March 6, 2008

Don’t Push That Button!

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 5:35 pm

I hope there’s more to this Spokesman-Review story headlined “Phone evidence accidentally erased”.  In case the story link won’t connect (I’m not a subscriber to the S-R), here are the basic facts. 

Savoir faire! Corruption c’est Everwhere!

Filed under: General — Dan Gookin @ 9:20 am

Their mission was to revitalize downtown. Millions of dollars were at stake. Yet the agency was riddled with insider deals, profits made at the public expense, favors passed between board members and developers, corruption galore! Nope, it’s not that agency you’re thinking of, but it’s a sign that problems we have in Coeur d’Alene are not unique.

March 5, 2008

Rino Politics

Filed under: General — mary @ 10:38 am

rhino-horn.jpg For those you who are political novices, like I am, you might be interested in the term “Rino”. It means Republican In Name Only, and seems to be popping up frequently these days. Kootenai County is predominantly Republican, as everyone knows, so the upcoming spring Republican primary is almost more important than the General Election in November. If a candidate wins the Republican nod in this county, they have a strong chance of winning the election. (more…)

March 4, 2008

Arson on the Street of Dreams

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 8:46 am

Our local and regional public safety and government officials should closely follow the progress of the “Street of Dreams” fire investigations. Read carefully the Seattle Post-Intelligencer article headlined “Fire Destroys ‘Street of Dreams’ Homes.”  Readers will note there has been some social controversy in the Maltby-Woodinville area where these fires occurred. The controversy involves developments being built over an aquifer, cluster housing, and disagreements over local governments’ efforts to manage growth.

March 3, 2008

Don’t listen to the public!

Filed under: Cartoons,Jimmy Barona Cartoons — Jimmy Barona @ 2:11 pm


Dear Lake City Development Corporation:

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 9:25 am

Dear LCDC:

So, you’re going to spend $35,000 of Kootenai County taxpayer dollars to hire a public relations flack to help you regain the public’s trust and confidence that you’ve lost.  Here’s an eight-step approach you might consider.  It’s free. (more…)

March 2, 2008

Dixie Reid on the Appeals Board

Filed under: General,Observations — Dan Gookin @ 9:07 am

So the Mayor is thinking of appointing Dixie Reid — former City Councilman and LCDC Board member, and owner of Dixie’s Inside Connection, a design company — to be on the City’s Personnel Appeals Board.

dixie finger

I wish all City personnel good luck in the fair and balanced appeals process.

Mortgage and Appraisal Fraud in Coeur d’Alene?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 9:00 am

 “You cannot participate in the real estate business without committing felonies. I complained to the boards, and they tried to stifle me. According to the FBI, this is the new Mafia. The things I have seen deserve prison sentences. I filed a complaint with the local FBI office and they are acting on it”  [1] 

March 1, 2008

Quick Clarification

Filed under: General — mary @ 12:51 pm

On the Ed. Corridor issue, there’s something that needs to be explained. NO ONE that I have ever talked with on this topic has EVER suggested that North Idaho College should close down its current location. That would be absurd. But Dr. Bell and Christie Wood have both spoken/written publicly that this is what the “anti” people are promoting. Nonsense. This is just their way to paint anyone with questions, or a desire to be included in the process, as quacks.


Alternatives on the Prairie

Filed under: Observations — Dan Gookin @ 11:21 am

I learned today that the City of Post Falls owns approximately 600 acres of land on the prairie. They paid $10,000,000 for it. Let’s do some math.

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