October 19, 2015

Who Gets It?

Filed under: General — Bill @ 7:52 am

USSS BadgeSeveral skews agencies (Newsmax, Fox News, etc.) are reporting that presidential candidates Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson will soon receive Secret Service protection.  That is probably correct.

The skews agencies also imply that the Secret Service determines which presidential candidates get protection.  That is wrong.

Major candidates  for President and Vice President as identified by the Secretary of Homeland Security are eligible receive Secret Service protection after the Secretary has consulted with the Congressional Advisory Committee (Speaker of the House, House Minority Leader, Senate Majority Leader, Senate Minority Leader, and one additional member selected by the others).   Those candidates can decline protection if they choose.

Criteria have been established to assist the DHS Secretary and the Congressional Advisory Committee in their decision making (as of 2008). Candidates must:

  • Be publicly announced
  • Have some degree of prominence as shown by opinion polls
  • Be actively campaigning and entered in at least 10 state primaries
  • Be seeking the nomination of a qualified party
  • Have qualified for matching funds in the amount of at least $100,000
  • Have received contributions totaling $10 million

Hillary Clinton receives protection not because of her candidacy but because former presidents and their spouses are entitled by law to receive it for life or until the deceased president’s surviving spouse remarries.  Former president’s children receive protection until age 16.  The protection is offered to “formers” but can be declined.  Only former President Richard Nixon declined protection after he left office.

OpenCdA speculates that candidate Bernie Sanders does not yet meet one or more of the required criteria.  However, the President could still direct the Secret Service to provide him with protection.

China Cheats – Is It Clearer Now?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , — Bill @ 6:35 am

Clinton 100OpacityToday’s Washington Post is reporting that according to a private security company report, the People’s Republic of China (Chicom) continued to “… penetrate the networks of U.S. companies to steal their secrets despite a pledge by China’s president that they would not do so …”.

According to the Crowd Strike timeline, in the 24 days since Chicom President Xi Jinping promised US President Barack Obama that the Chicoms would cease trying to hack into US computer networks to steal secrets, there have been numerous attempts on nine days to hack into US technology sector networks and numerous attempts on two days to hack into US pharmaceutical sector networks.  And those are just the efforts that have been detected.

According to this report in The Hill today, the Chicom government-sponsored group Deep Panda has been responsible for these most recent hacks.  The Hill article also states, “Deep Panda has also been tied to cyberattacks on U.S. foreign policy think tanks and individuals who are experts on the Middle East.”

So if a Chicom government-supported hacking group is going after US foreign policy think tanks and individuals who are experts on the Middle East, OpenCdA wonders if that same group might not have been put some effort in hacking the private email server of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton which was found to contain sensitive national security information?  Gee, ya think?

We hope our series of posts has made the picture clearer.

September 25, 2015

More China Money?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , — Bill @ 3:37 pm

Clinton85OpacityOn Thursday, September 24, 2015,  ABC News reported that, “The FBI has arrested a politically prominent Chinese millionaire [Ng Lap Seng], the alleged secret source of foreign money in a campaign finance scandal during the Clinton administration, on charges he lied about why he brought more than $4.5 million in cash into the United States over the last two years.”

Our August 13, 2015, OpenCdA post entitled The Clinton Family Trie (Huang , Hsia, and Riady, Too) reminded readers of the connection between the Clintons and  Yah Lin “Charlie” Trie, a major fundraiser and long-time close friend of the President, who accepted a plea agreement in return for telling how he had routed illegal donations from the PRC to the Clinton Presidential Campaign.  The ABC news story makes the connection between Trie and Ng.

Here is a link to the the federal criminal complaint.

September 24, 2015

Will Port of Hope Move to Post Falls?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , , — Bill @ 7:20 am

portofhomeOpenCdA has received word that northern Idaho’s Port of Hope, Inc., currently in Coeur d’Alene, has applied for a special use permit to establish a federal residential re-entry center in Post Falls.  We believe this will result in the closure of the Coeur d’Alene facility which has been in operation since 1998.

OpenCdA fully understands the Port of Hope’s apparent desire to leave Coeur d’Alene.  The shameful efforts by members of the City of Coeur d’Alene Planning Commission with help from employees of School District 271 to run Port of Hope out of town in 2013 were documented in this series of OpenCdA posts.   Thankfully, the Coeur d’Alene City Council resoundingly rejected those efforts in its meeting on October 1, 2013.

