September 6, 2010

Open Session, Labor Day

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 9:23 am

Today’s holiday is in honor of workers.  But what about our JOBS problem?  Can government, nationally or locally, do anything to increase jobs?

Any other thoughts on this last holiday of the summer?

August 29, 2010

Open Session: Honor & Integrity

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 8:59 am

Glenn Beck organized a huge rally in Washington DC yesterday.  Approximately 500,000 people came out to hear speakers discuss the importance of restoring honor in our lives and in our country.  I watched it live on the internet and was very impressed with the tone and message of the event.  The main themes were that honor and integrity must be central in our own lives and our relationship with God, and that one person can make a difference in our country.  These ideas speak to our lives and our government on every level.

Did you hear any of the Restoring Honor rally?  What did you think?  How can it apply to our community?

July 27, 2010

Open Session, Tuesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 2:29 pm

People are acting up!  It’s incredible to see regular folks stand up at their city council meeting and tell their elected officials what they really think!  Have you seen the news clips from the Bell, California meeting?  Remember, that’s the small city (the size of CdA) paying it’s City Administrator almost $800,000/year.  The news clips, now surfacing, show some bold language from the citizens.  Bill wrote a great post about it on this web site a few days ago (

What would you say if your city officials were paid more than any other in the state and, in addition, the council still voted to raise your taxes?

July 23, 2010

Open Session, Weekend

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 8:59 am

–Taxes are going UP in CdA!  What a surprise. (Here’s a link to today’s Press article)

–KTEC, the new skills-focused high school to be shared by PF, CdA and Rathdrum School Districts, will be coming up for a levy vote on August 24th.  (Here’s a link to this morning’s Press column on KTEC)

What do you think?  Do you like the way local government is spending your money?

July 10, 2010

Open Session, Sunny Weekend

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 9:37 am

Any thoughts you want to share on this gorgeous summer weekend?  Did you know our CdA streets are now “safer”, according to the front page of the CdA Press today?  But the quote from the Coeur d’Alene Brewing Company’s director ends with “We’ll see.”  What do you think?

June 28, 2010

Open Session: Congratulations!

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 9:28 am

Madison Leonard, a wonderful young woman from our community, has just won the NATIONAL Junior Miss competition, which has been renamed the Distinguished Young Woman Award.  Congratulations Madison!  This 18 year old has been an active part of the Tea Party Patriots of North Idaho, speaking and singing at our events.  She is deeply dedicated to the founding ideals of this country and clearly articulates her concerns about large government taking over our freedoms.  Madison is outstanding and her win of this national title, and the college scholarship that comes with it, are great accomplishments.

Meanwhile, Ironman is done, Hoopfest is over and the summer moves on.  Any comments, questions or ideas?

June 22, 2010

Open Session, Tuesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 8:48 am

What’s on your mind as we start into the first week of Summer?  The weather?  Ironman?  How about the City leasing out its parking lots?

Here’s that story:  On the 4th of July, the City will lease its downtown parking lots to the Chamber of Commerce.  The Chamber plans to DOUBLE the price of the parking in these lots, to help pay for the fireworks. What bugs me is the posturing at last week’s City Council meeting, where three council members question the decision, saying it will set a dangerous precedent and that this type of lease will be used by all kinds of fundraisers now…then they ALL voted in favor of the measure!

You can read my abbreviated version of the city council meeting minutes below:   (more…)

June 19, 2010

Open Session, Car d’Alene!

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 6:57 am

We were down at the car crusin’ parade of gems last evening.  The turnout was great!  Spectators lined Sherman and all along the cruise route.  The cars were terrific and the weather was beautiful.  It felt like the first day of the summer season.  Were you there?

Any comments about this or any other thoughts, ideas or questions?

June 7, 2010

Open Session, Monday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 8:49 am

Quiet weekend?  There are still many topics to discuss, on a local and national basis.  Any thoughts, ideas or questions?

June 1, 2010

Open Session: 80 / 20 ?

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 2:22 pm

What’s conservative enough?  Who’s conservative enough?  Our readers have been bantering that question about with increasing intensity over the long weekend.  Local political groups are mirroring the national scene, with a great deal of finger-pointing and not a lot of bridge building.

Here’s my question to you:  If you agree with 80 % of the essential principles of a political group, should you tolerate the 20% with which you don’t fully agree?

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