April 11, 2008

Think Outside the Corridor

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 3:50 pm

The City’s Pulse Newsletter

By Mary Souza, April 10, 2008

It could cost $100 million or more for a decision made by a handful of people in a back room. And apparently they don’t have to make it public, even though the taxpayers will be footing the bill.

North Idaho College is negotiating right now to find the first $10 million dollars in order to buy the Stimson Mill (light teal on the map) from developer Marshall Chesrown. It’s a 17 acre property, so that equates to…get ready…$588,200 per acre. That’s about 4 times more costly than other land in the area. Plus, the mill site is right next to the city’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (in yellow on the map), with only partial river frontage.

On the other hand, the City of CdA has been allowing the University of Idaho to lease the Harbor Center (the old Osprey Restaurant building–in red on the map) for $10, yes ten dollars, per year since 2002. The city is offering to let U of I purchase the building and surrounding land for a total of $1.3 million. That’s quite a deal by comparison.


April 10, 2008

Government Nonsense is Universal

Filed under: General — Dan Gookin @ 9:28 pm

One good example of open government locally is the Lakes Highway District. When two new commissioners were elected laster, year, the first thing they did was move the meeting time from the godawful 3:00 PM to the evening, when more people could attend. But apparently scheduling government meetings at odd hours is not a trick unique to the obfuscation crowd in North Idaho.

City Clerk Accused of Falsifying Public Records

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 12:42 pm

Nez Perce County Prosecutor Dan Spickler has charged Lewiston, ID, city clerk Rebecca L. O’Connor with two felony counts of falsifying two city records, the agenda and the minutes of the city’s Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board meeting.  An online account of the Associated Press story is in the KLEW-TV website in a story headlined Charges filed against Lewiston city clerk.


Open Session, Thursday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 12:24 pm

The Hayden Canyon development is back in the news and the City of CdA is holding it’s budget workshop today at 5:15pm in the Library Community Room. The public will not be allowed to speak today. Anyone planning to go watch?

Any other issues, comments, questions?

April 9, 2008

Viral and Parasitic Pathogens

Filed under: General — Bill @ 1:34 pm

No, this post is not about the LCDC or the Coeur d’Alene City Council.  It is about something beneficial:  honey bees. 

According to a Science Daily News piece titled Scientists Identify Pathogens That May Be Causing Global Honey-Bee Deaths, scientists from the Edgewood Chemical Biological Center and the University of California San Francisco used a technology called the Integrated Virus Detection System (IVDS) to isolate the viral and parasitic pathogens that may be causing what has been called colony collapse disorder.   Scientists “…fear that without honey bees to pollinate crops like fruits, vegetables, and almonds the loss of honey bees could have an enormous horticultural and economic impact around the world.”

The US Congress’s response to colony collapse disorder is outlined in a Congressional Research Service report updated August 14, 2007, and titled Recent Honey Bee Colony Declines.

Get ‘Er Dun

Filed under: Observations — Dan Gookin @ 12:06 pm

A friend of mine in the midtown area recently found this hanging on her doorknob:
sidewalk repair flyer
Fix your sidewalks in Coeur d’Alene — or else!

Reprise: Arson on the Street of Dreams

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 9:07 am

 Today’s Coeur d’Alene Press has an article headlined Fire destroys unoccupied home

Given some of the information reported in the Press article, readers might want to reread my March 4, 2008, post titled Arson on the Street of Dreams.  The links are more useful and informative than what I wrote.

Anyone Fooled By This Guy?

Filed under: Observations — Dan Gookin @ 7:01 am


April 8, 2008

Open Session, Tuesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 4:32 pm

The Press this morning had a front page article about the School District planning a public forum about the upcoming levy. Good for them! The meeting will be April 29th at Lakes Middle School, so everyone can see the condition of the school. Terrific. At least they’re moving in the right direction…more public information.

Comments? Questions? Info?

Who’s Who in CdA: Deanna

Filed under: General — mary @ 9:20 am

As we polish and refine this feature, Who’s Who, please feel free to correct or embellish the information listed. But keep it respectable.

Deanna Goodlander:

  • CdA City council member
  • LCDC urban renewal Board
  • General Services Committee Chair
  • Panhandle Area Council Board
  • Arts Commission Board
  • Library Board
  • Chamber of Commerce Commodore
  • Kootenai Perspectives
  • Lake City Senior Center Board
  • Business owner and property developer
  • Born and raised in CdA, lives within the city now.
  • Deanna comes from the old Coeur d’Alene family that owned Lee Ranch, a large tract of land in Northwest Coeur d’Alene, near Ramsey Road and the future Kroc Center. Much of the land is within the urban renewal district and remains in extended family ownership.
  • Deanna’s brother, Terry Lee, is the artist creating the Mudgie the Moose sculptures sponsored by the Library Foundation and (?) the Arts Commission.
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