March 5, 2013

The Buck Stops … Where?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , , — Bill @ 7:57 am

TrustMeIf you believe Coeur d’Alene Mayor Sandi Bloem, Coeur d’Alene City Administrator Wendy Gabriel, Deputy Finance Director Vonnie Jenson [sic],  and others cited in US Attorney Wendy Jo Olson’s Response to Objection to Impact Statements filed for the March 4, 2013, sentencing hearing of convicted former City employee Sheryl Carroll, the aforementioned Mayor, Administrator, and Deputy Finance Director were all victims themselves of Carroll’s larcenous cleverness.

Quoting character Al Borland, comedian Tim Allen’s reserved and always skeptical straight man in the 90’s television series Home Improvement, “I don’t think so, Tim.” (more…)

March 1, 2013

Is Sandi At It Again?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , — Bill @ 12:08 pm


Read this Legal Announcement from today’s local skewspaper.  Pay particular attention to the highlighted portion of the Announcement.  Now, compare the wording of that Legal Announcement with the wording of this particular item in the online agenda for the March 5 Council meeting.   If that agenda item is for the Legal Announcement item, and it’s certainly not clear that it is, then it sounds to me as if the decision to approve the Supplemental Ordinance has already been made!

If you had only read the agenda item and had not read the Legal Announcement, would you associate the agenda item with the content of the Legal Announcement?  I don’t know if they are associated or not.  If they are not associated, then the $12,149,284 item from the Legal Announcement is not even on the Tuesday meeting agenda!


ADDENDUM AT 2:19 p.m. on Friday, March 1, 2013:  The City has just posted online this Agenda Addendum and this Council Packet Addendum addressing the deficiencies noted in my earlier post.

February 26, 2013

LCDC Special Call Meeting Today

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 10:04 am



Coeur d’Alene’s urban renewal agency, the Lake City Development Corporation (LCDC), will convene a special call meeting today (Tuesday, February 26) at 4 p.m. at the Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce, 105 N. 1st Street, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, in the Coeur d’Alene Mines Conference Room.

The agenda posted at City Hall is shown left.

Why the urgency for a  Special Call board meeting?    And why not at the Library Community Room where it could be televised?


February 23, 2013

Rex Scouten

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 8:32 am



More than “an usher”…

February 21, 2013

More Important Things

Filed under: General — mary @ 12:49 pm

Mary Souza’s Newsletter    -3

Well, the CdA City Council showed their true colors once again Tuesday night. They approved the purchase of Person and Bryan Fields, but not before taking about 20 minutes to bash the School Board and Superintendent who were all sitting in the audience.  It was incredibly unprofessional.  Dan Gookin did not participate in the attack and Steve Adams was not present, but the rest of them went at it.  And this was all to do with a land purchase deal that they verbally agreed to last month. The details did not change, but now we witnessed the obvious political posturing of the Mayor and most of the Council.  I’ll delve into their possible motives at the end of this newsletter, but right now we have far more important things to discuss.  (more…)

February 20, 2013

Error Correction

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 2:47 pm



I just received an email from Chief Deputy Secretary of State Tim Hurst pointing out that I made a huge error in my OpenCdA post titled Team Yurst’s Bad Idea.

He correctly pointed out that House Bill 0063 was not authored or presented by Team Yurst.  The bill was sponsored by Representative Holli Woodings and Senator Elliot Werk.  As Hurst pointed out in his email, the Secretary’s office does not even support this legislation.

I apologize to both Ysursa and Hurst (Team Yurst) for my error in attributing this very bad proposed legislation to them.

Report: Federal Assault Weapons Ban: Legal Issues

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 8:57 am


There has been renewed interest in the 113th Congress for federal gun control legislation.  To help members of Congress better understand the legal issues associated with current legislative proposals, the Congressional Research Service released a 17-page report titled Federal Assault Weapons Ban:  Legal Issues.  The report was issued February 14, 2013, and covers several topics including the Gun Control Act of 1968, the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, legal challenges to the 1994 assault weapons ban, and the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.

Welcome to the 21st Century

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , — Bill @ 8:22 am


Describing the diligent, business-like approach taken by the School District 271 Board of Trustees in selling some unneeded land to the City, Couer d’Alene Mayor Sandi Bloem (shown left) was quoted in this morning’s Coeur d’Alene Press article as saying, “I’m saddened it came to this.  In all good faith, we gave [a portion of Person Field] to the district.”

According to the Press article, “…the city gave the school district its half of Person Field in a ‘good faith’ deal roughly 20 years ago so the school district could receive land near Lake City High School while keeping enough property near Lakes Middle School to keep accreditation. Now, the city said, it will be more diligent in future deals, instead of counting on ‘good faith’ ones to pay dividends in the future.” (more…)

February 18, 2013

Report: Workforce Issues Affecting Public School Teachers

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 11:37 am

schoolsheartIn March 2012 the Idaho Legislature’s Joint Legislative Oversight Committee approved a request from the Senate Education Committee to study a variety of issues affecting teachers employed in Idaho’s K–12 public schools. The study request covered a range of topics from teacher recruitment and retention to new teacher preparation and class size.

The 87-page report, released January 3, 2013, and titled Workforce Issues Affecting Public School Teachers,  was prepared and submitted by the Legislature’s Office of Performance Evaluations.

The report’s scope was limited to ten specific areas that legislators had questions about.  The stakeholder respondents were limited to school superintendents, principals, and teachers.  Thus, its perspective is weighted toward those on the service delivery side of education. (more…)

Not a Done Deal

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 1:17 am

Mary Souza’s Newsletter   -1
I’ve been out of the fray for a while but have been watching and listening as many important issues are coming to the fore in our community.  You might be interested in some updated info, so here’s the first of my priority topics, because you will need to know this one for Tuesday night.  Then, later this week, I’ll tell you about more of them. (more…)

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