October 11, 2011

Berns Must Go (And He Shouldn’t Go Alone)!

Well, the Commissioners of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho’s urban renewal agency, the Lake City Development Corporation (LCDC) and its Executive Director Tony Berns (shown left)  are still trying their best to hide public information from the public.

Now the LCDC Commissioners have adopted and enforced a formal policy requiring that all requests for public information must be submitted on a specific form which the LCDC has adopted.

The most recent egregious exercise of this policy was brought to light by reporter Tom Hasslinger’s article in the February 11, 2011, Coeur d’Alene Press headlined online with LCDC director, activist spar over records request.


October 7, 2011

Keeping Our Elections Honest and Accessible

Today the Kootenai County Clerk’s Office sent out a press release titled Some Absentee Ballot Requests Show Confusion About Eligibility.  In that release, County Clerk Cliff Hayes revealed that for the upcoming November 8 cities and fire districts elections, his office has received almost 1500 requests for absentee ballots.  Of those requests, 469 were rejected because they were from voters whose residence address places them outside a city and in a fire district which has no contested races.

Some people will probably just ask, “So, who cares?”  But more timely and appropriate questions might be, “What difference does it make?” and “How did he know that?”  (more…)

September 27, 2011

On Appeal — The 2009 Coeur d’Alene City Election Contest

Coeur d’Alene attorney Starr Kelso has filed his opening brief appealing the First District Court’s (court) decision in the November 2009 Coeur d’Alene City election contest lawsuit.  The brief was filed with the Idaho Supreme Court (Court) on behalf of Appellant Jim Brannon.  A link to the entire brief is provided near the end of this post.

Before going to the brief, however, readers should first understand that an appeal brief is not written as entertainment reading for the general public.  It is a road map to guide the Idaho Supreme Court justices through the 2,676 pages of documents in the trial court record, 111 exhibits consisting of 563 pages, 876 pages of trial transcript, and transcripts of numerous other hearings held before and after the trial.  Much of that information is available to the justices during their preparation and deliberation.  Readers expecting the appeal brief to give them the complete picture of every detail will be disappointed.  (For more detailed information about the case as it developed, see my February 2011 report titled  The Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, Election Contest Lawsuit – 2009-2011.)

This current post with the link to the appeal brief will identify the ten issues raised on appeal and then briefly try to explain each issue. (more…)

August 28, 2011

Yes, Shame on You!


The Sunday, August 28, 2011,  Coeur d’Alene Press contained an unattributed editorial comment decrying the deceptions the Press had supposedly uncovered in actions taken by the Coeur d’Alene city government and the North Idaho College Board of Trustees.  One of the lines in the editorial read, “Shame on us for believing and reporting what city sources had told us, for accepting their word that no raises had been given the previous year.”

Yes, Press owner Hagadone Corporation.  Yes, Press Publisher Jim Thompson.  Yes, Press Editor Mike Patrick.  Shame on all of you.  (more…)

May 10, 2011

Grand Theft (Oh, Never Mind…)

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 8:28 am


Question:  When is theft not really stealing?

Answer:  When it is committed against the taxpayers of the State of Idaho and when aggressive criminal prosecution by a prosecuting attorney might politically embarrass Idaho public officials.  (more…)

April 24, 2011

Police Presence?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , , — Bill @ 7:19 am

It was such a beautiful day Saturday that on our way home from the Save McEuen Field from Sandi rally, we stopped at City Park. The nearby parking lots were full or nearly so, the basketball courts were full, there were people walking and biking and also sunning on the beach. And Boopsie’s Bunker, the $55,000 public safety building purchased with your dollars to create a “police presence” for increased public safety on a day like this was …  (more…)

March 27, 2011

Clownshoes in Coeur d’Alene



The Coeur d’Alene Press editorial board lived up to its reputation for delivering “You’ve got to be kidding me!” absurdity in its Sunday editorial titled Advice free, lawsuits aren’t. (more…)

March 12, 2011

SD 271 Ballot Wording – What Happened?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 5:16 pm


The wording of the Official Ballot, Kootenai County, Idaho, School District 271 Supplemental Maintenance & Operation Levy Election has drawn criticism from many voters. Some voters felt the wording was clear, while others called it confusing. Some even called it deceptive and manipulative.   Was the problem in the wording or in the intention of those who composed the ballot measures? (more…)

February 25, 2011

Not-So-NICE Report

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , — Bill @ 8:24 am

As reported in the February 8, 2011, Bonner County Daily Bee, the shutdown of the North Idaho Community Express (NICE) bus service was sudden and disruptive. There was considerable speculation about what happened to cause the closure.  Some answers can be found in the Idaho Transportation Department’s Subrecipient Review – North Idaho Community Express (NICE) – Final Report dated January 14, 2011.

That Final Report made several very significant and substantial findings and recommendations in the areas of Legal Authority and Agency Setup; Grant Management; Financial Management; Procurement; Service Requirements and Restrictions; Operations and Safety and Security; and Personnel.   It also imposed “due dates” for the completion of recommendations.

[Addendum at 3:47 p.m.:  Mary’s January 1, 2011, post titled What Happened to the Bus? makes a connection between the Panhandle Area Council and the NICE.   The comments to her post help explain that association.]

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