September 30, 2009

Applause for Alert Readers!

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 3:02 pm

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It is very gratifying to have not one but two readers contact me to point out an apparent discrepancy in my Will History Repeat? post.  The apparent discrepancy was in this sentence:

In 1994 Glacier Partners and Parkwood Business Properties were converting a light industrial area into what was soon to become the Prairie Shopping Center.

The alert readers followed the links and then observed that the Secretary of State’s documents were dated 1997, so they wondered, how could Parkwood Business Properties have been doing the work in 1994?  The answer is, I don’t know, but the minutes of the KSAL Board of Trustees meetings in 1994 refer to “Steve Meyer, Parkwood Business Properties, …”  The SoS document for Glacier Partners was also dated 1997, and I’m continuing to go back through my notes and other documents to find the information.

Good catch, folks.  Thank you for being so alert.

Response to Reader Questions

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 12:37 pm

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Commenting on my post titled Will History Repeat?, readers Will Penny and Wallypog both asked essentially the same question:  Why haven’t our local law enforcement agencies shown more interest?  The answer will not be satisfying or reassuring. (more…)

September 28, 2009

Open Session, Monday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 3:07 pm


We have relatives visiting from Hawaii.  They are fascinated with the Fall colors, watching the squirrels and picking fresh apples. Do you think we take things for granted?

On another note, Candidate forums have been taking place—any feedback, comments or ideas?

September 23, 2009

Will History Repeat?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 4:37 pm

What do the purchase of less than an acre of land at the Hayden Branch by the Kootenai Shoshone Area Library (KSAL) system in 1994 and the purchase of just under 17 acres of land at the old DeArmond mill site in 2009 have in common?   And why should you be concerned if you live anywhere in Kootenai County but especially in Post Falls or Coeur d’Alene?

Read on.


Campaign Sites up and running

Filed under: General — mary @ 11:29 am

vt_but November 3rd

Dan Gookin for City Council, running against incumbent Deanna Goodlander.  Dan’s web site =

Jim Brannon for City Council, running aginst incumbent Mike Kennedy.  Jim’s web site =

Steve Adams for City Council, running against incumbent Woody McEvers.  Steve’s web site =

Joe Kunka for Mayor… can’t find a web site for him, but I hear he did very well at the forum last night, presented by the Kootenai County Republicans.  In fact, I heard that ALL the challengers were great; that they were well-informed, well-spoken and passionate about representing the taxpayers!


September 22, 2009

Open Session, Tuesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 9:15 am


Our lovely summer weather is still hanging on.  Any thoughts on the announcement by Wendy Gabriel, CdA City Admin, that the city will sign an agreement to adopt the design for the Ed Corridor that includes and changes Independence Point?  How about thoughts on the upcoming local elections, the candidates,  jail bond, etc. or other issues?

September 20, 2009

History Quiz #2

Filed under: General — mary @ 9:24 am

Getting closer to our modern era, here are a few more questions about racial equality efforts in our country’s history:

1.  Which was the party of the Klu Klux Clan?

2.  Which current US Senator was a high ranking member of the Klu Klux Clan and filibustered against the Civil Rights Act of 1964?  What is his party affiliation?

3.  What is the party of the Governor of South Carolina, later a US Senator, who put the Confederate flag to fly over the state capitol?

4.  Which party had the greatest percentage of votes to pass the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s?

It’s important for us in Northern Idaho to know this history and understand how the unfair use of the term “racism” can be destructive.

September 19, 2009

History Lesson

Filed under: General — mary @ 9:46 am

225px-Abraham_Lincoln_head_on_shoulders_photo_portrait With the “race card” being played all over the political scene these days, those of us in northern Idaho often get caught up in the controversy, whether we want to or not.  I thought a history lesson might be good for us all.  An alert reader gave me this information:

1. Which political party was founded as the anti-slavery party?

2. What party passed the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution granting black people freedom, citizenship and the right to vote?

3. What party passed the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1875, prohibiting racial discrimination in public accomodations?

4.  What was the party of Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Booker T. Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?

This is the first section of the “quiz”.

September 18, 2009

To TV or not to TV?

Filed under: General — mary @ 12:02 pm

180px-Braun_HF_1 There’s a brew-ha-ha going on in town right now, if you read the Press letters to the editor.  Recently the Kootenai County Democrats sponsored a Healthcare Forum.  They held it in the Community Room of the new CdA Library and video taped it for future broadcast.  The forum featured the head of Kootenai Medical Center, a local family physician, the head of the Dirne Clinic and a local business owner.  The moderator of the event was State Representative George Sayler, a Democrat from CdA.  Most or all of the people on the panel were well known Democrats.  The problem appears to be unfair access to put information on the city-controlled Public Access TV.  The Healthforum folks said it was a non-partisan event…hmmm….ok.   But here’s the rest of the story:   (more…)

September 15, 2009

Open Session, Tuesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 3:00 pm

UncleSamYou_2 Enjoying the end-of-summer weather?  Gearing up for the Fall elections?  Planning to attend the TEA PARTY RALLY on Thursday, Constitution Day?

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