014, Coeur d’Alene City Council meeting shows this agenda item:


The agenda clearly shows that this is an appeal of the PUD from the Planning Commission’s recommendation.  It will be a quasi-judicial hearing with the Mayor and City Council sitting as the adjudicative body.  It will be a new hearing, not an appeal from the record of the December Planning & Zoning Commission hearing.  Thus, evidence may have been presented at the Planning Commission hearing in December which will not be presented Tuesday night at Council.  Here is a link to the material concerning this item in the Council’s packet for Tuesday night’s meeting.

OpenCdA believes that both Councilman Amy Evans and Mayor Steve Widmyer must disqualify themselves from participating in the Tuesday hearing. (more…)

January 31, 2014

Nomination …

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 3:57 pm

Good ideaThursday’s local skewspaper ran an article headlined Committee picked to choose Cd’A chief.   The article said that the 13-member selection committee is still looking for someone to fill the one remaining citizen-at-large spot.

OpenCdA nominates Hayden attorney Larry Beck for that one remaining spot.

His name is already familiar to the Coeur d’Alene City Attorney’s Office.  Mr. Beck is the attorney who successfully represented wrongfully fired Coeur d’Alene Police lieutenant Dan Dixon in his federal lawsuit against the City of Coeur d’Alene.

Mr. Beck’s insight into the inner workings of the Coeur d’Alene Police Department would bring an interesting and very informed perspective to the process of selecting a new police chief.  Knowing what is broken is a good first step on the journey to fixing it.

January 29, 2014

Federal Antitrust Case Decision in Boise (Updated)

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:52 am

casewatchOn January 24, 2014, Idaho Federal District Court Judge B. Lynn Winmill ruled in Boise that the buyout of Saltzer Medical Group by St. Lukes Health System violated federal antitrust laws.  The news of the decision was reported by the Idaho Statesman in its story headlined Judge says St. Lukes buyout violates antitrust law, must be undone.    Here is a link to the judge’s Memorandum Decision and Order.

This decision, if it stands, may have significant effects on future hospital buyouts of groups of physicians in Idaho.

Notably, Judge Winmill observed that while the buyout was apparently a sincere effort by St. Lukes to improve the delivery of health care in the Treasure Valley, “… there are other ways to achieve the same effect that do not run afoul of the antitrust laws and do not run such a risk of increased costs. For all of these reasons, the acquisition must be unwound.”

In other words, instead of bending the law and allowing the illegal acquisition because he believed the outcome could be beneficial, Judge Winmill said that the same beneficial outcomes could be achieved without violating the antitrust laws.

Imagine that!  A judge in Idaho that follows the law.  What a concept!

ADDENDUM on 01-27-2014 at 6:55 AM:  Antitrust cases are about as exciting as watching grass grow, but antitrust law affects the costs of goods and services to all of us.  Here is a link to a US Department of Justice consumer booklet entitled Antitrust Enforcement and the Consumer. For another general overview of the federal antitrust laws, see the Federal Trade Commission’s Guide to Antitrust Laws.  Idaho’s state antitrust laws are found generally in Idaho Code, Title 48 — Monopolies and Trade Practices.

It is likely that health providers in our area including Rockwood Health Systems, Providence WashingtonKootenai Health, and Northwest Specialty Hospital will be paying very close attention to Judge Winmill’s decision and any subsequent appeal.

ADDENDUM on 01-29-2014 at 7:52 AM:  Federal District Court Judge B. Lynn Winmill has issued an order unsealing his Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law in this case.   The Idaho Statesman has reported on the content in a news article this morning headlined Newly released St. Lukes court documents show merger would have created higher salaries, costs.

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