March 27, 2013

Long Past Due!

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 8:21 am

thumbs up badgePierson copyThe US Secret Service has announced the nomination and almost certain appointment of Julia Pierson to be the organization’s 23rd Director.  She will replace recently-retired former Director Mark Sullivan.

Being the chief executive law enforcement officer of the US Secret Service does not require that she continue to stand in front of doorknobs and be a handcuff jockey, though she has done both throughout her career.  What it does require is that she be a capable, competent leader and administrator .

Julie Pierson is fully professionally prepared to lead the agency with a multimillion dollar budget, thousands of employees, and a reputation tarnished by some male employees who couldn’t keep their zippers zipped when they should.  There have been far too many women in the Secret Service whose knowledge, skills, abilities, and talents were intentionally minimized because of their gender when it came time to be considered for advancement.  No truly professional law enforcement agency can afford to waste its most valuable assets in that way.

President Obama’s intention to appoint Julie Pierson to be the US Secret Service’s 23rd Director is unquestionably a step in the right direction.

March 22, 2013

“Balance” is Off-Kilter

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 4:01 pm

Mary Souza’s Newsletter   -1

We are seriously out of balance in North Idaho.  The City has reached new heights of dysfunction and is teetering on the brink of self-made chaos, and a new political action committee has announced their intention to bring more “balance” to  our local school board, hospital board and city council elections.  The problem is they are not as balanced as they’d like you to think; they seem to lean heavily in one direction. (more…)

It Wasn’t the First Time…

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 7:24 am

Gabriel for OpenCdAYesterday’s OpenCdA post titled “Under Color of Law” explained how an action taken by Coeur d’Alene Mayor Sandi Bloem, City Attorney Mike Gridley, and Councilmen Mike Kennedy, Deanna Goodlander, Woody McEvers, and Loren Edinger would deprive Coeur d’Alene’s citizens of effective representation by Councilman Steve Adams.

It wasn’t the first time one of the Mayor’s cohorts had exceeded the authority of his or her position to withhold (or try to withhold) time-sensitive information members of Council needed to make a major financial decision.

In October 2012, Coeur d’Alene City Administrator Wendy Gabriel failed to timely inform the City Council that School District 271 had given the City 30 days to advise whether the City will buy Northshire Park and the School District’s portion of Person Field.   Whether to purchase or not was the Council’s decision, not Gabriel’s, to make.  (more…)

March 21, 2013

“Under Color of Law”

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 4:11 pm

Gridley for OpenCdAIn the 2011 Coeur d’Alene city election,  3,490 voters  elected City Councilman Steve Adams.

On March 5, 2013, Coeur d’Alene Mayor Sandi Bloem allowed a motion to be made and seconded that would effectively exclude Councilman Adams from deliberating with the City’s legal counsel on a matter lawfully under consideration by the Council.  City Attorney Mike Gridley (pictured) informed Council that such a motion was lawful.  Councilmen Kennedy, Goodlander, McEvers, and Edinger voted to approve that motion.    Their motion and vote to exclude Councilman Adams were conducted under color of law, but I believe without statutory authority.   I believe if their action exceeded their legal authority, it interfered with Councilman Adams’ ability to perform the duties of his office, and thereby deprived at least 3,490 citizens of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, of their right to Councilman Adams’ effective representation.    (more…)

March 20, 2013

“Punch your Nose!”

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 1:38 pm

If you missed the Council meeting last night, you missed a long one.  But the fireworks really blew up after the cameras were turned off.  Here’s the press release from Councilman Steve Adams about what happened after the meeting.  Hold onto your hats, you are not going to believe what the Mayor did and said:

“While still in the community room after last night’s city council meeting, City Attorney Mike Gridley approached me and asked if I was going to provide him with a copy of the ethics complaint I filed against him. I told him the Idaho State Bar would likely send him a copy with a request to respond. He then proceeded to get in my face and told me I was a “moron”. I asked him If he was threatening me, he said no, but that in 30 years of practicing law he had never had anyone make a complaint against him, and again he told me I was “moron”. He was still in my face at this point, just inches away, leaning in on me. I again asked if he was threatening me and he said no, but that I could “fu** off you stupid moron.” At this point I grabbed my cell phone and called 911 to ask for officer assistance as I perceived this as an assault. Mr. Gridley walked away saying he was going to his office and then home. I walked through the library and into the ante room where the Mayor, Mike Kennedy, Deanna Goodlander, Wendy Gabriel and Jon Ingalls were standing. Mike Kennedy told me I should calm down. I told him about the exchange I had with Mr. Gridley and he responded with surprise and expressed dissatisfaction. I turned to the Mayor and pointed at her exclaiming that she should take disciplinary action against Mr. Gridley. She told me not to point at her, so I apologized for pointing. She then said not only would she not be disciplining Mr. Gridley but,  raising her fist at me, she said she had half a mind to “punch my nose off of my face.” For the City Attorney to verbally assault me, twice now, with inflammatory and derogatory comments, is a violation of his attorney code of ethics and, according to the city’s personnel rules, is insubordination. I call for his immediate termination.

Mayor Bloem’s actions are unprofessional, disrespectful and definitely unbecoming for the Mayor.  I demand an apology.”  –Steve Adams

March 18, 2013

Open Session, Monday

Filed under: General,Open Session — mary @ 1:50 pm

220px-Goldkey_logo_removed“Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t”…remember that advertisement?  I’ve been watching the Press coverage of the CoinNuts mess.  And now, finally, the Prosecutor is going to step up and take action.

What do you think?  Anything else on your mind on this almost-Spring Monday?

March 15, 2013

They’re Not Listening

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 4:43 pm

Mary Souza’s Newsletter  -1

You’ll want to read the interesting follow-up on the City Attorney’s insubordination, but I’ll save that for the end of this newsletter because I’d like to start with the blatant disregard from some of our area’s State lawmakers.  (more…)

March 11, 2013

Another Corrupt Mayor Convicted

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 8:48 am

Kilpatrick-graphic-BLUE-jpg copy

NBC Snooze is reporting that former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick has just been convicted on several federal corruption charges including racketeering, bribery, and extortion.

Here is the New York Times report just issued.

Here is the Detroit Free Press report about the verdict.

Here is the Detroit Free Press timeline of the events leading up to Kilpatrick’s conviction today.


March 8, 2013

“… and …”

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 3:48 pm



It’s a simple, three-letter grammatical conjunction.

And it can pack an extremely powerful punch, sometimes bringing questionable and even illegal governmental actions to a complete halt.



March 6, 2013

“Confrontational & Rude”

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 5:07 pm

Mary Souza’s Newsletter   -1

“Disrespectful, unprofessional, confrontational and just flat out rude.”  That’s how CdA City councilman Steve Adams described the behavior of City Attorney Mike Gridley last night, because Mr. Gridley called Steve an “ignorant shit”.  And the Mayor just sat there and said nothing.  (more…)

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