April 18, 2008

Open Session, Friday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 10:49 am

This morning’s Press had a shocker…if the proposed school levy is approved, the owner of a $200,000 house will pay a total of $550 per year!

Any comments, questions or ideas on this or any subject?

April 16, 2008

Open Session, Wednesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 11:51 am

We survived Tax Day…now onward. Any comments about the CdA City Council meeting last night? How about Post Falls’ approval of two big development projects or Hayden’s design standards for their new downtown?

April 15, 2008

Open Session, Tax Day

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 2:03 pm

Is it fair at all that it is SNOWING on Tax Day? Really, haven’t we had enough? And now we have to send Uncle Sam all the money we could use to go somewhere warm and tropical, sit on the beach and sip on something sporting a little umbrella?

Here’s a repeat of the Beatles’ lyrics Tax Man:

Let me tell you how it will be;
There’s one for you, nineteen for me.
‘Cause I’m the taxman,
Yeah, I’m the taxman…
If you drive a car, I’ll tax the street;
If you try to sit, I’ll tax your seat;
If you get too cold, I’ll tax the heat;
If you take a walk, I’ll tax your feet.
Ok, any positive thoughts? Any comments, questions or issues?

April 10, 2008

Open Session, Thursday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 12:24 pm

The Hayden Canyon development is back in the news and the City of CdA is holding it’s budget workshop today at 5:15pm in the Library Community Room. The public will not be allowed to speak today. Anyone planning to go watch?

Any other issues, comments, questions?

April 8, 2008

Open Session, Tuesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 4:32 pm

The Press this morning had a front page article about the School District planning a public forum about the upcoming levy. Good for them! The meeting will be April 29th at Lakes Middle School, so everyone can see the condition of the school. Terrific. At least they’re moving in the right direction…more public information.

Comments? Questions? Info?

April 7, 2008

Open Session, Monday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 11:03 am

A new week, lots to talk about. This morning’s paper told us that the City will be setting its priorities this Thursday. It’s a workshop in public, but the public can’t participate. Go figure.

Any thoughts, comments, questions? You are allowed to participate here!

April 5, 2008

Open Session, Saturday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 10:20 am

More snow!? Whether you’re smiling or sad, you can express yourself on any local issue here. Give kudos to something good, take issue with a problem you’ve found or ask a question that’s been on your mind…

March 27, 2008

Open Session, Thursday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 1:24 pm

singing-siblings.jpg My brother’s face mimics my feeling when, yet again this morning, I stopped by the offices of School District 271 in hopes of reviewing documents about the decision to remodel Lakes Middles School vs. build a new building. The district finance officer, Steve Briggs, sent word out to the front desk that the info was not ready yet. I then asked to speak with Steve and was escorted to his office. He reiterated to me that there are no documents about the remodel decision. There were no bids. No RFPs (Request for Proposals). He nicely assured me that, because of my request, he’s now creating a new document explaining how that important decision was made. It will be done soon.

If this doesn’t bring about 31.1 million questions to your mind, do you have any other subjects to discuss?

March 26, 2008

Open Session, Wednesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 9:28 am

wikilabrador_jardin.JPG Lots of action going on around town these days…new dog park, all the trees cut down on the land across Ramsey from the Kroc Center, upcoming primary elections and levies…

Any comments, questions, ideas?  (read the comments to see why this cartoon is posted again)


March 24, 2008

Open Session, Monday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 3:22 pm

It was a quiet holiday weekend. Lots of family and friends. Lots of basketball. Now back to the issues of the day–upcoming school levy, jail bond levy, Education Corridor, etc. Questions, Comments, Suggestions on these or other topics?

I just have to bring this cartoon forward again, it’s so on target. (Courtesy of Sunshine


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