We hope that the members of the Post Falls Planning & Zoning Commission will look at our posts linked above.   These posts revealed how hysteria and deception can drive a completely unsupported decision in a planning commission hearing.  Our hope is that however the Post Falls Planning & Zoning Commission rules on Port of Hope’s application, the Commissioners’ votes will be based entirely on their objective evaluation of the relevant evidence presented during the hearing.

September 14, 2015

The Ferguson Commission Report

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 7:08 am

Ferguson Report Here is a link to the 198-page digital version of Ferguson Commission Report.   The print version will be released to the public later today.

Even though the report primarily focuses on the greater St. Louis, MO, area, many of the findings and recommendations are applicable and worthy of consideration throughout the country.

September 13, 2015

Otter’s Veto: Intentionally Illegal?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , , — Bill @ 7:51 pm

gambling-games1For the reasons we’ve beaten to death in our earlier posts concerning historic horse racing machines in Idaho, OpenCdA agreed with Governor Otter’s decision to veto S 1011 passed during the 2015 legislative session.  That bill repealed Idaho Code § 54-2512A.  His decision to veto the repeal effort was the right one.

However, we also agree with the Idaho Supreme Court’s decision released September 10, 2015, to overturn Otter’s veto.  Otter bungled the veto.  It is impossible for us to believe that an honest, competent, and experienced governor could accidentally or even carelessly mess up the state’s clearly defined veto process.

To OpenCdA it looks as if Governor Clement L. Otter intended for his veto to be unable to withstand the inevitable and ultimately successful legal challenge that was mounted against it. (more…)

September 5, 2015

What’s in a Name?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , , — Bill @ 7:32 am

diversionignitecdaIn her online newsletter dated September 3, 2015, State Senator Mary Souza offered some advice to the Coeur d’Alene Urban Renewal Agency.

Sen. Souza advised, “Ditch the new name and logo, cancel the PR contract, return to the original name of Coeur d’Alene Urban Renewal Agency. Get rid of the paid consultants, lobbyists and the overpaid executive director position. Hire a manager and a clerical assistant and let’s have the board members stand for public election. We can even pay them a small fee for their time, which would place them under a higher level of the Idaho Ethics law.”

OpenCdA agrees with Senator Souza. (more…)

September 3, 2015

Corruption Investigation — Palm Springs Mayor

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: — Bill @ 7:09 am

PSLogo copyImagine that!  In southern California the Inland Empire Public Corruption Task Force that includes the FBI, the Internal Revenue Service, the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office,  and the San Bernardino District Attorney’s Office has served a search warrant at the Palm Springs, CA, city hall.

It has been alleged that Palm Springs Mayor Steve Pougnet may have taken a walk on the shady side when he received about $200,000 from a local developer, Richard Meany.  Seems Meany was going to need to purchase some Palm Springs city property for the project, so he hired the Palm Springs mayor to consult with him on the project.   The mayor and council subsequently voted to approve the sale of the property to the developer at a questionable price .

Palm Springs is a resort city with a population of about 46,300 residents in the Coachella Valley.

Fortunately for us in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, nothing like that could ever happen here.  Mayor Steve Widmyer would never have any close ties with any local developer and then be involved in a deal for city land with that developer’s company, right?

August 26, 2015

Pardon Me… ?

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , — Bill @ 8:33 am

Clinton85OpacityOpenCdA wonders …

Will President Barack Obama pull a Gerald Ford and pardon Hillary Clinton for all violations of specific federal criminal laws involving the almost-certain compromise of classified information in connection with her establishing and using her private email server while she was Secretary of State?

If he does, will her quid pro quo be little more than to quietly accept disqualification from seeking or holding any office under the United States regardless of whether that office is elected or appointed?  Will she also agree to have her security clearance revoked with prejudice and agree to never seek its reinstatement, reissuance, or renewal? (more…)

August 21, 2015

Assessing the Damage to National Security

Filed under: Probable Cause — Tags: , — Bill @ 12:31 pm

Clinton 75opacityAs exemplified by the lede from this Wall Street Journal article on August 19, much of the national skews media have focused their questions on how much damage disclosures about the presumed compromise of Hillary Clinton’s private email server will do to her campaign for President in November 2016.

It’s a reasonable question that goes directly to the question of Clinton’s suitability to have access to national security information, a requirement to be President of the United States, but even that is one which should be further down on the list of more important questions.

In our opinion, the question that should be number one is, “Presuming that all of the emails processed through Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server are now in the hands of technically competent foreign intelligence services, how much damage has been done to the national security of the United States?”

Determinations of any criminal, professional, or political liability assignable to Clinton and others entrusted to properly protect national security and other sensitive information all hinge on a full and complete answer to that question. (more…)

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