March 20, 2008

Open Session, Thursday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 6:19 pm

It’s late because I’ve been writing my newsletter, which I will post here tomorrow. But in the process, I found another of the free-to-use cartoons during Sunshine Week. It reminds me of the upcoming CdA School District Levy–

Any other Comments, Questions, Issues?

March 19, 2008

Open Session, Wednesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 2:08 pm

To follow up on the Library money discussion we had here a couple days ago, I received info back from the city. The Finance Director, Troy Tymeson, emailed me the following answer to my question about whether the city had loaned the library money: (more…)

March 18, 2008

Open Session, Tuesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 1:16 pm

Steve Briggs from the CdA School District called me yesterday. He’s working on getting the information I requested about the remodel costs for Lakes Middle School and the estimated costs for a new Lakes building. I appreciate that he contacted me to clarify my request and the details of what I am seeking. The info will be interesting.

Any questions or comments on this or other subjects?

March 17, 2008

Open Session, St. Paddy’s Day!

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 2:07 pm

Top of the mornin’ to you” is an Irish greeting.  We’ve all heard that before.  But the answer to the greeting is something new to me.  The answer is supposed to be: “And the rest of the day to yourself!”

Someone told me about that over the weekend, so I though I’d pass it along.

Questions? Comments? Issues?

March 14, 2008

Open Session, Friday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 5:10 pm

Questions?  Comments? News?

March 13, 2008

Open Session, Thursday–Questions? Comments?

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 10:52 am

In our first Open Session two days ago, Mama Bear posed this question about the school district’s plan to build a new Lakes Middle School. She was asking about:

“…the “remodel” bid that was referred to when people did not want to lose Person’s Field. The public should have access to the plans and specifications upon which competitive bids were based. I stress the words, “competitive bid” as any real bid should have gone out to the competitive bid process. There should at least be a written description from the school as to their desired product. Hopefully, someone who has good or neutral relationships with CdA school will investigate. “

Anyone else concerned about this issue? Please jump in with this or any other topic.

March 9, 2008

Open Session: Questions, Comments, etc.

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 11:59 am

Do you have questions about things around town? Are there people or projects you think are outstanding and deserve a big thank you? Do you wonder why the county allows certain kinds of development and not others? Do you want to promote charity activities that are coming up in our community? Are the differences between Post Falls, Rathdrum, Hayden, Hauser and CdA just driving you crazy? Which teacher deserves an extra gold star? Does the School District make you frustrated and worry about your wallet? Are you pleased with health care in our region? Do you have a story about a fireman, policeman or good Samaritan? …I could go on, but you get the idea.

It’s easy. Just click on “Register” at the top right of the OpenCdA main page. Then click on the link to register. It will ask you for a name. You can use your real name or make up one, it doesn’t matter. But whatever you put in for a name will show up at the bottom of the comments you make. Most people use a “pen name” (just remember it because that’s how you will sign in each time). Then you just put in your email address, which does not show up anywhere public and is kept totally confidential. That’s it. You can join the conversation and be part of the solution. Come on in!

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