September 13, 2009

Response from City Hall

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 3:12 pm


The City’s Pulse Newsletter

By Mary Souza, Sept 13, 2009

Dear Newsletter Readers,

Our warm summer weather has returned for awhile, thank goodness, but the local political scene is heating up even higher as we move toward the November city elections.  My column appeared in last Friday’s CdA Press and, not surprisingly, it has caused a strong flashback from City Hall.  (You can read a copy of my column below)

In response to my column, City Administrator, Wendy Gabriel, put a post up on the city’s “blog” site.  This is a funny name for the site because the word “blog” infers that the readers can actually give feedback and participate in a discussion, but there is no such possibility on the city’s site.  All the reader can do is accept whatever the city writes.  It must be easier that way, but don’t call it a “blog” and then brag about “increasing communication” with the citizens!   (more…)

CdA City Council…That’s Entertainment!

Filed under: The City's Pulse — mary @ 3:06 pm

cdalogo By Mary Souza

Here’s my column that appeared in last Friday’s CdA Press:

It never ceases to amaze me how entertaining city council meetings can be.  Many folks assume they are boring or tedious, and that’s what I expect too, when I get up the gumption to attend. Yet, surprisingly, there’s often something that comes out of nowhere to make the meeting sing.

I attended last week’s council meeting to watch the budget decision, but was blown away by what I learned during comments made by the public.   (more…)

September 7, 2009

The Honor of the Manual Trades

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 4:38 pm

Welding copyThere are people in our community who are educational elitists or E2 snobs, people who disparage vocational training and the trades, harrumphing and sniffing that someone who chooses not to get at least a baccalaureate degree will surely be doomed to an unsatisfying and unproductive life.

To hear a remarkably different and refreshing viewpoint, please take time to watch and listen to this clip from the September 4 PBS News Hour online.  Click on “Play Video” under the interviewee’s photo.  It takes several seconds to load and play, but it’s worth the time.

September 4, 2009

Labor Day Weekend Fun Quiz

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 5:34 pm

Thanks to OpenCdA correspondent “Ottawa Mike” for this photo and the suggestion we use it in a fun quiz. Here are the questions “Ottawa Mike” suggested was ask — just for fun:
1. Who is that smiling face?
2. Where is the photo taken?
3. Why is he smiling?
4. How long will it take the Coeur d’Alene City Attorney to claim the photo violates some obscure ordinance and demand it be removed?

September 3, 2009

Open Session, Thursday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 11:39 am

IMGP4845 All kinds of action for a late summer week:  Candidates announcing bids for city elections, the jail bond coming forward again and the cities and county revealing their budget proposals.

Any comments, questions or ideas?

September 1, 2009


Filed under: General — mary @ 2:25 pm

pachyderm-nic1 MWB copy

The list, posted on this site yesterday of the NIC Foundation members, triggered a question in my mind because many of them seem connected with Mt. West Bank.

Let’s look at the lists, side by side, and you can draw your own conclusions:   (more…)

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