January 15, 2011

Open Session: You Get NO Vote!

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 9:49 am

Here’s a replay of a great Jimmy Barona cartoon from ’08. Sandi Bloem said NO VOTE on the Ed Corridor, and now, in 2011, she’s saying NO VOTE on the renovations to McEuen Field and Tubb’s Hill.

Our Mayor is trying to take away our RIGHT to a vote on major spending projects whose cost is beyond the yearly budget of the City.  State law REQUIRES the City to get a vote of the people for any indebtedness beyond the yearly budget unless a judge rules the expenditure “ordinary and necessary”.

So, how can they get away with this?  By using LCDC’s taxpayer money to bypass the voters.  And LCDC can take out a bond without a public vote—the city cannot.

“NO VOTE FOR YOU!  PAY UP, even though we don’t know how much it will cost.  Dream Big!”

December 31, 2010

Open Session: Last Day of 2010!

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 11:17 am

In the midst of all the corruption news, we are ending the tumultuous year of 2010 with a stunningly beautiful winter day.  What a wonderful gift!

Do you have thoughts about the year 2010?  Is it a sad passing or good riddance?  Any particular memories?

December 8, 2010

Open Session, Thursday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 10:10 pm

There are many things to talk about.

What’s on your mind?  Taxes?

Jobs?  Christmas?

November 23, 2010

Open Session, Thanksgiving

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 10:35 am

CdA Winter of '08-'09

It’s beginning to feel a lot like…oops, wrong holiday!  We’re starting deep winter early this year, but we still have a LOT to be thankful for.  Can you name some?  I’m thinking it’s great that we have a new State Representative in Kathy Sims.  I’m glad she will be going to Boise to help sort out some of this craziness.  Did you know that there’s a suggested urban renewal bill which openly allows board members to buy, own and profit from the development in their districts?  Kathy and others will be standing up against this arrogant misuse of public authority.

November 19, 2010

Open Session, Weekend

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 4:04 pm

Here’s a touch of the tropics when we might need one as the snow starts to fly.

I’m not thrilled about several things going on around town.  What are your thoughts about NIC paying off the “lease” (purchase) on their backdoor deal to buy the Mill site without a vote of the public?

What about the LCDC getting into the business of subsidizing residential houses for middle class families?

Any other issues, concerns or ideas?

October 22, 2010

Open Session: Tea Party Rescues GOP

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 10:15 am

In a great column yesterday in the Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan writes about how the GOP has not been hurt by the Tea Party movement.  Quite the opposite.  She says the Tea Partiers have rescued the Republican party.  It is well worth the read.  Here’s the link: Tea Party to the Rescue!

Any comments on this or other issues?

October 12, 2010

Open Session, Tuesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 8:51 am

Rep. Phil Hart

Phil Hart is on the front page of the Press, in a surprising article that is not complimentary, yet the Press, again, has not posted that piece online.  Are they shying away from political comments under their articles?

The contempt trial for Bill McCrory is this afternoon at 4pm, courtroom #1 in the old building.

Questions, comments, ideas?

October 5, 2010

Open Session, Tuesday Again!

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 10:13 am

While we’re still waiting on the judge’s decision in the Election Challenge case, today’s CdA Press was full of edgy stories:

Sheriff Joe from Arizona spoke at the Resort last night, the ultra-controversial Westboro Baptist Church will be picketing in our area, and several local long-term Republicans came out in an interview on the front page to say the party has been taken over by “wackos”.  My, my!  What are your thoughts?

September 28, 2010

Open Session, Tuesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 2:37 pm

As we wait for the judge’s decision on the Election Challenge,  what’s on your mind?

The fabulous weather?    Political campaigns?    The future of McEuen Field?

September 21, 2010

Open Session, Tuesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 7:02 am

While we wait, there are many other important things happening.  Let’s talk about them!  Post Falls is considering a new urban renewal district, CdA is working on their McEuen Field renovation and two of the NIC Board of Trustee seats will be contested on the Nov. 2nd election.  I was very glad to see Ron Nilson and Dr. Robert Ketchum  are running for the NIC positions!

What are your thoughts about these or any other issues?

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